Lena Dunham's skinnier friend

How does what one idiot posts up on social media somehow come to represent the views of the entire Democratic party and all liberals or progressives?

Maybe you could fill us in on that Fucko Kid and Iffy?

She's not elected, nobody agrees with her, and she represents nobody except her own sad self. So, what is your point?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How does what one idiot posts up on social media somehow come to represent the views of the entire Democratic party and all liberals or progressives?

Maybe you could fill us in on that Fucko Kid and Iffy?

She's not elected, nobody agrees with her, and she represents nobody except her own sad self. So, what is your point? Originally Posted by timpage
i never said anything about the Democratic party, just that she's a fugly racist. unless you want to go there??
i never said anything about the Democratic party, just that she's a fugly racist. unless you want to go there?? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
So are you. What's the point?
southtown4488's Avatar
I aint looking for the approval of Republicunts, Im pointing out the racist "black lives matter" carnival barkers. Im not gonna support this crap just cause the far left says I should. When does the right stand up against the far right?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-03-2015, 08:27 AM
I aint looking for the approval of Republicunts, Im pointing out the racist "black lives matter" carnival barkers. Im not gonna support this crap just cause the far left says I should. When does the right stand up against the far right? Originally Posted by southtown4488
That is the essence of a major issue. The LW and the RW both used to keep the wackos of their factions under control. Now the Wackos have escaped and are running the circus. The same is true with Muslims, Christians, and many other groups. The loudest, most oft repeated screams are coming from the fringes far too often.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Im a Democrat and a progressive but I think the phrase "black lives matter" is racist in itself, . . . like the Houston sheriff said, can we just get rid of the qualifiers?? and say "lives matter". I think most Democrats would agree with this. There are some LOUD obnoxious people in the so called "black lives matter" but they are not Democrats, they are carnival barkers and they shouted down a respected Democrat, Bernie Sanders. Hillary would be wise to keep them at a distance. Originally Posted by southtown4488

Senator Claire McCaskill embraced #blacklivesmatter a few weeks ago. Send your comments to her office.
southtown4488's Avatar
Senator Claire McCaskill embraced #blacklivesmatter a few weeks ago. Send your comments to her office. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So I disagree with her. . .I don't have to in lock step with every other democrat. . . just like you don't have to agree with everything any other republican does.

Thats part of the problem, people think you have to tow the party line every time. Martin Omalley said "all lives matter" and that's what I agree with.

Twice As Many Blacks And Triple The Democrats Prefer ‘All Lives Matter’ To ‘Black Lives Matter': Poll


So I disagree with her. . .I don't have to in lock step with every other democrat. . . just like you don't have to agree with everything any other republican does.

Thats part of the problem, people think you have to tow the party line every time. Martin Omalley said "all lives matter" and that's what I agree with.

Twice As Many Blacks And Triple The Democrats Prefer ‘All Lives Matter’ To ‘Black Lives Matter': Poll


Originally Posted by southtown4488
Guess dat mean da ea'side of San Antonio homies will be AXING fo yo "honorary homie" card back now, since you ain't " down" wid dem ! Gonna have to advocate for La Raza now lib !
southtown4488's Avatar
Guess dat mean da ea'side of San Antonio homies will be AXING fo yo "honorary homie" card back now, since you ain't " down" wid dem ! Gonna have to advocate for La Raza now lib ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

Keep up the self loathing, uncle tom.
Keep up the self loathing, uncle tom. Originally Posted by southtown4488
You and woomby musta been the only two members of your Acme University correspondence class in amateur psychology class, suckclown ? Did you send in the extra $ 39.95 for the "upgrade" to a Master's Degree for your "diploma" ? Does your "diploma" have Internet Al Gore's signature on it or is it that bastion of truth Shrillary's signature on your degree, suckclown ? You STILL haven't explained how I could be an "Uncle Tom " suckclown . Are you too a-skeered to 'splain it suckclown ?
Are your anger issues still going on over Abortion Barbie and Leticia Van DePukes ass whipping at the polls last year for Governor and LT. Governor ? Pobre pinche mentiroso liberal !
southtown4488's Avatar
You and woomby musta been the only two members of your Acme University correspondence class in amateur psychology class, suckclown ? Did you send in the extra $ 39.95 for the "upgrade" to a Master's Degree for your "diploma" ? Does your "diploma" have Internet Al Gore's signature on it or is it that bastion of truth Shrillary's signature on your degree, suckclown ? You STILL haven't explained how I could be an "Uncle Tom " suckclown . Are you too a-skeered to 'splain it suckclown ?
Are your anger issues still going on over Abortion Barbie and Leticia Van DePukes ass whipping at the polls last year for Governor and LT. Governor ? Pobre pinche mentiroso liberal ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

Keep kissing up to those that look down on you, maybe someday they'll let u live in the house.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-03-2015, 11:19 AM
Guess dat mean da ea'side of San Antonio homies will be AXING fo yo "honorary homie" card back now, since you ain't " down" wid dem ! Gonna have to advocate for La Raza now lib ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You have already convinced everyone here that you are a racist. You can ease off the effortsnow and apply your "creative ggenius" towards something useful for a change.
Keep kissing up to those that look down on you, maybe someday they'll let u live in the house. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Is that how you got your section 8 house in the barrio suckclown ? Kissing asses of those like Shrillary and the Castro brothers who use you gruberite followers like cheap toilet paper ? Get with your lib "brother" woomby and he might be able to turn you on to some of his stash of preparation H lip balm so your lips aren't chapped so much like they are now !
You have already convinced everyone here that you are a racist. You can ease off the effortsnow and apply your "creative ggenius" towards something useful for a change. Originally Posted by Old-T
Typical odummer following liberal to scream RACIST at anyone not following the dumbascrap party's talking points and being a brain dead sheep to their cause ! I'm really hurt, Old-tranny, that you'd even think that way of me. It might cause me to loose a nano second of sleep over anything YOU say.
A tranny like you should get a discount at woomby's 'holes at Talleywackers. Go spew your word's of idiocy over there where they'll treat you like the hero you want to be but will never be.
southtown4488's Avatar
Is that how you got your section 8 house in the barrio suckclown ? Kissing asses of those like Shrillary and the Castro brothers who use you gruberite followers like cheap toilet paper ? Get with your lib "brother" woomby and he might be able to turn you on to some of his stash of preparation H lip balm so your lips aren't chapped so much like they are now ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

ur such a disgrace. . . if more slaves woulda been like you, there would still be slavery in this country.