Like son..... HUNTER INDICTED !!!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I do. And so does the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals

And Fox

And others

Like I said, I suspect there will not be a day of jail and unlikely an actual trial or conviction. This is much ado about getting the Republicans to shut up without actually doing anything. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

nice try counselor but not one of your articles addresses lying on a federal firearms form.
  • Tiny
  • 09-15-2023, 09:56 PM
I do. And so does the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals

And Fox

And others

Like I said, I suspect there will not be a day of jail and unlikely an actual trial or conviction. This is much ado about getting the Republicans to shut up without actually doing anything. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Apparently the gun charge is minor compared to possible tax fraud charges. Hunter failed to file tax returns and pay taxes on $4.4 million in income he made in 2017 and 2018.

He called consulting income "loans" to evade tax. I believe he also deducted payments to his dealer and a woman he was banging.

Now, yes, you can say he was fucked up on (subject we're not supposed to discuss here) so he didn't intentionally commit crimes. But given he's a Yale Law School graduate and was conducting a thriving business during the time he failed to pay said taxes, will that really wash? If you're so strung out on (substance we're not supposed to discuss here) that you can't pay your taxes, how is it you still have the capacity to work in private equity, whitewash companies with the Biden family brand, and purport to sell access to movers and shakers, including your father, without registering as a foreign agent I might add.

As a fair and impartial classical liberal who doesn't like to jail people unless they really deserve it, I'd be more inclined to let Donald Trump off the hook for confidential records violations than Hunter on tax charges on the basis of mens rea. Trump has a better excuse. He didn't know he was committing crimes because he's a world class narcissist.
If I understand the facts on the tax charges they are misdemeanors since it wasn’t fraud he was going to be charged but it was failure to pay. I think he’s since paid the taxes. So that likely to be irrelevant as well.
nice try counselor but not one of your articles addresses lying on a federal firearms form. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No, except that the issue is that he lied about what’s now an unconstitutional violation. So it’s unlikely they can proceed without the underlying predicate crime.

You and the dummy right Hunter haters are just slavering over shit sandwiches. They smell as bad as they taste.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, except that the issue is that he lied about what’s now an unconstitutional violation. So it’s unlikely they can proceed without the underlying predicate crime.

You and the dummy right Hunter haters are just slavering over shit sandwiches. They smell as bad as they taste. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

that's a contradiction in terms councilor. and the supreme court hasn't ruled it's unconstitutional. and they never will. when they reaffirmed the 2nd amendment they didn't do so to allow people to lie in order to ILLEGALLY obtain a firearm.

thank you valued poster
Maybe just maybe now that hunter has been indicted they will focus on Jared. Jared went to the middle east. His wife is happy with the payoff. Top secrets are very valuable

They don't need daddy no bucks anymore. They can be accepted in new York society again lol.

Or just take the money and run because they are trumps. The name worth another corruption scandal and zero billion dollars Originally Posted by Tsmokies
No, They won't touch Jarred.
that's a contradiction in terms councilor. and the supreme court hasn't ruled it's unconstitutional. and they never will. when they reaffirmed the 2nd amendment they didn't do so to allow people to lie in order to ILLEGALLY obtain a firearm.

thank you valued poster Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Well, we will see who’s correct. I suspect the Supreme Court will take up the 2nd Amendment question. No predicate crime, very unlikely DoJ will proceed with a felony trial. Nonetheless, I stand by my original statement that in Nov or Dec 2024 a pardon will make it all moot.

As for your “it’s not unconstitutional”, you’re only partially right. It’s in fact unconstitutional here in my great state of Louisiana and yours of Texas because the 5th Circuit says it is. Though a Delaware Court could ignore that, I’d be interested to see whether the Third Circuit comes up with an opposing rationale particularly considering the legality of (Staff Edit - Biomed1) in the covered states, unless they just wanted the issue fast tracked to the Supreme Court. But I have my doubts as to that approach. They’ll more likely accept the 5th Circuits reasoning and make it unconstitutional there as well.
Democrats are so adept at defending the indefensible, especially when the circumstances revolve around The Biden’s.
Precious_b's Avatar
Well, Hunter found out what happens when you turn down a plea deal.
Govt doesn't like that.
He should be prosecuted for firearms charges.