Still got it

Guess I have to take the anchor clanker to school 1) a grunt is an Infantry Man 2) or as we in the Airborne call them "straight legs" 3) so you are half right the ladies are not hitting on a grunt, they are hitting on an Airborne Ranger cause "We lead the way" Originally Posted by LuckJack

Rangers are pussies, they cant find the way with a map.
I need some clarification -- just to hijack this thread correctly . . .

Do AirDelivered Rangers jump from perfectly good airplanes by their own accord . . . or do the Marines (that I delivered in a previously life) just push them out the back for the hell of it?

The Gunny that asked this originally confirmed it was a push and said the spelling was only partially correct -- "We Lead The Way" is actually a mispronunciation of "We are the Lead that hits first because of poor technique . . .".

Just curious . . .
TheOrignalDannie is my White Knight, thanks TOD and she can kick your Jar Head ass but so can my Granddaughter
pmdelites's Avatar
Tye-eye-ee-eyme is on his side......yes it is! ... Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie
excellent use of musical memory!!!!!
i can hear mick's voice in yours
TheWanderer's Avatar
Wow, was this thread hijacked and ran off the road.
Anyway, back on point. I have been complimented recently, out of the blue in a place that you would least expect it by a rather attractive women and it caught me so off guard that I just stood there like I was Gomer Pyle or Poindexter.
As the situation dematerialized, I realized that it wasn't just a compliment, it was a fucking hit...a hit on me.
Yeah, I blew it. I just was not expecting it in Lowes while sweaty and dirty and buying lawn fertilizer and mulch.
Going forward, I resolve to be ready anytime and anywhere but I have pondered this thought: Is it possible that I unconsciously looked vulnerable and inviting? I'm kind of thinking that if I go around everywhere all suave and cologned up, I might not get a second glance.
Thanks for stopping the inter service rivalry run amuck LOL
dallasfan's Avatar
It not really a compliment unless they can actually see....j/k.
roaringfork's Avatar
Going forward, I resolve to be ready anytime and anywhere but I have pondered this thought: Is it possible that I unconsciously looked vulnerable and inviting? I'm kind of thinking that if I go around everywhere all suave and cologned up, I might not get a second glance. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
I've found that favorable attention from civilian women is a lot like Supreme Enlightenment: "You cannot get it by seeking it; you cannot get it by not seeking it."

Until the miracle happens, I'll build my self-esteem on these old standbys from from the mouths of paid-for babes:

1) "You look like you could be one of the bouncers (or a cop)."

2) "You don't look like you belong here."
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
fat women have always found me to be handsome
Real time report , I am at work and about ten minutes ago a woman told me three times in a short conversation that she lived alone. Now this one was no prize so I am invoking sub para d) to rule #1, she has to be older than my daughter but younger than me.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 06-04-2013, 10:14 AM
...out of the blue in a place that you would least expect it by a rather attractive women and it caught me so off guard that I just stood there like I was Gomer Pyle or was a fucking hit...a hit on me.

...I'm kind of thinking that if I go around everywhere all suave and cologned up, I might not get a second glance. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
Don't change a thing you're doing and forget about being suave or any kind of act. All you have to do is change your perception of reality

What do you learn in this world if not this?: Inside every hooker is a woman. Some are nice women and some aren't but it's true.

The corollary to that is this: Inside every woman is a hooker. Some know it and some ignore it but it's also true.

E V E R Y woman. Weave that truth into your psyche. It won't make you dress differently (well actually it might but not as a costume) or behave differently toward women (you won't start groping them immediately in public, for instance but your brain will being to register women differently. You'll be much more likely to recognize (and not be caught off guard) when the gal in Lowes lets her hooker out a little. You were sort of expecting it anyway!
Iaintliein's Avatar
Other than providers it's a rare thing. And since I only rarely see providers anymore, it's exceedingly rare.

It's usually a complement/comment about my voice, from men as often as women unfortunately, a voice for radio. . . but alas, a face for radio as well.
I had two hott business clients who gave me the wink and nod years ago. One of them ran her hand up and down my back under my sportcoat and said: I think you need a massage...
At the time I had two kids under 7, a hot wife and horsing around didn't appeal to me, plus didn't want to take the chance on getting caught.

Now, the kids have their own family, the hot wife isn't hot anymore and I could kick my ASS for not giving it a go back then. Hell, been gettin' away with this lifestyle for YEARS now.
I was at the Albertsons on Bryant Irvin picking out bananas and muttered to myself, "These bananas look good, but you get 'em home and they never ripen." A short-haired brunette, fiftyish Mira Vista type, picked up a bunch and said in a childish falsetto, "This one's saying, 'Eat me, eat me!" I stood there looking at her with my mouth open. Have gone back a thousand times hoping to be ready for her this time, but have never seen her again. Originally Posted by mark77070
I've been shopping at that Albertson's since it first opened, and I've followed many the MILF type into the store (damn the summer when all the MILF's wear their sexy neon athletic outfits - I'm such a sucker for that look coupled with nice tans). I like to linger in the large, wide-open produce section where I can get a great look at them while still appearing to shop. But, I'd think I'd have the same reaction (shock) as you did, even when stalking them in horn-dog mode.