Did I miss anything? Originally Posted by malwoody
Nope. You got it. But you'll get it all backwards (which is better).


- Jackie
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 11-10-2011, 05:12 PM
most of the time when I have used the envelope(mine) the provider removed the bills and handed the envelope back. Originally Posted by ekim008
I've never gotten the envelope back. No wonder my stationary expense is so high.
. . . Well, as I should have expected, both my callers today brought envelopes and laughed their ass off about it . . . one even stopped at the desk and asked for an envelope . . .

Fucking hell. I'll guess I'll just start requiring the damn thing again . . . LOL!

- Jackie
CaptainKaos's Avatar
I'd agree about not needing the envelope, but the last time I needed one I seriously left my cash in my car, so I had to walk back out to my car and get it. Not too cool. I think it's a good idea to put it in your OWN envelope BEFORE you arrive to the spot.
That's funny Jackie....sounded like all ended well...but that's funny
Fixer63's Avatar
No Jackie leave it as is no envelope but in a card or gift is OK.
ElumEno's Avatar
Thanks to all that replied.

My first hobby experience I used the – Thank You note and envelope (She thought it was cute)

SillyGirl – Thank you for your input – you make a very good point that I had never thought about.

Jackie – Um what can I say, really can’t wait to meet you some day.
But I have this feeling that we would spend that whole time just debating the meaning of Life, The Universe and Everything.
Which I believe I would enjoy, And my DONATION is for your time only. As someone one once said ‘it’s my dime’.

I believe that my preferred method is excusing myself to the restroom and leaving the DONATION on the vanity. I’m going in there anyway to wash up.

As for the fact that if LE sees the envelope things have already gone south.
Way would I want to give them there evidence already in a nice neat envelope?
I would think it's harder to prove that that wad of cash laying there on the sink was mine.
I apologize in advance for the typical "Jackie writes too damn much, reply".

============================== ======================

IMO, an envelope is a complete waste of my time and that of my client. And, it can even be dangerous.

I can't tell you how many times someone has handed me my fee in an envelope (without my asking them to do so) with the hotel I am staying at emblazoned across the return address . . . So, I'll ask . . "Where did you get the envelope?" . . "Oh, I stopped at the front desk and put the money in it up there" . . . "Did you think that the clerk might wonder what you were doing?" . . . "Nah, I gave him / her a wink, I'm sure everything is okay".

Yeah, it is okay, it is just dandy - especially if he eyeballed you on where you just walked to in his hotel with an envelope full of cash (namely, to my suite). Did you ask him or her for a pen to write 'gift' on it too? Did you make a joke to ease the uncomfortableness of asking for the envelope and in doing so did you inadvertently tip him or her off to why you were there??

Here's how I have seen this issue from the beginning - the envelope is a complete waste of time, it makes my client have to procure an envelope (which he most likely will forget) and it adds an unnecessary step into the entire process. For MOST gentlemen, IME, the ATM is the LAST stop before my incall - not the stationery store. Depending on how / where the envelope is obtained, it can even be a tip off to someone that may already be suspicious, like a desk clerk, or a hotel maid if you grab an envelope off her cart. The envelope isn't in any way insulating me or my client in the event that something is going to go "wrong" - you can write 'gift', 'loan' or 'found this on the floor' and it won't make a bit of difference. IMHO, it also doesn't make the transaction any more 'civil' by handing me a card or an envelope instead of just politely handing me cash . . . it is what it is, you're paying for pussy no matter if you hand me cash, cash in an envelope, or cash in a gift wrapped box.

Now, if you WANT to get me a card with a note and place my fee inside, that's great, and I'll appreciate it, but I won't require it . . . I'll KNOW if you put thought into it (MidwestKid, for instance, was always GREAT at picking out thoughtful cards and a small gift - another client always brings very high quality chocolate truffles . . .). If you CARE enough to do that before hand, I'll remember you, and you'll probably get perks for your efforts . . . I love small tokens and in return I may offer you unadvertised specials from time to time if you're a regular client, I'll probably also give you choice days and times which I may not ever advertise, etc. - bottom line, if it makes you feel better, if it makes you (the client) more comfortable, USE THE ENVELOPE - just PLEASE do it with forethought, with care, smartly, in advance, and know I don't require it . . .

