Words matter in the "stolen election".

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So, you admit your mistake? That's mighty big of you. Do you hold your manhood cheap?

Don't think I didn't note how you wrote "convicted CRIMINAL felon". You're qualifying your answers. Sounds like an admission on your part that Clinton is a convicted criminal. You just want to argue the felon part.
VitaMan's Avatar
So what, Now come up with a reliable source where these News Organizations obtained that information. Originally Posted by Levianon17

State investigators in North Carolina are looking into the voter registration of Mark Meadows, the former Republican congressman and White House chief of staff who pushed baseless claims of voter fraud to try to overturn the 2020 election results.

The North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation is investigating allegations that Meadows registered to vote in 2020 at a home where he never resided. The investigation is being carried out in conjunction with the North Carolina State Board of Elections.

The state attorney general's office agreed to ask the SBI to investigate Meadows' voter registration after a local district attorney referred the matter to the North Carolina Department of Justice's Special Prosecutions Section, Nazneen Ahmed, spokesperson for Democratic Attorney General Josh Stein, said in an email to CNN.

The investigation comes after The New Yorker magazine reported that Meadows registered to vote weeks before the 2020 election at a mobile home in Macon County, where he allegedly never lived or even visited.

North Carolina voter records show Meadows registered at the Scaly Mountain address on September 22, 2020. He voted absentee by mail in the 2020 general election.

A spokesman for Meadows declined to comment.
VitaMan's Avatar
So, you admit your mistake? That's mighty big of you. Do you hold your manhood cheap?

Don't think I didn't note how you wrote "convicted CRIMINAL felon". You're qualifying your answers. Sounds like an admission on your part that Clinton is a convicted criminal. You just want to argue the felon part. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Sorry Barley, you lost this fight already.

4 or 5 of your incorrect posts that you were so proud of could be dragged up again I suppose.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I see... the ole "Look! A squirrel!" strategy.

The fact is that there was election fraud. The question is how much and can you recognize it when it bites your ass?

So...you've lost. The polls says so. And the headlines. And the facts. And your common sense...if you have any.
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump lost

That is common sense.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't forget to swallow your meds. The attendant will take you back to your basement now.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Trump lost

That is common sense. Originally Posted by VitaMan

And with the latest survey of Democrats that voted for Biden, "if you had known what the media suppressed about Hunter Biden and the accusations that Joe knew exactly what his son was doing and actually benefited from it, would you have voted for him"? The answer, enough Democrats said they would not have voted for Biden had they known. So yeah, Biden won from the very kind of deceit that Democrats accused Trump of doing.

All of you asking for proof, proof that has already been presented though not in a court of law yet, will have to wait till the new Republican House impeaches President Biden with the very evidence that has been known before he ever took office.
And with the latest survey of Democrats that voted for Biden, "if you had known what the media suppressed about Hunter Biden and the accusations that Joe knew exactly what his son was doing and actually benefited from it, would you have voted for him"? The answer, enough Democrats said they would not have voted for Biden had they known. So yeah, Biden won from the very kind of deceit that Democrats accused Trump of doing.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever

how gullible and naive were these dimocrat voters?

are they so dumb they make stupid look smart?

they didnt know the media suppressed the truth about biden?

every sentient pusillanimous creature walking the face of the earth knew biden's laptop was real

it takes a purposeful denial of the obvious and a mind steeling and readying itself to lie to "not know"

it is close to traitorous to vote dimocrat
HedonistForever's Avatar
how gullible and naive were these dimocrat voters?

are they so dumb they make stupid look smart?

they didnt know the media suppressed the truth about biden?

every sentient pusillanimous creature walking the face of the earth knew biden's laptop was real

it takes a purposeful denial of the obvious and a mind steeling and readying itself to lie to "not know"

it is close to traitorous to vote dimocrat Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

I actually think there is a case to be made as to how naive and gullible they were because the media did one helluva job at suppressing the information. If you didn't read the NYPost or watch Fox News, they were probably completely oblivious to the truth of the matter.

Ask any Democrat on voting day if they had heard about the e-mails that the NYPost had verified, ask if they had ever heard of Bobulinski whose testimony wasn't covered by any media other than Fox News and it is easy to understand how they were so deceived which they were accomplices in with their "confirmation bias".

Hell, look at the ones on this board after the news by the Times is now out in the open and they are still in denial like SR.

I really don't like this word traitor. It is thrown around like racist and Putinist with no regard for the actual meaning but those still in denial, I just call them ignorant fucks.
Never ceases to amuse me that stupid people can be so fkn funny. They can't even find proof of the election fraud that everyone knows about except really stupid people.

Meadows can't commit voter fraud....he's a corrupt republican lol n omg n wtf...talk about stupid people

Yes I do say n know so dah
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... The liberal lads are LIARS too - just like Biden and OBama
and the Clintons... They cheer for the same liars each time
they're caught.... They like the fact Joe Biden and the
shitty main stream media outright lied to the American
people about Hunter's laptop.

They all KNEW it was really his - and NOW when confronted
about it - they "don't give a f*uck" ---

What credibility do ANY of the liberal lads here have now?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Credibility with whom? You?

Who cares?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Credibility with whom? You?

Who cares? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

if you say so
Yssup Rider's Avatar
if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Brandofan's Avatar
Meanwhile everyone has already forgotten about the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the problems at the border and middle of the night flights, and the draconian lockdowns as Brandon successfully shifts the blame for runaway inflation and gas prices on Russia.

This assclown couldn't even run his own campaign, much less the country. Even Obama thinks so. Anyone who thinks he legitimately won the election needs to pull their head out of their rectum.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Meanwhile everyone has already forgotten about the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the problems at the border and middle of the night flights, and the draconian lockdowns as Brandon successfully shifts the blame for runaway inflation and gas prices on Russia.

This assclown couldn't even run his own campaign, much less the country. Even Obama thinks so. Anyone who thinks he legitimately won the election needs to pull their head out of their rectum. Originally Posted by Brandofan

exactly. even obama didn't want (told him not to) him to run as his sitting vp/successor in 2016 in favor of that cunt Hillary. that shows beyond fact that the Dems knew what a fuckup Biden is. they didn't want him as the nominee then to succeed obama and they didn't want him in 2020.

their choice came down to bernie who would have lost so bad to Trump you couldn't steal that many votes at gunpoint. so they fucked bernie again but sucked his socialist cock with all this woke progressive crap.

now the nation sees what that means with millions of illegal shitheads flooding in and given our tax dollars and housing, inflation running wild, and best for last their attempt at making the US a totalitarian state eric blair would have envied.

not a chance this basement dwelling fuckup won legitimately and only radical america hating socialists won't admit it.