sticks and stones may break your bones... but words????

ShysterJon's Avatar
I have a friend who gets criticized all the time for ending marriages. She's a divorce attorney.
ForeverYoung's Avatar
Even though I only know you through your eccie posts I feel for your pain. The guy is an ass and of course you didn't contribute to his friends marital problems. They were there long before he met you. Some people have no depth of soul and only understand relationships in a superficial way.
Keep up the good posts lovey lady.
Brooke - No, you didn't do anything wrong... He made the call, he set the appt. he left the envelope....

If not you, then someone else, but it was gonna happen...

Lift the weight off your shoulders...

Sticks and stones may break my bones--- but paddles and cuffs excite me
Hawkeye9's Avatar
He ruined it himself,all by himself. I am sure it was like a last straw for his wife type of thing!!
mikahranae's Avatar
I can't believe his friend is the one contacting you...WTF? I could see the SO or her friend but that's crazy his friend is the one contacting you. What happened to bro's before hoes. LOL.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
We each make choices. Some wiser than others. I am grateful to the ladies that choose to provide services. For years I found ladies in the civie world. Some of them were married, others were not.

I make my choices. Anytime someone lashes out with agry or hurtful behavior, it's generally a reaction to their own feeling of anger and hurt.

I bet the ladies here save more relationships than they realize. I consider the members here my friends. Thank goodness I have many friends.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Infidelity is, by and large, a symptom, not a cause.

My two cents.
  • Sami
  • 05-31-2010, 12:19 AM
Brooke the gentleman call you, and it is sad but alot of woman like to point blame. Where they are Not Providing for whatever reason, whether they are to tired, or guarding there goods off in attempt for trade of something OR Absolutely just cut them off. If he wasn't coming to see you it would be another . Hold your head High!!
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 05-31-2010, 11:06 AM
As long as you did your due diligence to protect your client's privacy, there is nothing you could have done differently. It was the client's responsibility to make sure he covered his tracks.
sky_wire's Avatar
It's odd that the message is not from the guy whose marriage was allegedly ruined, but it's from his "friend." Sounds like a scam to me.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Outed on FB...DWI...called a f---king whore by some random dude...poor Brookie...

Wanna borrow my rabbit's foot?
notdeadyet's Avatar
One question might be, "How in the hell did JOHNDOE even know that his friend had seen you?" IMHO, any married hobbyist who tells anybody -- and that means anybody -- that he is seeing providers (or even fooling around with a non-provider) is just too dumb for words.
well fortworthOLDguy maybe if some people would get a life n stop tryin to ruin others... they might actually be happy one day.. UNLIKE them.. im nothing but happy no matter what Losers like JOHNDOe will never be as happy as me
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
karma will get him in the end reap what you sow...