Am I seen as a Pimp?

Buckskin's Avatar
Bwahaha. I love it.
Elephant's Avatar
Now that I think about it, why DON'T you start your own agency for strippers making the transition to escorts? Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Hell Yeah! I like that idea. It seems to be highly effective in Dallas.
AidanRedd's Avatar
I personally hate it when my friends call me a pimp. I hate that word. Being a pimp would just be WAY to much of a headache.
Whispers's Avatar
I wanted to vote but felt the options in the poll were too limited, so I refrained.

I didn't want any in between or on the fence answers..... That's what comments here are for....

If you mean are you a pimp in the strictest sense of the word I'd say no unless you are actually collecting a fee of some sort from the ladies or their prospective clients, which I highly doubt you are.

That is totally accurate. Never taken a penny...never would.....

In a more general sense it does seem that you DO profit socially and emotionally from introducing girls to potential paying suitors so some people might argue that you are indeed benefiting from the introductions and making them for partly personal gain.

sociaally...... I would agree..... I never have a problem getting a date for lunch or dinner... I have ladies calling or texting daily..... and some occasionally stop by the office to pull me away for lunch.... In the long run.. they want something.... they are not there to give something.....

emotionally?.... hmmm... I guess I would need to know more about what you mean by that

I don't really know for sure since I've never met you in person but you definitely do come across on the board(to me anyway) as someone extremely emotionally invested in your ability to make those introductions... like almost to the point of having a personal vendetta against girls that have the gall to work in the sex industry without your personal stamp of approval.

Now that I will totally disagree with...... as some girls have taken time or opportunities to actually meet me or converse with me there have come to be a couple of dozen local Providers that know I do not harbor any ill will towards providers for who they are or what they do.

I totally relate to what you said about the chat room being a somewhat vapid meeting place that does tend to turn into a "look at me! look at my pic! tell me I'm still attractive!" type situation but surely you had to know that it would come across as rude and mean spirited to the girls in there at the time to take it upon yourself to post a stream of photos of strippers that you happen to know.

Yes. I can see where some ladies may have been concerned over the pics I was posting.......In My Opinion there was no comparison between the ladies rapid posting their pics and the ladies pics I posted. I know hotter chicks.... IMO.... But they were not just ladies I know. They were ladies that are lined up for the next party I'm putting together that anyone coming to the party will have an opportunity to meet. Since I looked at Chat as nothing but advertising I thought it might be a good place to promote the next party....

In fact, it would've been less offensive if you WERE a pimp or an agency because then at least you are motivated by money and it's simply business versus you taking your own personal time to remind working girls that they are(in your eyes) past their prime.

That was not my intention. It does often seem to be that ladies in the community want to think that I do what I do out of some desire to downplay them. I am going to address this in a minute..

It may have came off as malicious and the closest thing any one could think of to describe your behavior at the time was "pimp". I don't know, I wasn't there.

Now that I think about it, why DON'T you start your own agency for strippers making the transition to escorts? You already do the work...might as well get paid for it and be legit about it.

because... none of the girls I know would consider doing this for an Agency... They have a mentality and justification that allows them to look at it differently.

Of course...then those girls would know what their options are rather than being mostly secluded in the strip club world and might choose to work for a better paying agency or group of gentlemen since, as you've pointed out they are often very pretty and young and would fetch a nice rate in a more open environment. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Yes.... I would say that 80% of the ladies i know could command the $300 an hour if they actually entered this world. They have the looks as well as skills...

But they have not reached that emotional point though where they want to think of themselves as a "whore" . Don't take offense... It's the only way to explain it. I hear it all the time from them. They see it as letting me or one of my friends "help them out" with what they need and they go out with and sleep with them in return is just some step beyond the friends with benefits type relationship. I often hear a girl describe some interaction with a guy where he offered her money for sex and she is offended. Often I hear this while I'm BCD with them and I'm certainly giving them money....

In regards to my opinions regarding ladies in the community..... A couple of years ago I knew only a couple personally.... I found the selection in Austin to be outside of my interests.... And did what I have always done.... Hit the clubs and develop my own base of options.

Over the last year I've come to know a lot of ladies in the community and can sincerely say I was surprised to find one rise to the top in regards to ladies I enjoy socially as well as BCD.....

I went to some socials a few years ago and and concluded two things that were different here in Austin from what i experienced in Florida and Houston.

1) Outside of a couple of Agency girls I did not meet anyone that suited my tastes in women.

2) The Socials often were becoming too risque as the progressed for my tastes.

In Houston I wasn't the only guy that would bring girls for guys to meet. So I could always count on meeting somebody worth knowing...IMO.... And they were kept under control most of the time....

I started the luncheons as a way to meet guys and network when I quit going to the socials...

At first it was all about us and strippers.... As i got to know more ladies locally I opened it up..... But it's an invitation only event and the guys that go are strip club guys so the gals they invite will certainly have a certain look.... I can't control that in regards to who gets invited....

But for those that come I think they have assisted a lot of ladies in keeping contact with and meeting new potential clients.
Do you get a kick back and special priviledges from your stripper frinds?
Whispers's Avatar
Do you get a kick back and special priviledges from your stripper frinds? Originally Posted by BritishBabe
Kickback? Nope... Answered more than once through here....

Sometimes, after I've introduced them to a few of my friends I can't even get in touch with them when I want to....

Privileges?.... Well.... Nothing I wasn't getting before an introduction..... I've usually taken most of these gals to lunch or dinner and still do.......BCD? Nothing I don't pay for..... although they may have negotiated a better rate with a buddy that is willing to pay more.... and I still pay a lower rate..... which is no different then when you ladies grandfather a long time client as you raise rates...
harkontume's Avatar
Do you own or have you ever owned a Lincoln Cont.?

Do wear sunglasses at night?

Do your cloths cost more then your "crib"?

Do you find yourself saying "Yo" Mama! way to often?

If you do two or more of the above You May Be a Pimp.
austinkboy's Avatar
you should talk to runswithscissors about a raccoon fur coat... cheaper than mink.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 01-27-2011, 03:58 PM
I did briefly imagine you in a pimp hat at Palazio's. ;-)
While he's talking to runswithscissors about that fur coat you should be talking to me to see what you can do about this all consuming case of yellow fever I've developed. Assuming Kboy means korean...
you should talk to runswithscissors about a raccoon fur coat... cheaper than mink. Originally Posted by austinkboy
I gotta get to know whispers!!!!
austinkboy's Avatar
While he's talking to runswithscissors about that fur coat you should be talking to me to see what you can do about this all consuming case of yellow fever I've developed. Assuming Kboy means korean... Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
have you been talking to whispers?
Guest092815's Avatar
Pandering is the word that comes to my mind, but not pimp. But, you asked, I am not name-calling, ok? (no big stick needed here, whispers).

peace and love,
InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 01-28-2011, 08:41 AM
Let's call you a FRIMP.

You still hustle the girls but do it for free.
Why, did he add you to his stable and I have to go through him to get to know you now?

have you been talking to whispers? Originally Posted by austinkboy