Do you guys ever...

Nevertheless, what I said is based off of physical measurements and laws, with just a few fair assumptions, like there probably isn't any intelligent life on Alpha Centauri or other nearby stars. Originally Posted by yitzchak
I am by no means an expert on the subject, or even very well informed. In fact, the subjects of UFOS and space travel are both way over my head (see what I did there?) Hiwever,I do consider myself to be an open-minded free-thinker and as such, I'll ask this...

Are not your statements, assuming they are accurate, based upon physics and laws of nature as we earthlings know them and are we so shallow as to believe that there is no way an advanced, intelligent life from another galaxy could have discovered physics laws to which we are as yet unaware, or could have developed technology to circumvent them?

I, for one, neither believe nor disbelieve in life outside our galaxy. I'm smart enough to know that I don't know everything.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Ever seen pics of the ones early 1900's. They were cigar shaped. Originally Posted by bamscram
yes, there are some reports of them in later years.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yea, it's kind of what this thread is about. There's no point in saying you saw a UFO without giving any details. Originally Posted by yitzchak

april, 2nd week, friday, 4pm 1987, gretna, Jefferson parish, la

driving white 1982 Chevy camaro, pulled up at my house driveway. I hear buzzing noise. could not locate where noise was coming from. turned radio off, still buzzing. turned motor off, still buzzing. realized that buzzing noise was coming from outside car. got out and looked around. when I looked to my left in southwest direction and looked upward. I saw a strange gray dot hovering in the sky, might've been 1000 - 2000 feet. the buzzing stopped, the gray dot flew downwards in my direction. at 75 - 100ft from me, it flew 5 feet from roof top which is about 25 - 35 ft from ground. flying at 15 - 20mph, it flew past me. it flew north east and turned east when it flew out of view. I had a really good look at it.

it was a small craft. about the size of a station wagon, about 20 - 30 feet. ovoid/oval shape. it had bluish-gray hexagonal plates. between those plates were bluish white lights radiating.
What you saw was a gameboy tied to a balloon.

Certainly, anything is possible, but it would be extraordinary, and whatever you saw was extraordinary. There's no explanation.

If there really are aliens visiting our planet, I wonder why it is being kept a secret. In the X-Files, I think their plan was to hybridize their bodies with ours so they can inhabit the earth, or something like that.

Maybe there's a reason that happened to you. Do you remember your dreams? Maybe you're an alien hybrid. Maybe you're being abducted in your sleep and you don't know it.
Were you probed, anally?
SaltyDog71's Avatar
You have to put things into perspective.

The nearest star system to the solar system is called Alpha Centauri. It's 4 light years away. That means if you were to travel to Alpha Centauri from Earth at the cosmic speed limit of 670,000,000 mph or 300,000,000 m/s, it would take you 4 years (in the reference frame of the earth). At a more realistic speed, say about 250,000 mph, it would take 600,000 years.

So, why not just travel close to the speed of light? There are numerous complications with that. The simplest is impacting small particles in the interstellar medium. A more complex argument would involve calculating the energy and time required to accelerate close to the speed of light and then decelerate. The energy required to accelerate a car in space close to the speed of light is on the order of magnitude of 10^20 Joules, neglecting the weight of the fuel required. You would need a lot of fuel, a lot of energy and you won't be traveling close to the speed of light across the entire distance.

Furthermore, Alpha Centauri is a triple star system. It consists of three stars orbiting each other, and there is no hope of finding life there.

Additionally, traveling to objects just 4 light years away is not feasible. Even if you were to somehow arrive at the star, it would take 4 years to send a message back to Earth, and another 4 years for you to receive a response. If you were to travel to a star just 10 light years away (still among the closest stars to our own), the communication delay would be 20 years. There is no effective way of communicating across that vast of a distance.

One can argue that, even if alien beings did exist, it is not possible for them to travel to Earth. Even if you could travel at the speed of light, you may still have to travel hundreds or thousands of light years before finding a habitable planet, and if you could survive the mission, how are you going to inform the folks back home? For this reason, many scientists do not believe aliens are visiting Earth.

If they are, it would have to be by some extraordinary means. Not by "nuts-and-bolts spacecrafts," as the famous alien astronaut theorist and scam artist has claimed. Originally Posted by yitzchak
Great, now I bet you are going to tell me zombies aren't real either
I just got banned from P411, I think, because I put in my bio that I am a robot manufactured by Zeta Reticulin drones in the Large Magellanic Cloud, commissioned by Ashtar of the Galactic Command. Why?
The real question is what are you doing here? You've stated that you want nothing to do with this lifestyle and all you do is insult people in your rants. Figure out what kind of life you want and then get one.
You're right to say half of what you've said. I don't think I've insulted anyone who did not insult me, with one exception. I did call someone a dumbass for misinterpreting a poorly written post I made about cigarettes in a trash can. And, maybe I called someone a ho ass trick.

Zeta Reticulins are the Gray race of aliens. Many say they are cyborg, robotic or insectoid working drones in a "hive."
pyramider's Avatar
Too bad the zetas will not fuck you either.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Were you probed, anally? Originally Posted by yitzchak
did it really take a day to ask that question?
Sure, we all know I can't get laid. Not even extraterrestrial beings will touch this dick, or probe this asshole, for that matter, if that's saying something. I'm not sure if extraterrestrials are easier than terrestrial women, but, regardless, we both know they're not going to fuck me. Maybe, agent Mulder over here can give me some advice. How did you get one of those sexy aliens to extract your semen?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Sure, we all know I can't get laid. Not even extraterrestrial beings will touch this dick, or probe this asshole, for that matter, if that's saying something. I'm not sure if extraterrestrials are easier than terrestrial women, but, regardless, we both know they're not going to fuck me. Maybe, agent Mulder over here can give me some advice. How did you get one of those sexy aliens to extract your semen? Originally Posted by yitzchak
maybe you got laid and don't know it. memory loss from abductions have side effects like anxiety attacks and other symptoms. this also includes chipping.