Farewell and best wishes!

rexdutchman's Avatar
Okay -Didn't God make woman , so to expatiate woman to have sex ,just saying ( another WK born) sorry
billdwyer18's Avatar
I find God everytime I have a session with a girl and I also help her find God:

"Oh God Oh God Oh Baby Oh God, don't stop. Oh God You are going to make me cum Oh God Baby!" Originally Posted by CG2014
When I make her say “oh god! Oh god!” I just look at her and say “umm, you can call me Bill.”
Nah, there is no god. Its just a story from long ago. Hold over from the cave man days. God would have done a lot more around here if prayer worked ( One doesn't understand the Christians pray continuously over abortions yet nothing has changed ? ). There is not god, only a strong desire inside your own heart, probably taught to you by your parents, of doing the right thing. You have felt guilty over you life's pursuits, have felt it was wrong, and want to change your ways. No worries there. And good for you. The bible certainly has some good advice, but one should be cautious when one believes he is hearing the word of god. Hold on to your wallet also. Joel Osteen, Ken Copeland, et. al. have all been proven to be hoak-sters of the first degree, and is very simple to fleece hurting, guilt ridden people out of their money with the promise of salvation. It doesn't happen, and it doesn't work. I don't believe in Islam either. Or anything for that matter. I do not hurt people intentionally, and when I do I ask for forgiveness from them, personally. People have a strong need to be taken care of, and god provides that to them.

Please understand I am not trying to change your mind, my brother. My personal belief is that this is all there is. Nothing more, nothing less. Do good to others, be true to yourself, and love lots along the way. Best of luck to you, sir.
That's like saying bad people had bad parents and good people had good parents.

People certainly have a right to their own beliefs but it always amazes me that people who don't know God claim to know what He would do and how He should act. That's just making yourself god.

Nah, there is no god. Its just a story from long ago. Hold over from the cave man days. God would have done a lot more around here if prayer worked ( One doesn't understand the Christians pray continuously over abortions yet nothing has changed ? ). There is not god, only a strong desire inside your own heart, probably taught to you by your parents, of doing the right thing. You have felt guilty over you life's pursuits, have felt it was wrong, and want to change your ways. No worries there. And good for you. The bible certainly has some good advice, but one should be cautious when one believes he is hearing the word of god. Hold on to your wallet also. Joel Osteen, Ken Copeland, et. al. have all been proven to be hoak-sters of the first degree, and is very simple to fleece hurting, guilt ridden people out of their money with the promise of salvation. It doesn't happen, and it doesn't work. I don't believe in Islam either. Or anything for that matter. I do not hurt people intentionally, and when I do I ask for forgiveness from them, personally. People have a strong need to be taken care of, and god provides that to them.

Please understand I am not trying to change your mind, my brother. My personal belief is that this is all there is. Nothing more, nothing less. Do good to others, be true to yourself, and love lots along the way. Best of luck to you, sir. Originally Posted by crashkopf
That's like saying bad people had bad parents and good people had good parents.

People certainly have a right to their own beliefs but it always amazes me that people who don't know God claim to know what He would do and how He should act. That's just making yourself god. Originally Posted by filbone
Far from it. I tried for many years and it was only empty promises. I then started to look around and notice He wasn't making any difference at all. You say you know God, then what are you doing here ? Fornicator ! Ya, me too. The orgasm is the closest thing to god I've experience.

I don't even think I am god. Not for a moment. That's something you've been programmed to reply with. A theistic argument. There is no answer to prayer, and if so prove it ! Man is stuck in a horrible condition and there is no big brother, father in the sky who will rescue you. I see the same miserable people waiting on god to save them, and it doesn't happen.

I do see some god fearing people doing amazing things, which I am simply awe struck by. These are folks who genuinely give from THEIR heart, go into harms way to aid ailing people. I dig that. I admire that in the highest way. I can not stomach Robert Jeffries or any of the mainstream preachers. I won't talk anyone down from the jesus ledge - no, not at all. I just never got it. I never felt the ' personal relationship ' with god, never believed the bible as inerrant, more Like what Jefferson ( Thomas ) : there are some good thing, and a whole lot of nonsense. I love the Jews !