Now, there is a line of thinking that is harbored by some ladies that asking for an envelope with their fee begins the process of the lady exerting control in the encounter . . . some subscribe to the notion that if the gentleman will do as he is asked and place the fee in an envelope that he will be easier to control (if necessary) in the appointment, that he will 'follow directions'. Personally, it seems like a load of shit if you ask me, and more gentlemen arrive without remembering the envelope or scrambling at the last minute to find one and either way it makes them feel uncomfortable (especially at a first meeting). I don't want anything to get us off on the wrong foot, and I certainly don't want a client to arrive thinking he needed to jump through a hoop that serves no purpose. I'm a big girl and I communicate well, I don't need to require an envelope to begin some 'control' game with a new client . . .

Plus, frankly, I believe that requiring the envelope or an envelope with a card inside has the potential to actually send the opposite (wrong) message, if only subliminally, from that which I outlined in the immediately aforementioned. I have a fee, NEVER a donation - I am not a charity . . . I despise the word 'donation' as used in this endeavor almost as much as I despise the word 'hobby' - I'm a professional with a fee, I pay taxes (on every last cent), and I take care of business (very well), I don't 'hobby' - THIS IS MY DAY JOB . . . In fact, I'm more likely to give you, my client a card in an envelope thanking you for your patronage . . . you have a lot of ladies to choose from, and I want to make sure to let my gentlemen callers know I am complimented that I was their choice, that I appreciate their business and that I don't take them for granted. Offering a 'gift' for a lady's time or giving a 'donation' in this endeavor can potentially send a very mixed message - and it can even leave feelings (and sometimes other things) hurt.

I don't meet gentlemen in the same manner as Lilianna may occasionally, I will never meet initially outside of my suite, so I count and place my fee discreetly in a secure drawer or other area while my client freshens up upon arrival . . . I guess I can see that being handed an envelope in public would be better than being given a "wad of cash", but for me, it all seems unnecessary and can actually be not only a burden but also a security issue, as I outlined both above.

Plus, Lilianna is correct, if that envelope is ever noticed by LE, something went wrong a hell of a long time before that cash was ever slid inside it . . .

Anyway, just my 2 cents, sans the envelope.


- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Jackie, I've always felt an envelope was a lame attempt for some providers to be cagey or discreet, a bit like guys writing "roses" or "$.5." And yes, when guys start dissociating a provider from her profession by calling fees "donations" and giving cards, gifts, etc., the results can be devastating for clients and providers alike. Just as with strippers, so many guys let the fantasy go too far. And stopping by the front desk for an envelope while winking at the clerk? Absolutely amazing. Well, the little head is already well engaged at that point. And a provider trying to exert control before things begin? I agree, bunk; crack that whip!

When a client receives a hand written, personalized, Thank you Card, they have a tendency to remember you- ijs

Carlie Originally Posted by Carlie
Carlie, you're right. However, I'll always remember you not for whom you were, but for whom you continue to be. Over all the years, I'm quite certain you're the only lady who ever gave me cards. I remember them well! I'm afraid the world has changed for the worse since days of old and older.

. . . Well, as I should have expected, both my callers today brought envelopes and laughed their ass off about it . . . one even stopped at the desk and asked for an envelope . . .

Fucking hell. I'll guess I'll just start requiring the damn thing again . . . LOL!

- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Jackie, for those clients hell-bent on falling all over themselves trying to impress the ladies, have them bring their fee in a lockbox.
Thanks to all that replied.

My first hobby experience I used the – Thank You note and envelope (She thought it was cute)

SillyGirl – Thank you for your input – you make a very good point that I had never thought about.

Jackie – Um what can I say, really can’t wait to meet you some day.
But I have this feeling that we would spend that whole time just debating the meaning of Life, The Universe and Everything.
Which I believe I would enjoy, And my DONATION is for your time only. As someone one once said ‘it’s my dime’.

