America is at war with the new coronavirus. Originally Posted by TinyAmerica has been at war with drugs a lot longer than this virus.
Nobody should be prosecuted for what they think. Not with this idiot in the Whitehouse.
The premise of this thread is just plain stupid. Originally Posted by Jackie SNot necessarily. Nobody takes this president seriously when he wants to do as the title asks of his critics in the press.
The Supreme Court Confronts Trump’s Challenge to the Separation of Powers
We risk a situation in which neither Congress nor the Supreme Court can check the President, because each says that the other should do it.
Trump claims that the constitutional power of the chief executive, combined with the Supremacy Clause, which makes federal law “the supreme law of the land,” means that no prosecutors may target him while he is President, even for investigation. Trump is also claiming that a criminal prosecution would distract him from doing his job, an argument that Bill Clinton made to the Supreme Court, in 1997, in an effort to have Paula Jones’s civil sexual-harassment lawsuit halted during his Presidency. There’s certainly something to the idea that it’s very difficult for anyone, let alone a President, to perform his or her job while facing prosecution or even a civil suit—but the Supreme Court unanimously decided against Clinton, saying that, while lawsuits over conduct from before a Presidency may distract from executive duties, they are not barred as a matter of constitutional separation of powers.
As one of his biggest critics, I've wanted his head taken off. And I would not be shy to tell him to his fat face.
Fuck him.