ladies eccie member threatening false review (please read)

Invisible1's Avatar
Ms VI does not have a foreign accent. She speaks and writes in a combination of english, tech jargon, twenty-something slang, texting abreviations and her own phraseology. She is often misunderstood even though she generally means no harm or disrespect. I think she is pretty cool.

Please be safe, dont get in a hurry and always screen properly. You did do the right thing. His act of playing the good guy, but meanwhile selectively not giving information (like his handle or a reachable phone connection) that you need to feel comfortable about meeting him at your incall made the situation awkward and questionably safe from your perspective. You did the right thing and did not cave in when he pressured you for your address. Lesson learned....get the necessary info and screen before someone is on their way to your first check point. If contact 8 first check point and your personal red flags go up. Cancel it. Move on. Keep it simple. This is a hobby and hobbies are fun. If the fun vaporizes, then just say NO and move on. I agree with you, you are doing better and don't need another fake bs review.

Too bad you cant reveal his handle, because he can change his Google voice number anytime.
GingerKatt's Avatar
I agree Invisible1, she's gorgeous with a slammin' body. I'd do her! I just don't get why she says she's foreign, English is is a second language, she's in the military, in school, designs art sets, can somehow verify a P411 client, and whatever. But I agree she should be more careful, I have no doubt she can take care of herself, but she shouldn't have to. She is attractive and sexy enough to attract clients who will happily go through screening for her. I still think she's one of the more interesting ladies on here!
  • !VI!
  • 08-08-2015, 06:05 AM
so kat...

not sure why for any reason... you felt the need to bring this up in an alert

considering you have never met me ... or my family

all of your questions would seem aimed to cause an issue

so best way to answer this is, until you meet me please don't make assumptions .... and bad ones at that about my history... please and thank you

and i may love america but it is not home

not gonna lie i like free sessions now and then just because i'm horny, but that's different topic Originally Posted by !VI!
Where do I buy that lottery ticket?

But seriously, you don't need to justify your screening to anyone. Guys should accept it or move on. I don't fault anyone for being cautious. Just as there may be information I don't want to volunteer to a stranger, there is information that you may require to feel safe. I wouldn't enjoy a session with a lady who was too nervous or preoccupied to relax and truly enjoy herself, so if she needs more than I would be willing to give to feel comfortable, I understand. It's no one's fault, just a poor fit. The best thing about women? The world is full of 'em.
TheEccie214's Avatar
!IV! - know you've had a battle with a couple of people here that have purposely tried to bait you but that's not GingerKatt by any means. She's as genuine as they come.

You've actually gotten some fans here, the military, cosplay, and saying what you think are very attractive qualities that make you different and interesting.
GingerKatt's Avatar
Eccie 214, you are right, I am genuine and caring. But it seems to get me in trouble on Eccie so i very rarely post. There are just so many inconsistencies in Vi's stories and they could come back to bite you in that cute butt. You could do so well here and I care. I certainly care when anyone has to post an alert. I'm always really big on the truth. But I agree, your business is your business and you've never been grateful for people trying to help you or care for you and that's your right. I learned so much from reading posts from ladies who know what they're doing and do it well. You did admit your alert was for not screening. So is it an alert? Are an admission of guilt for not listening to the smart providers?
Mojojo's Avatar
Moved to co-ed
bojulay's Avatar
Since this is in coed now, let me take this opportunity
to say that !VI! is looking hot in her avatar pic

...I will admit this right now, this issue was all my fault, i didn't screen properly and i let it go too far with out screening... sorry stupid mistake on my part...

-Vi .... Originally Posted by !VI!
Then screen properly. What do you expect? You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar

Raise your hand if you honestly thought there wasn't going to be something...
And probably sooner than later.


GingerKatt's Avatar
I do hope you have good insurance and see your doctor at least weekly. Only 29 and practicing BBFS with hobbyists you don't even screen. I just read a review from a hobbyist who just joined in July, a newbie like most of your clientele. You really care more about the money than your health. Change your name to the cold sore queen. And not on your mouth. It makes me sad for you. It's not too late to smarten up.
And please don't take this in your BSC way. STDs aren't funny.
But I'm done. I was just surprised, I don't know why. Take care.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
VI, stick to your guns, hon. Ya may try not posting your number, that way you'll always get a handle or an email. My friends get screened before they get my number. That way, there's rarely any chance of pushy gents who want it "right now" and have little or no regard for my safety, ever getting the opportunity to get thru. Those who have my number after screening can then more easily get in touch. Some of the posters make it very clear they have little regard for the ladies, much less our safety, so a gal's gotta do, what gal's gotta do...ya know?
Are potatos used a lot? I think they're Irish dildos. Originally Posted by GingerKatt
Lol! A stupid, joke make sometimes too.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
She admitted she made a mistake, but people still go out of there way to pick a fight with the OP. I completely get that some of her posts rub people the wrong way, but why attack someone who acknowledged their mistake?
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... why attack someone who acknowledged their mistake? Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
Was that intended as a rhetorical question?

I suspect that an accumulating pool of personal dissatisfaction swells and swells, and, not unlike a sexual urge, in need of release lest the self be forced to confront such discomfiture head on. Thoreau called this "living a life of quiet desperation."

But thankfully, unlike in Thoreau's time, we have the internet. Our desperation need not be "quiet." We can easily spread our dissatisfaction with self upon others and find temporary relief.

This "relief" does not last long. The need again increases.

But it's something. Which is almost always better than nothing.