Taylor Summer Update

LazurusLong's Avatar

I only posted that snippet to emphasize that GBS is NOT contagious. In the hobby, lack of info can cause people to be skittish and I would not have known that without reading those links you provided.

Considering that even the common cold and the flu might be linked to some cases, I'd hate to have anyone worry about seeing you as you get back to work.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
There are too many rumors that GBS can be triggered by the vaccine preservative Thiomersal which is an organic mercury compound. Some metals are harder for the body to metabolize and even though the FDA states that there isn't enough mercury to cause an issue, we all know that everyone is affected by medicines differently.

Another preservative added to vaccines recently is squalene which some have linked to the Gulf War Syndrome when us troops were forced to take the anthrax vaccine or face courtsmartial. All of it is speculation, but the vaccine manufacturers are the ones in charge of the testing.
Wildstar's Avatar

Sending you my best wishes and prayers for a speedy and complete recovery....

Thank you Lazurus I am sorry if it came off rude. You are correct it is not contagious
beachcomber's Avatar
Good heavens! We are all hoping that you have a full recovery.

  • MRMR
  • 02-22-2010, 05:30 PM
I wish you the best and you are in my prayers.
Hoping for a speedy recovery.
CassidyBlue's Avatar
Wow, what a journey you have been through. It is a testament to your being a strong woman that you have come so far in a short amount of time. Keep on fighting and healing girl.

Best wishes and good thoughts being sent your way.
  • OFF
  • 02-26-2010, 07:51 PM
Let me add my best wishes also for a very speedy recovery!

OFF :-)
Kendra Hart's Avatar
I prat that you recover completely Taylor.
keep your head up
curiousbill101's Avatar
Wishing u a speedy recovery..take care.
GBY... (God Bless You)
I was wondering where you were...
Hey but I'm glad, to know your getting better.
Beer Slut's Avatar
C'mon Taylor! -- Wishing you the absolute best. It was great to see you smiling and in good spirits last week.