Thank goodness a woman's right to choose is still intact in Texas

When you've got something specific to back up your assertions, let me know.......Jim. Originally Posted by timpage
Oh give me a break.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Government has a role to play as long as you happen to ideologically agree with that role. Hypocrite. Originally Posted by timpage
Basically, that describes almost all of us.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

You guys work feverishly to protect the life of dividing cells with no heart beat but as soon as they're born you implement draconian rules to ensure they can't get ahead in life unless they're born into privilege. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Not really, I just don't see why I should have to take care of anyone else's kids. I've taken good care of my kids and grand kids.(OK, fuck it, my wife did all the work and I provided the money, and occasionally took them to a ballgame or amusement park, but you get the idea. I never abandoned them or their lovely mother) You other motherfuckers should do the same, or else hang your heads in shame.
Judge Judy agrees with me, BTW. She hates deadbeat dads.
Anyway, I'm pro-abortion. If the parents want to kill their own unborn kids, they would probably be shitty parents, anyway, and the kids would have a shitty life anyway with parents who don't love them.
If two liberals conceive a child, the public should pay for abortions in the name of public service.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You really are amazing sometimes.
Originally Posted by slingblade
Kreskin ain't got nuthin' on me, amigo!
Kreskin ain't got nuthin' on me, amigo! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
LOL! are you sure you are not Mandrake?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
LOL! are you sure you are not Mandrake? Originally Posted by slingblade
I will check....I checked
Looks like I would be closer to Wexler.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Was Kreskn gay?
cowboy8055's Avatar
I hate abortion but realize you can't take that right away. Doesn't mean I like it. When a woman consents to an abortion she is having her son or daughter deliberately killed. There's no getting around that. The saddest thing about abortion is that many of them can be avoided if people weren't so reckless in the bedroom. Pregnancy isn't hard to avoid.
Several centuries from now, a much more enlightened civilization will look back on the greatness of the United States and say, "but they murdered their unborn children"
You must be out of Vagisil. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
And she's running low on Vodka.
Several centuries from now, a much more enlightened civilization will look back on the greatness of the United States and say, "but they murdered their unborn children" Originally Posted by Jackie S
No, they won't. They will look back and be astonished that we tied ourselves up in such knots over it. That we allowed it to divide us in ways that weren't good for the country.
Not really, I just don't see why I should have to take care of anyone else's kids. I've taken good care of my kids and grand kids.(OK, fuck it, my wife did all the work and I provided the money, and occasionally took them to a ballgame or amusement park, but you get the idea. I never abandoned them or their lovely mother) You other motherfuckers should do the same, or else hang your heads in shame.
Judge Judy agrees with me, BTW. She hates deadbeat dads.
Anyway, I'm pro-abortion. If the parents want to kill their own unborn kids, they would probably be shitty parents, anyway, and the kids would have a shitty life anyway with parents who don't love them.
If two liberals conceive a child, the public should pay for abortions in the name of public service. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You sound like negligent, lazy, and irresponsible father. Takes more than money to raise a child. You should have kept your negligence as a dad to yourself.
novacain's Avatar
50 million plus aborted and counting!
Death! Death! Death! Modern day sacrifice to their satanic gods.
Only the satanic crazies who run those who loved to be managed
would convince a woman that it's 'her' right to choose.
Ever think to yourself this may be one of the reasons why
America is imploding? Gods judgement? In Gods eyes it's murder!
Plain and simple... call it what you've been told to call it. Originally Posted by SEE3772
More babies will die and Stanza Stark will celebrate each and every one. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So it's ok for a jury of 12 to condemn someone to death, but it's not ok for 1 woman to make that same decision?

And before one of you "smarter than thou" try to spin it, I'm for both............
The Death Penalty and a Woman's Right to Choose.

Just pointing out your hypocrisy in all of this..........
Death is death in any form or situation, you are either for it or against it!
Obama Admin backing Ebola vaccines using aborted baby cell lines

The Obama Administration has chosen to back Ebola vaccines made using cell lines cultivated from aborted babies, despite the fact that the government itself acknowledged that moral alternatives could also be used, according to a pro-life organization that specializes in advocating for morally produced vaccines.

Children of God for Life says it has discovered that several Ebola vaccines in development for use worldwide are being made using the aborted fetal cell lines.

The proof of the use of the controversial cell lines in the manufacture of the vaccines is found in the patents.

According to the patents, Glaxo SmithKline (GSK) and NIAID are jointly developing their ChAd3 vector for delivering the Ebola virus gene using HEK-293 (human embryonic kidney) cells.

The HEK-293 cell line was created in the early 1970s, and was cultivated from the kidney of baby that was aborted in The Netherlands.

Likewise, NewLink Genetics of Iowa used HEK-293 cells for their VSV-EBOV Ebola vaccine in Canada, while Johnson and Johnson/Crucell developed theirs using PER C6 cells, derived from retinal tissue of an 18 week gestation aborted baby.