Likes/Dislikes and all of the above

pyramider's Avatar
What would be a reason you’d want to stop seeing a provider that you were currently seeing? Originally Posted by Lia88
No more taint for me.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
No more taint for me. Originally Posted by pyramider
But what if she gave you a pic?

But back to the thread...
If she can't make coffee.
TryWeakly's Avatar
But what if she gave you a pic?

But back to the thread...
If she can't make coffee. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Everyone knows that all taint photos go thru me first... you know, for Pyramider.

Butt, otherwise... ifn the whoretard collects, stores and disseminates my IP address would be cause dismissal.
Michael8219's Avatar
Lets get back to Lia's intent for this thread.
And, leave the snarky stuff behind.
. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Ok UC. I will be semi serious. I’ve had a string of three multi-year providers...

1. First one was body to body massage/L1. I wanted it to go further but nope.
2. Second one stopped kissing. She wanted more... she got a bf and IOP decreased.
3. Still seeing the third some regular AMPs

Other items that would cause me to stop seeing her:
4. She moves.
5. Poor hygiene.
6. Stops having orgasms with me or diminished IOP.
7. She shows up at the front door begging, screaming, crying.
8. She goes BSC and posts crazy unintelligible rantings on an adult online forum.
TryWeakly's Avatar
viking14526's Avatar
Had one that was a once a week regular. I ended when she decided that we were comfortable enough with each other for her to light up and smoke not only in session but in my house. Even in the real world no one...not even my family members light up in the house.....ugh.....
1. Because I don't want to see them again
2. See #1

Lol joking (sort of) but seriously I have stopped seeing providers because

- Complacency/rut
- Effects of a dramatic life change
- Another provider I'd prefer to see more
- Disrespectful acts or drama
- Undesirable menu changes
- Priced out of interest
1. hygeine
2. messaging needing $$
3. raising rates
4, showing signs of being bsc!
1. Texting, phone use
2. Sending random texts to me
3. Menus change