Biden Crime $$$$$ Family Money

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... ALL paying the Bidens ... VP Joe selling influence.
And Hunter and the otheres all getting payed. ... Originally Posted by Salty Again
VP Joe wasn't selling Jack or Shit. He doesn't have the horsepower for that. Hell he couldn't even figure out how to pay his own rent and bills. VP Joe was the merchandise being sold by the rest of his family for fun and profit. At least the family had the loyalty to give him a small cut and probably some cat toys to amuse himself.
At least the family had the loyalty to give him a small cut and probably some cat toys to amuse himself. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
the loyalty? nah...hunter bitched about supporting the whole lot of 'em and especially the big guy

hell hunter fought like hell against supporting his own child

and the family wont recognize her either including doctor jill

not much loyalty going up....down or sideways in that family

like all criminal enterprises, what it is is either hang together for as long as they can or hang separately a lot quicker
... They're starting to crack... er ... fall apart.

Hunter and the others are watching their financial gains
wave bye-bye... Possible illegal money.

Me political "insiders" are claiming that what we've seen
so far is just the tip o' the iceberg. ...

#### Salty
Nothing has happened Salty. No one cares what the Republican congress does or says. They are just talking heads and empty ones at that.
biden's lawyer:

the money was seed capital for a business

but what happened to that "seed capital"?

very next day after receipt of the money

divided up among the biden family members

now that hallie biden has found out her cut was only $35,000.....out of millions...she might be pissed..i can almost hear the lamps crashing and all the screaming and can imagine the face scratching from here
Let us know when it goes from assumptions and innuendo to actual evidence that Joe was actually involved or received money.

And to help you out, it’s not illegal for me to trade on a name or connection. I can tell people all day that I know Trump and if you do business with me, I can move things so that he can bless our project so that we make more money. If you’re fool enough to go for that, that’s on you. It’s not even fraud because I haven’t made any promises of actions from Trump. It’s con/scam/confidence game 101.

Republicans are just falling for the con even worse by their own people claiming there is there there, when there really isn’t. I say search away. Make 2024 voters decide that electing republicans was a dumb idea. Thanks Jordan Comer and whatever other dummies lead these useless committees.
... It's illegal for VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN to trade on his-own name.
Or to take-in money $$$$$ or compensation from those other
nations that his son is doing business with.

You think those Chinese or Ukraine companys that payed Hunter
got any "sweetheart" deals from the OBama administration??

We're surely gonna see.

### Salty
I suppose we will. After 5 years and access to classified information the good ole Republicans in congress have less than nothing. That should tell you all you need to know.
Precious_b's Avatar
... The House Oversight Committee is now seeking "clarification"
from The White House as President Biden is saying that
payment from China to his family "Never happened"...

Seeing-as Hunter flew with VP Joe aboard Air Force 2 in 2013
to CHINA, before Hunter's firm inked a 1.5 BILLION deal with
a subsidiary of the China government's Bank of China
less than two weeks after the trip.

And there came the payments.

... Prolly just a co-incidence with things...

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Guess only potus can have secret chinese bank account. Not a VP. Originally Posted by Precious_b

if you say so

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you and VM can't play the "bias game" .. unless you want the "bias game" thrown back at ya

if you say so

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you and VM can't play the "bias game" .. unless you want the "bias game" thrown back at ya

bahahahahahahaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
not only the bias game but a biased whataboutism game
Precious_b's Avatar

Bias Rating Lean Left
you and VM can't play the "bias game" .. unless you want the "bias game" thrown back at ya

bahahahahahahaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
And foxy is right. So both cancel out.

Now, can you show me where I said there wasn't a bias? A search will show that I stated Politico is more to center than foxy.

Never played the bias game.

But you play the ignore/misdirect/don't-look-here game.
Example: why don't you show the Factual Reporting content for foxy. I have shown it for Politico more than once. You have NEVER shown it for foxy.

I'll be waiting.
... Lads... Lads... Let's keep the discussion onto $$$$$
Money and the Biden Family.

#### Salty
Guess only potus can have secret chinese bank account. Not a VP. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Let’s see if there is a contrast.

One man is a legitimate business man doing business in China, paying their taxes. All above Board and legitimate.

The other takes in money from various Chinese persons of influence, for the sole purpose of doing favors for said Chinese. He accomplishes through family members who cut him in at 10%.

That about right?