What if Trump doesn't deliver

lustylad's Avatar
The thing is Republicans want more private sector jobs. Democrats push for more government type jobs. The true win is when you have a healthy mix of both. That won't be happening. Originally Posted by Milly23
You don't get it. Without the private sector creating real jobs, there is no tax base to pay for all those fake jobs in the government. Democrats want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
lustylad's Avatar
This is not Trump bashing more a discussion item. What if Trump doesn't deliver. All presidents make grand statements then for whatever reason cannot deliver. Trump's supporters have high expectations.... Originally Posted by Jeffrey Spaulding
Don't overthink it. Trump is the Lady Gaga of politics. Sit back and enjoy the show. And read this:

Nonsense. There's no pleasing you assholes. When Trump chooses a Washington insider (e.g. Dan Coats as DNI) you yell at him for not draining the swamp. And when he picks an outsider (e.g. Rex Tillerson at State) you whine about no government experience.

Whatever his Cabinet looks like, I trust Trump to hold his folks accountable. If any of them fuck up as badly as, for example, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius did with the Obamacare rollout, they will be gone in a New York minute. Originally Posted by lustylad
I don't care about draining the swamp. That cabinet that he has hasn't sent in the proper information to the ethics department. Something all previous cabinet nominees have done before hearing mostly because it's against the law not to. Trump hasn't held them accountable on that and they aren't even in office yet. Call me when that happens and I will believe it.
You don't get it. Without the private sector creating real jobs, there is no tax base to pay for all those fake jobs in the government. Democrats want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Originally Posted by lustylad
Umm I think I said we need both. And you should probably look at the amount of private sector jobs compared to government jobs under Obamac. A lot more private, actually more than fhe 8 years under Bush. It's crazy, the guy has no experience. If you were on a plane and a businessman said let me fly the plane, we need to change things up. Oh and I will not do things the same way as other pilots because change is needed. You're not staying on that plane. This guy could crash the country and you want people to be happy with that.
Yep, so true. We know Trump is not perfect. But we know America is job one for him. He will put America's interest first and not kowtow to other countries.

What if Trump doesn't deliver?
His fans don't mind. Originally Posted by Groovy Johnson
Yep, so true. We know Trump is not perfect. But we know America is job one for him. He will put America's interest first and not kowtow to other countries. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Wow so why vote for a guy who may not deliver? And even better why be ok with a president who doesn't? I guess you loved the things he implied over his nonexistent policies. America isn't job one for him. Otherwise he would divest from his company. How can he truly put our interests first if the opportunity to better his business, his kids lives and grandchildrens lives comes into play. People who voted for Trump with the opinions like he isn't perfect he may not do anything he said he will do, it's pretty obvious why they voted for him. That wall, banning muslims, bad talking AA was too good.
Yep, so true. We know Trump is not perfect. But we know America is job one for him. He will put America's interest first and not kowtow to other countries. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Oh so wrong. Trumps interest will always come first
gfejunkie's Avatar
it's pretty obvious why they voted for him. Originally Posted by Milly23
Yeah. Because he wasn't Shrillary!
Yeah. Because he wasn't Shrillary! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Hahaha sure that's what it was. How is Trump any better than her? Corrupt Clinton Foundation? Pay for play? Look at his charities and what his sons did with access to him. How about his connections to a corrupt politician from Indonesia. How about appointing the prosecuting attorney from Florida who dropped his Trump U case after he donated illegally to her. Clinton using a private server? Trump was talking to world leaders on an unsecure phone. She's Wall Streets choice? He's hired quite a few Goldman Sachs people to his cabinet. Liberal elite? How many millionaires are in his cabinet? Right the rich will be the voice of the working class, lol sure. You can look at every bad thing said about Clinton and see Trump doing the same thing or worse.
nuglet's Avatar
With the cabinet nominees he picked, there's gonna be so much trouble getting them vetted, and keeping them honest IF they are vetted, then Trump can ride out the first year by trying to look good by firing them one by one to take the spotlight off of the fact he can't do shit!! Well, other than brag how good a job he's doing.
gfejunkie's Avatar
You seem to think the dimbulbocrats in Congress have some kind of power to stop his cabinet nominees.

Guess what? They don't.

They're nothing but a bunch of sore loser crybabies. Like Milly.
nuglet's Avatar
You seem to think the dimbulbocrats in Congress have some kind of power to stop his cabinet nominees.

Guess what? They don't.

They're nothing but a bunch of sore loser crybabies. Like Milly. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
LOL and you think they don't have the power to block them? I agree they're crybabies, but that include both sides of the aisle.
gfejunkie's Avatar
LOL and you think they don't have the power to block them? Originally Posted by nuglet
Ok, I voted for Trump because I think he can deliver in the short run and the long run. In such things such as helping our veterans and getting the VA back in shape. Getting and keeping jobs in the US - Oh wait! He has already done that and he is not even President yet!
As far as his business - I don't see the problem you are referring too. And that last sentence you wrote is just plain idiotic.
I'm actually surprised that I haven't eye rolled myself into another dimension yet when I read your statements. It's clear to me that you are still pissed off that Trump won. But as Biden said to to Congress - It's over.

Wow so why vote for a guy who may not deliver? And even better why be ok with a president who doesn't? I guess you loved the things he implied over his nonexistent policies. America isn't job one for him. Otherwise he would divest from his company. How can he truly put our interests first if the opportunity to better his business, his kids lives and grandchildrens lives comes into play. People who voted for Trump with the opinions like he isn't perfect he may not do anything he said he will do, it's pretty obvious why they voted for him. That wall, banning muslims, bad talking AA was too good. Originally Posted by Milly23
Ok, I voted for Trump because I think he can deliver in the short run and the long run. In such things such as helping our veterans and getting the VA back in shape. Getting and keeping jobs in the US - Oh wait! He has already done that and he is not even President yet!
As far as his business - I don't see the problem you are referring too. And that last sentence you wrote is just plain idiotic.
I'm actually surprised that I haven't eye rolled myself into another dimension yet when I read your statements. It's clear to me that you are still pissed off that Trump won. But as Biden said to to Congress - It's over. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Isn't Sarah Palin a choice for head of the VA? Good luck with that. Jobs? I guess you forgot the post shows that compared to the 700 jobs from Ford supposedly saved by Trump, 28,000 were created under Obama in 5 years, a 50% growth. A total of 11 million created by him, compared to 1.3 million by Bush. You don't think it's that him possibly say attacking China and not Russia as he has doesn't have a chance of doing with the fact that China has constantly blocked him from getting hotels there and he owes a lot of money to a Russian bank. That could be an issue. And I'm not mad he won. It won't really effect me, mostly those working class voters he ends up screwing and that's why I find it funny. They will be the ones hurting and they brought it on themselves. It's over, you're right and the entertain is just beginning. Enjoy paying for that wall that was suppose to be paid by Mexico. Just the first of many things he won't fulfill.