Please understand I am not sniping at anyone: I simply don't believe it. I respect your views, but will not follow them. And I appreciate, most sincerely, your taking the time to respond. All good by me. At least we are thinking about it. and respectfully speaking about it.
ANn I have noticed a lot of folks who are in bad conditions were brought up that way. The nuclear family has definitely damaged the souls of countless folks. So yea, in a sense, good people are brought up in good homes / strong family units, and bad people, generally speaking were brought up in dysfunctional homes. Yes, that is a broad brush, but generally speaking I think it true. Loving, caring parents, nurturing environment. But praying never did a thing for me, nor for lots of deserving hurting people either. They are still hurting and miserable. None of that, for me, is true.

Far from it. I tried for many years and it was only empty promises. I then started to look around and notice He wasn't making any difference at all. You say you know God, then what are you doing here ? Fornicator ! Ya, me too. The orgasm is the closest thing to god I've experience.

I don't even think I am god. Not for a moment. That's something you've been programmed to reply with. A theistic argument. There is no answer to prayer, and if so prove it ! Man is stuck in a horrible condition and there is no big brother, father in the sky who will rescue you. I see the same miserable people waiting on god to save them, and it doesn't happen.

I do see some god fearing people doing amazing things, which I am simply awe struck by. These are folks who genuinely give from THEIR heart, go into harms way to aid ailing people. I dig that. I admire that in the highest way. I can not stomach Robert Jeffries or any of the mainstream preachers. I won't talk anyone down from the jesus ledge - no, not at all. I just never got it. I never felt the ' personal relationship ' with god, never believed the bible as inerrant, more Like what Jefferson ( Thomas ) : there are some good thing, and a whole lot of nonsense. I love the Jews !

Please understand I am not sniping at anyone: I simply don't believe it. I respect your views, but will not follow them. And I appreciate, most sincerely, your taking the time to respond. All good by me. At least we are thinking about it. and respectfully speaking about it. Originally Posted by crashkopf
corona's Avatar
  • grean
  • 01-30-2018, 12:19 PM
Hobbyists and Providers,

I have had an awakening and leaving the hobby. If this helps 1 person then the post was worth it---remember you have a God who LOVES you and wants the best for you. You don't have to clean up and go to God, just run to Him and He will be there to help. You probably know a Christian who talks the talks and walks the walks---go engage with them! Or do what I did. Just start reading the book of John. Crazy good and life changing...

Romans 7
15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature.[c] For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.

21 So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; 23 but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. 24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? 25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! Originally Posted by JakeDaty69
Did you have this mighty revelation during a session?
markymark's Avatar
You are a Fucking Idiot and a Moron!!!
Please understand I am not sniping at anyone: I simply don't believe it. I respect your views, but will not follow them. And I appreciate, most sincerely, your taking the time to respond. All good by me. At least we are thinking about it. and respectfully speaking about it. Originally Posted by crashkopf
Same here. And you're right when you ask "You say you know God, then what are you doing here ? Fornicator !" I can't make a strong argument for God while I'm wondering who else has posted in the Ass Worship thread.
No. No, it's the doctrine of original sin. You see, we're all born sinful, except for Jesus. who was perfect of course. And he was sent to save us. But how could he save us unless we're sinning? So we have to go on sinning in order to be saved and go to Heaven. That's how Christianity works. That's why it suits so many people.

Some con men sell life insurance. The church sells afterlife insurance. It's brilliant! Everyone thinks you might need it, and no one can prove you don't.
Brandofan's Avatar
That's because we're all in need of something... most of us try to fill it with mind numbing shit like TV, booze, drugs, pussy (as most of our case), and for others it's religion. At the end of the day, most people are just looking for a reason for existing... to have had a purpose. To know that we lived and passed not for nothing, but for something. Originally Posted by texassapper
This is my current front runner for Best ECCIE Post of 2018.

Jesus Saves.
But Moses invests!
Paul refutes that thinking in his epistles.

So we have to go on sinning in order to be saved and go to Heaven. That's how Christianity works. That's why it suits so many people. Originally Posted by GoAheadMkMyDay
I’m not opposed to religion. I think it has good advice for people. But I also think religion has been at the root of most conflicts in human history.

I have a friend who is very religious and we will have discussions all the time. I always ask him why nothing bad is attributed to God...you pray for something and you get it, God gets credit but if you pray for something and you don’t get it, no one ever says God fucked you, they say it happened for a reason and He has another better plan for you.