WNY Viability/Purpose of ECCIE?

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-27-2010, 01:38 PM
Yeah, it is sorta like shopping for Stereo/Audio/Television equipment. I browse the Crutchfield Catalog or go to Stereo Advantage. Then, once I know what I want and am ready to purchase, I start price shopping and find better deals everywhere else.
More analogy: When shopping for electronics and appliances, I typically start with Amazon.com reviews. Sometimes I order through Amazon, but a lot of times I don't.
Eli's Avatar
  • Eli
  • 03-27-2010, 03:01 PM
I use e.com for reference and reviews if the reviewers look legit. It's not hard to figure out who is and who isn't on there. The review format doesn't require a lot of detail therefore the reviews generally are lacking but you can pretty much determine who is good. E.com has been around a long time and definitely has a base. ASPD had a large base in Upstate and the reviews and open info were appealing. When a good review came up there were 1000 plus hits on it and usually the provider's phone melted and business was good.

Eccie is in it's infancy and it will take time for the word to get around. Also there are competing sites which have taken some of the old aspd boys and girls. Time will tell.

As said, providers might believe a client came from E.com and quite possibly they came from here. If no one asks, they go by the contact in fo which many times is generated from the other site.

Originally posted by Major Hands:
"Well in one instance, I became interested in a provider through eccie, but the contact had to be through e.com (BabyChinaDoll)...there may be more situations where the provider has a false sense of the origin of interest. For me, both sites are complimentary...perhaps the message should be that it's essential for providers to have a presence on both.... "

I have not yet purposely posted something in the WNY forum because I prefer people to be ignorant of the fact that I lurk 'round these parts because I do not like to be messaged on this board for business purposes. I just cannot leave this alone. I would never try to speak for everyone, but I can say that I believe that you gentleman are wrong in your assumptions about why some of us will not do business here. I will not do business here because this board is not as provider-friendly as E.com. I have found that the reviews here tend to be significantly less respectful of women; some men have no problem describing every single little detail of our encounters with them, and I think that it is crass. I like to view my intimate interactions with each client as special and unique; when detailed reviews are posted, I feel like the special experience has been cheapened.

I believe that I do understand the desire to post and read such reviews. Those who do it probably do not view it as disrespectful; they may even view it as potentially helpful to the provider in terms of business. Also, you guys have a right to know what kind of experience you may be in for. I get it. I cannot stop people from posting disrespectful reviews (not unkind, mind you, but disrespectful of my right to remain a person with real feelings of intimacy within sexual encounters), but I do try to convey as best I can that I am not a classless young woman partially to avoid such occurrences.

It’s also slightly insulting for you to assume that we have no common sense regarding cause and effect. A man writes me a spectacular review on Eccie.net, and then I get ten or more messages on E.com within a few days. Do you really think that we ladies would have no idea where those men came from?

Furthermore, even though I fully recognize your right to post whatever you see fit, know that for those who prefer our most intimate moments to remain intimate, the experience doesn’t seem quite so beautiful anymore...this is why I don’t mind the gents who tell me that they won’t write reviews because they view our time together as a personal experience.
I am very comfortable with my sexuality. Would I mind Normalbob, GP, and Major Hands having a private chat with each other about their experiences with me? Absolutely not! I know and adore these men. Do I want them sharing with the world what positions they fucked me in? Absolutely not!
For those providers who are completely open about what they do with whom, I salute you! Eccie is a fine place for ladies like this, and I hope that no one thinks less of you for your unbridled natures. I know I certainly don’t. Different people are different people.
I am not writing this for the purpose of putting anyone down. Like I said, I understand the need of the gentleman to write and read reviews, and I also understand how exciting it can be to live through both your own experiences and experiences of other hobbyists! Most men are not like NormalBob; they can’t see every single lady in New York state! You also need to protect yourselves from wasted time and money.
Another aspect of this board that makes it, in my opinion, less provider-friendly, is the ability of every Tom, Dick, and Harry to contact a provider. I feel very fortunate that I get enough business without having to sift through 100+ messages a day to eventually find only 2 clients. Some of you might be surprised how hard it is to deal with the massive influx of messages even when you are generally only contacted by serious hobbyists.
Based on my past experience combined with the sharing of information with other providers, I know that a non-VIP account on E.com protects me from:
1) Time-wasting, “testing the waters” riffraff
2) “Hobbyists” who don’t know the rules of the game
3) Too many requests for time! I prefer to greatly limit my number of appointments per week
4) Haggling
I’m sure there are plenty more.
My intention, I assure you, is not to insult anybody, and I do apologize if my words came across in a harsh way. I know a few very respectful gents who have written reviews that I consider tasteless, but these particular gents would never purposely disrespect a lady! It all comes down to differing opinions. Sometimes men write reviews detailing every part of the provider’s body, every single activity and position engaged in, et cetera, and some providers love it! I don’t. That’s why I don’t belong here.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Very well stated. So well that I think you are wrong on the last line. There is room for you here. And to think I only go to brockport to get John Deere parts. Silly me. Thanks for your post.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Originally posted by Major Hands:
I have found that the reviews here tend to be significantly less respectful of women; some men have no problem describing every single little detail of our encounters with them, and I think that it is crass. I like to view my intimate interactions with each client as special and unique; when detailed reviews are posted, I feel like the special experience has been cheapened.
Originally Posted by China Doll
I'm glad you pointed out your preference, China Doll, but remember it is only your own preference.

