Amarillo soon

CryptKicker's Avatar
Good job Amarillo! SMH
Oldsailor64's Avatar
Exactly CK. We complain how dead West Texas is and when we get an opportunity to host two well-known provider's and we completely blow it. Hopefully Lubbock will treat them better.
sidekick's Avatar
I believe CK’s comment was meant to complement the Amarillo gents for not paying exorbitant prices for the income level of the area. If I am wrong I took his completely wrong. Personally I am glad the Amarillo gents did not succumb to the desires of a couple of well known ladies who have excellent reviews. I have seen TXNikki a couple of times and enjoyed my time with her. I have text back and forth with R.M. for a couple of years and I hoped I would be grandfathered at her rate since we became acquainted but it was not offered. I wish these two ladies the best but Amarillo is not in their destiny.
CryptKicker's Avatar
I believe CK’s comment was meant to complement the Amarillo gents for not paying exorbitant prices for the income level of the area. If I am wrong I took his completely wrong. Personally I am glad the Amarillo gents did not succumb to the desires of a couple of well known ladies who have excellent reviews. I have seen TXNikki a couple of times and enjoyed my time with her. I have text back and forth with R.M. for a couple of years and I hoped I would be grandfathered at her rate since we became acquainted but it was not offered. I wish these two ladies the best but Amarillo is not in their destiny. Originally Posted by sidekick
You took it completely wrong. Your interpretation couldn't be further from what was meant.
sidekick's Avatar
Sorry CK. I took it wrong but I stand behind what I said. I hope you enjoyed their company in Lubbock.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Look, I have zero problem with a gent deciding they don't want to see a provider at their price point. What is sad is to constantly try to low ball them when knowing their price point, asking for services they do not provide, and leading the lady on and wasting their time. Don't contact them if you don't want to, but don't waste their time. These are not Backpage girls and they do deserve a lot more respect.
txnikki's Avatar
Wow sidekick! So when you contacted me last week for an appointment you didn’t say a word about my rate and THEN I gave you a reference for another provider in Lubbock that is the same rate I am! She didn’t say you had a problem with her rate! Unbelievable that you have the audacity to call people out on their rates and EXPECT someone to grandfather you in on their rates?!?!?! If you don’t want to pay it THEN DON’T but don’t go around bad mouthing providers when you are paying a provider THE SAME RATE as us! And PLEASE put me on your do not see list because you will be on mine and keep my name out of mouth and off your threads!!!!
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-10-2024, 12:22 AM
I believe CK’s comment was meant to complement the Amarillo gents for not paying exorbitant prices for the income level of the area. If I am wrong I took his completely wrong. Personally I am glad the Amarillo gents did not succumb to the desires of a couple of well known ladies who have excellent reviews. I have seen TXNikki a couple of times and enjoyed my time with her. I have text back and forth with R.M. for a couple of years and I hoped I would be grandfathered at her rate since we became acquainted but it was not offered. I wish these two ladies the best but Amarillo is not in their destiny. Originally Posted by sidekick
Let's tell the truth about your bad behavior. Also remember I have all the receipts of the texts where you have harassed me for pictures and to gossip about folks in Amarillo that I have no idea who they are and don't care.

You have texted me early mornings and late in the evening. Even so much that I had to set times between 9am to 5pm for you to text. I told you that you had crossed my boundaries which is sad that I actually had to tell an older man this. You have no respect for us ladies and you even try to be a bully about it.

Just like about my rates as I explained to you about the economy and what it takes to make a profit as you said you didn't blame me. Yet you expected me to meet you for free for one drink at a bar. You don't want to pay my rate is fine but don't deserve free time from me.

You know better as I told you about your reputation exceeds itself indeed. My exact words.

Shame on you. Men like you give a bad name to the hobby. Who do you think you are to be grand fathered when you have not even met me? Your hobby privilege is showing.

Narcissistic behavior is not in fashion. Just stop asking ladies to come to Amarillo if you are that cheap.
sidekick's Avatar
I hope you enjoyed your travel and the people you met. It is too bad you have GPS and get your panties in a wad in your business. Have a good day!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Guys, play nice.
CryptKicker's Avatar
I have text back and forth with R.M. for a couple of years and I hoped I would be grandfathered at her rate since we became acquainted but it was not offered. Originally Posted by sidekick
This is probably the dumbest thing I've seen lately. You expect to be grandfathered on a rate that was available when you first started to chat this lady up. You've never seen her yet you feel entitled to her rate from a couple of years ago when you first chatted her up. Delusional much?
Oh my, isn’t this something…
CryptKicker's Avatar
I hope you enjoyed your travel and the people you met. It is too bad you have GPS and get your panties in a wad in your business. Have a good day! Originally Posted by sidekick
You are just digging a bigger hole for yourself sir.
winn dixie's Avatar
So the gentle man admits to conversing with the lady for years yet never has met her. Then has a chance and tries to negotiate?
Definition of time wasting.
And Reece having GPS? That couldn't be any further from the truth.
Good grief!
sidekick's Avatar
It is fascinating how people take a statement and make their own interpretation. If I offended R.M. then she can accept my apology. As for CK he can cover up the home he crawled out of. End of conversation for me.