Got white privilege?

LexusLover's Avatar
I meant the writer of the article, not the fake naacp woman

who are you meaning? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
It's a toss up!!!!

"White Privilege"? Where's the line to take a number?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-19-2016, 09:50 AM
read the article

while maybe there is racism somewhere sometimes,
It is a lot more than "somewhere sometimes"

I think her laments are mostly ridiculous because similar things happen to all people at all times for many different reasons
Yes, completely agree. And unfortunately we have sensitized some groups to take the most bigoted interpretation of words. Sometimes they ARE racist/sexist/etc., but sometimes that only comes in on the hearing.

I was walking in Manhattan in an abrupt thunderstorm on afternoon. I had no umbrella so I was hugging the buildings trying to stay under what little cover there was. So were most others. Under one narrow awning I came face-to-face with a woman of a different ethnic group and stopped. She immediately got upset and started yelling at me, essentially saying, "How dare you think you are better than I am! Why should I yield the overhang to you while I step out into the rain just because i am a xxxxx woman?!?"

Fortunately the man with her--seemed to be her husband but I couldn't tell--spoke up and said, 'No, MMMM, it is because WE have umbrellas."

what is racism is the term white privilege -tossing everyone who is white into a single pot
In this case I don't think it is tossing all whites in the same pot, I think it is stating the society judges all whites differently than it judges non-whites. But I do not agree with that categorization at all. I grew up in a heavily Hispanic area. I have worked in heavily Black offices, and in largely White ones. I have been a consultant to all-Native American organizations as well as predominantly Asian ones. It is not "White Privilege" so much as "Majority Privilege"--whatever the majority culture was in that time & place, they preferentially attached more positive meaning to actions of their own group and more negative ones to actions of any minority individuals.

The worst of this in my opinion--the most common and most blatant--are in female-majority and Japanese-majority groups.

I think most people will treat anyone according to how they act Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Once they know a person well enough to have a basis for judging "how they act", I agree. The problem is often in those "first impression" situations where we have no body of "how they act" and too often do fall back on "how they look".
to old-t

what is racism is the term white privilege -tossing everyone who is white into a single pot
In this case I don't think it is tossing all whites in the same pot, I think it is stating the society judges all whites differently than it judges non-whites. But I do not agree with that categorization at all. I grew up in a heavily Hispanic area. I have worked in heavily Black offices, and in largely White ones. I have been a consultant to all-Native American organizations as well as predominantly Asian ones. It is not "White Privilege" so much as "Majority Privilege"--whatever the majority culture was in that time & place, they preferentially attached more positive meaning to actions of their own group and more negative ones to actions of any minority individuals.

The worst of this in my opinion--the most common and most blatant--are in female-majority and Japanese-majority groups."

I do perceive the term "white privilege" as tossing all whites into one if theres an ingrained superiority of whiteness in the mind of whites and only whites, that, if in the majority or not, is pervasive and obviously racist

whites hold feelings of racial superiority according to the aggrieved and hire and fire and give favors and decide, in an almost subliminal manner, most things based on skin color

this mindset "privilege" is one that we, the harmed and affected, must expunge and liberals, who feel their guilt, assent to and scrape and bow to this nonsense. only when whites are not in the majority will all be well for then they will not hold any power and fairness will reign for whites are evil. in the meanwhile we must do what we can to shame and re-educate.

the only problem then is, when whites aren't in the majority, blacks wont be either and in search of the cause of their problems there will need to be, once again, a refinement of their scapegoats

the real problem, which is a difficult matter to fix, is that yes judgments are made by societies based on stereotypes. the thing about stereotypes is theres truth in them.

the fix isnt from top down, it can only come from bottom up
  • DSK
  • 07-19-2016, 02:07 PM
Once they know a person well enough to have a basis for judging "how they act", I agree. The problem is often in those "first impression" situations where we have no body of "how they act" and too often do fall back on "how they look". Originally Posted by Old-T
As usual, a well thought out post. If everyone where as intelligent and reasonable as you are, I wouldn't despair about our heavily divided and dark looking future in this once great nation.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I meant the writer of the article, not the fake naacp woman

who are you meaning? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I thought you were referring to the 2nd picture, not the 1st one.

you didn't reference who you were referring to.