Seeking new glory hole girl

Whispers's Avatar
Perception is reality, my friend. Who knew? Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
We're friends now?


Lets meet for a drink over at Rick's Cabaret then... There is a sweet young lady just about ready to cross the line... She's very "bi" so you could probably assist in helping me get her across.... I just want one turn after which you can have her for yourself!

I do pretty well on my own but give me a lady to work with and I can pull twice the ladies from the clubs.....

ya gotta promise me though you won't be telling her about any of this 50 cants on the dollar stuff until AFTER I get mine........ I'm used to pretty high mileage for a bit less.....
gfejunkie's Avatar
I have realized what a great tool Whispers could be Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
Did she just say "tool"?

Gotta love it!

Never tried the GH. Now I HAVE to. Thanks, Taylor.

TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
We're friends now?


Lets meet for a drink over at Rick's Cabaret then... There is a sweet young lady just about ready to cross the line... She's very "bi" so you could probably assist in helping me get her across.... I just want one turn after which you can have her for yourself!

I do pretty well on my own but give me a lady to work with and I can pull twice the ladies from the clubs.....

ya gotta promise me though you won't be telling her about any of this 50 cants on the dollar stuff until AFTER I get mine........ I'm used to pretty high mileage for a bit less..... Originally Posted by Whispers
REALLY? I would love to do that! I'll even waive my strip club fee!!!!! But you still need to be screened, being how we met and all. If you could just send it over.........................

Aw, I'm kidding. Let's go for a drink at Rick's. You aren't going to embarrass me and take it back, right?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 04-24-2010, 08:53 PM
You see, y'all. This is how I thought whispers and Wicked Milf would get along some day.

Alas and alack.
atxbrad's Avatar
Taylor should hire Wicked Milf for the glory hole and Whispers should book an appointment...........that would be classic.
sixxbach's Avatar
Taylor should hire Wicked Milf for the glory hole and Whispers should book an appointment...........that would be classic. Originally Posted by atxbrad

rekcaSxT's Avatar
+1 Originally Posted by sixxbach

RedRyder's Avatar
Hell, tell us all when this rendezvous at Rick's is gonna be. There is no way it could NOT be entertaining. It could range all the way from the greatest strip club team ever conceived to the a knock-down-drag-out fight. Either way it would easily be worth the admission price.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 04-25-2010, 08:15 AM
I'm hoping for a rapprochement ushering in a New Age. Like Mr. Spock said: "Only Nixon could go to China."
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 04-25-2010, 08:30 AM
Thanks, Whispers.

"I believe she was referring to the fact that she would do all the work that goes into the screening, preparing the location, greeting and "warming up" the client, and any clean up of the location afterward."

Location prep and cleanup are negligible costs, right, else outcall would be cheaper than incall? Marketing and screening and so on, agent stuff, usually costs ~10%, not half.

Thanks for posting, Devynn.

TaylorMaiden29's Avatar

Location prep and cleanup are negligible costs, right, else outcall would be cheaper than incall? Marketing and screening and so on, agent stuff, usually costs ~10%, not half.

[/COLOR][/I] Originally Posted by 78704
I suppose you know that from personal experience?

But when you bill for approx $200 an hour for TIME on average, I can guarantee that the back end prep take up more than twice the time of the bcd. So by those standards, perhaps I deserve 66% of the glory hole tribute. I don't think that way as I monetarily value the act more than the tcb and I truly value the girl who helps me because without her there would be no glory hole.

LOL, I caught you all! Hi TX sacker, Hi 78704, hi there, Brad, and I already greeted Whispers These boys have increased my glory hole yahoo group so fast that all four probably deserve a half prices glory hole (if I were giving away my time, that is.)
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 04-25-2010, 08:50 AM
Maid service isn't worth $200/hr.

And yeah, intellectual property agents generally charge me 10-15%, depending on the market, 20% if they're lawyers.
sixxbach's Avatar
I suppose you know that from personal experience?

But when you bill for approx $200 an hour for TIME on average, I can guarantee that the back end prep take up more than twice the time of the bcd. So by those standards, perhaps I deserve 66% of the glory hole tribute. I don't think that way as I monetarily value the act more than the tcb and I truly value the girl who helps me because without her there would be no glory hole.

LOL, I caught you all! Hi TX sacker, Hi 78704, hi there, Brad, and I alrea dy greeted Whispers These boys have increased my glory hole yahoo group so fast that all four probably deserve a half prices glory hole (if I were giving away my time, that is.) Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29

Did I hear half priced glory hole??? Count me in!
Did I hear half priced glory hole??? Count me in! Originally Posted by sixxbach

Thanks for the setup sixx

I'm sure Taylor can find a SW to "tap in" just for your 1/2 price experience...LMAO

Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Though I've never been to Taylor's glory hole, I've heard a lot about it from some males and females who have. It was my understanding that her "fluffing" services were quite substantial. That there was some lap dancing involved, etc. That she was in some way a part of the show and that the act of being lead to the glory hole by a sensual woman, fluffed, and then watched by her was part of the turn on. She is present and in a sensual role throughout the session -- not some manager on a cell phone booking and then having her free time to do whatever she pleases across town while the session is going on. I even heard of a day where she worked the "hole" herself and had someone else do the fluffing, again splitting the tribute. It sounds like a team effort and a 50/50 split seems more than fair.

The 10% idea is kinda absurd. I do a lot of doubles sessions and it isn't usually both girls physically causing the pop at the same time. The presence of both is stimulating and leads to the pop, and both are equally valuable. The girl who is the direct "cause" of the pop doesn't take 90% of the haul.

Nobody has ever been forced to work the GH. Her terms are spelled out in plain English and advertised to experienced escorts (girls on Eccie as opposed to newbies off of CL) who are familiar with the market and know what they are getting into. She isn't plucking unsuspecting teens from strip clubs. These women know what their time is worth. If a lady happens to think working this GH is worth her time, who is anyone else to judge? It's certainly not my cup of tea but I don't knock anyone for trying it.