Transgenders, gay or legit--or lesbian

Nothing is stopping them, but gender-fluid bathrooms make it that much easier.

So are you saying don't punish a majority because of a minority? Originally Posted by filbone
No I am saying that there will always be risks in life. Nothing stops pervs from doing sick evil things now, but gender neutral restrooms simply aren't going to have them suddenly invading ladies rooms. The small risks (that have been monstrously amplified) don't warrant not allowing TS folks to take a piss in peace in the restroom that they identify with. Creepy guys slipping into restrooms for sinister purposes are known to be mostly crimes of opportunity. To imagine a sicko going home, going thru the trouble to put on a dress, wig, makeup, etc in order to try and pass as a woman is really stretching it. Do you think that someone like that would actually pass as a female? He'd probably forget to shave off his nasty beard & mustache!