There are some ladies who just as adamantly prefer that the gentleman write a good review for her because it will mean there will be more customers interested in her services.

Both sides have logic to support their particular view and both views have merit.

I think you simply have to convey your wishes to the gentlemen you see and they will be happy to accommodate you.
I'm sorry, Fast Gunn, I thought I made it clear that that post was based on my preference only. You're absolutely right about the idea that most men are quite willing to accommodate my preferences! The problem is that I don't always know who reviews and who does not. I suppose that I'll just have to start asking everybody...or at least informing everybody of my preferences just in case. I believe it would be worth the trouble. Thanks for the advice!
I have not yet purposely posted something in the WNY forum because I prefer people to be ignorant of the fact that I lurk 'round these parts because I do not like to be messaged on this board for business purposes. Originally Posted by China Doll
In talking with you China, I don't think you mean to imply that I've been disrespectful of you. If I've been double stupid, (stupid enough to have offended you and too stupid to know it) then you have my apologies. It's been one of my great pleasures to get to know you the little bit that I have.

I appreciate your response. As I framed this originally:

"What do you think? This is opinion time.

Why is it that the providers aren't getting a sense that eccie is doing much to help them with scheduling visits?"

You've nailed your response. Thank you.
You have not been disrespectful of me in my opinion, NormalBob. I was exclusively referring to the process of meeting new clients. Thanks for letting me hijack your thread for a few moments.
  • Chloe
  • 03-27-2010, 11:41 PM
Thanks for speaking up on this topic how you did China Doll. You stated very well the many trials we face and decisions that we must make to "weed out" the time wasters. As a women who may seem to be more "eccie" oriented and is very vocal and active on this board I in no way took any offense to your post by the way, I really enjoyed it!

As we all are different, so will be our ways . . . in every aspect

Speaking on e.com vs. eccie this has been my experience. . . .

E.com is where I get most of my business. The reviews are short and simple but lack detail giving more to the imagination and room for your own personal experiense to fill in the blanks I get many utr and traveling clients from there.

Eccie is my sexual social community. Where I can speak out be open and be me. I do not get as much business from here but this is where I have built HUGE connections and comfort with my travels. Whereas I may fill in appointments at the location of choice more with e.com or other venues my "inside info" (the best place to stay, eat, ect) and accomadating gentleman and women (rides between cites, from airports and trains, dinner and site seeing) come from those I meet here.

Hense . . . the balance is wonderful for me. I believe those that are here and dedicated to this site have in turn become more accomodating to others here as well. As individuals according to our life circumstances allow the choices that we make to keep us as involved or not as involved as possible and or desired.

I may be all over the place one month and no where to found the next month. I may be blowing it up in another area or I may have decided "Ah! client overload, time to hide!" or "Geeze, I fell out of the loop, I need to get back in."

Bottom line . . . I don't think any problems are really at hand. Just everyones individual choices putting them where they want to be placed in this private little world
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-28-2010, 05:43 AM
OK, you guys need to stop now.

The wisdom coming from this thread is melting my brain.

Excellent posts China and Chloe.
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 03-28-2010, 07:41 AM
China Doll
I know a few very respectful gents who have written reviews that I consider tasteless, but these particular gents would never purposely disrespect a lady! It all comes down to differing opinions. Sometimes men write reviews detailing every part of the provider’s body, every single activity and position engaged in, et cetera, and some providers love it! I don’t. That’s why I don’t belong here.
We have never met and hopefully some day we will.
My question to you is How do you know that some men are disrespectful by writing reviews detailing every part of the provider’s body, every single activity and position engaged in if you can not read the rest of the story part of the review?

What you also need to know is that there are many respectful gentlemen here that will never write anything in a review if it was not acceptable to the provider.
I appreciate the mutual respect with any woman that I am intimate with.
I am sure that you do not see what we have to put up with sometimes !!!!!!!!!!!!
Well said China!
You are truly a beautiful, insightful and intelligent lady.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-28-2010, 10:38 AM
I will not do business here because this board is not as provider-friendly as E.com. I have found that the reviews here tend to be significantly less respectful of women; some men have no problem describing every single little detail of our encounters with them, and I think that it is crass. Originally Posted by China Doll

Being one who has at times made mention of the off putting nature of the Penthouse Forum style of many reviews, while at the same time being a total hypocrite in allowing myself to get caught up in committing the same offense, i appreciate the input. And even though i've allowed my providers to screen any of my reviews prior to my posting them for offensive content, i realize that's probably not good enough.

It’s also slightly insulting for you to assume that we have no common sense regarding cause and effect. A man writes me a spectacular review on Eccie.net, and then I get ten or more messages on E.com within a few days. Do you really think that we ladies would have no idea where those men came from?
Here, however, i think you might be selling us a bit short if you found any comments insulting. Yes, the girls - at least the ones who care about such things - are perfectly capable of analyzing cause and effect. Without going back and re-reading the entire thread however, i don't recall any comments suggesting the girls think their business comes mostly from E because they have no idea what they're talking about. I think most of us concede the notion that the majority of business being generated by E is an accurate one. The responses i recall were geared more towards why that is as opposed to whether it was accurate.

And the caveat to my response is that this assumes i even interpreted correctly where you were coming from with your comment. To which i make no guarantees.
To DallasDave: Thank you.

To cnym: I know because I can read the comments.