I believe that my preferred method is excusing myself to the restroom and leaving the DONATION on the vanity. I’m going in there anyway to wash up.

As for the fact that if LE sees the envelope things have already gone south.
Way would I want to give them there evidence already in a nice neat envelope?
I would think it's harder to prove that that wad of cash laying there on the sink was mine. Originally Posted by ElumEno
Mule, putting it out of sight, as in the bathroom, can be dangerous. Some have done that, and it disappeared, leading to no end of trouble. Often best to keep things above board and just face the music, but to each his own.
ElumEno's Avatar
Mule, putting it out of sight, as in the bathroom, can be dangerous. Some have done that, and it disappeared, leading to no end of trouble. Often best to keep things above board and just face the music, but to each his own. Originally Posted by hughhefner
Guess that is why there is screening - it works both ways.
Plus I've been very lucky in the ladies I've seen.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I wouldn't put anything in the envelope linking it to the provider (except for the money of course). I'd rather be able to say "Oh, there it is. I thought I lost it." in case there is an uninvited guest. By then, it would be too late, but it makes me feel better.
As for the fact that if LE sees the envelope things have already gone south.
Way would I want to give them there evidence already in a nice neat envelope?
I would think it's harder to prove that that wad of cash laying there on the sink was mine. Originally Posted by ElumEno
As has been evidenced on escort board postings forever, things do not always have to be proved to cause you great trouble. Your mere presence can be problematic enough. LE will not think you're there to buy Girl Scout cookies or to watch a Disney movie. Neither would Judge Judy. One is better off not worrying about envelopes, cards, and other niceties and being more concerned about projecting a demeanor that doesn't telegraph "john" while stumbling around the hotel like a rube. Each person's actions will have potential consequences for providers and clients who follow in the near and not-so-near future. We need to think beyond our own local actions for the good of all.

Guess that is why there is screening - it works both ways.
Plus I've been very lucky in the ladies I've seen. Originally Posted by ElumEno
The first item is that "donation" is tongue-in-cheek, pussyfooting around. Some here would say "no balls." Some ladies may not mind the ruse, but a rose is a rose. A lot of ladies do not appreciate it. Second, screening isn't infallible. Too many ladies and gents have found that out the hard way, and once screened does not mean always safe. People get leaned on and roll over all the time. Lots of ladies have done things right, yet shit happened when some well-meaning, yet ill-informed Johnny-come-lately feeling lucky decided to play hide-and-seek with the cash. Your safety could be at stake! As has been said before, if one is afraid of being up front, then he may be wise to stay back. You're lucky to have been lucky, but luck has a way of running thin in this endeavor, and one of many possible deleterious occurrences can take place.

If people go to the well too often without thanking it, they'll soon find it dry, and they'll be high and dry. Actions such as gents using envelopes and cards, which can appear to be logically sound and cute, often are not. Unless one knows a provider very well, such "gifts" can be seen through very easily for what they typically are. A rose and a ruse can occupy the same space. The ego can destroy the effects of many good intentions, and for the well-being of the provider and client, that ego is a good item to leave back home along with any artifice.
tomcat2102003's Avatar
If I am seeing someone I have seen before, I just give them the money or leave it laying in plan site. If it is a first time, I generally set it some place close to my stuff so they can see it. I have had a few want to count it in advance which is okay. After all this is a business transaction and if that makes them comfortable, I am good with it.
After reading this thread, I feel like an utter simpleton. I didn't think this could get so fucking complicated. I always thought it to be this simple: lay down the cash in plain sight, fan it a bit so she can see what's there without having to pick it up, do what we are going to do (or do nothing at all), say goodbyes, leave.

Am I missing something? Should I be reading more into things?
KCQuestor's Avatar
Envelope - no envelope, either way is fine.

I'll never forget taking a smoke break during a mixer, standing outside the entrance of a hotel, and watching a man walk past, envelope swinging in his hand. There were a few of us out there and we all just looked at each other and laughed. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I was actually going to post that exact same thing, Stacy! I remember that day well. We all said "We know what he is here for!"