Who Wins First Presidential Debate

Ok, you all know I am an Obama supporter, but I have to be honest. In terms of what Romney needed to do, he "won" tonight.

He stayed on his message, he was assertive, he made direct eye contact with the President and he tried to take away all of Obama's arguments.

Now, it's interesting because on many occasions Romney ducked and dodged his own positions, he denied and denied and denied, but the President never pressed him. Obama bitch slapped his facts a couple of times but never had him on the ropes. Romney was slightly on the defensive on the RomneyCare/Obama Care area, but not enough to knock him down.

The president was competent but mainly didn't show up for this. I don't think however if that's gonna be enough to save Romney, it will help tighten the race, but Romney will not get himself to 270 electoral votes before Obama does on election night.

And over the next few days Romney's contradictions with his own former statements will be exposed on the news channels. And I still can't believe that Romney told the moderator that he intended to cut the funding that pays him! Also Romney is still avoiding details and Obama pointed that out well. And it was almost unbelievable that Romney will not admit he's cutting taxes on wealthy people. And he got away with it too!

But if I'm being honest, Romney took this one on style, not substance. If there was a winner, he won this debate. Originally Posted by markroxny
Whos next Biden and Ryan. That will be interesting.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-03-2012, 09:01 PM

But if I'm being honest, Romney took this one on style, not substance. If there was a winner, he won this debate. Originally Posted by markroxny

If you did not know better, Romney's lies looked better! He seemed more prepared. But Obama should have pressed him more IMHO.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
1. He proposed to Michelle twenty years ago? I thought they got married 20 years ago. I doubt he proposed and got married the same day
Get real. I doubt he got married or engaged exactly 20 years ago.
2. Get rid of oil depletion???????????????? That is the same as depreciation, an accounting principle that has been used for at least 100 years
Not even close
3. Lied about Mitt's tax increases 3 times Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
So disagreements are lies? Now you're lying.


   /dɪˈplit/ Show Spelled[dih-pleet] Show IPA
verb (used with object), de·plet·ed, de·plet·ing. to decrease seriously or exhaust the abundance or supply of: The fire had depleted the game in the forest. Extravagant spending soon depleted his funds.


   /dɪˌpriʃiˈeɪʃən/ Show Spelled[dih-pree-shee-ey-shuhn] Show IPA
1. decrease in value due to wear and tear, decay, decline in price, etc.

2. such a decrease as allowed in computing the value of property for tax purposes.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Mitt the Mexican Mormon vs. the Illegal Socialist Manchurian Candidate Mulatto II

Mittster won.
it doesn't matter. they wouldn't let gary johnson participate, so WE lose! Originally Posted by john_deere
Barry promised Gary some reallysweet choom if he wouldn't debate.
I'll take Romney over nOptimism anyday....fuckers
joe bloe's Avatar
Romney clearly won; he beat him like a rented mule. Obama isn't used to having his lies challenged.
Texas Playboy's Avatar
So disagreements are lies? Now you're lying.


   /dɪˈplit/ Show Spelled[dih-pleet] Show IPA
verb (used with object), de·plet·ed, de·plet·ing. to decrease seriously or exhaust the abundance or supply of: The fire had depleted the game in the forest. Extravagant spending soon depleted his funds.


   /dɪˌpriʃiˈeɪʃən/ Show Spelled[dih-pree-shee-ey-shuhn] Show IPA
1. decrease in value due to wear and tear, decay, decline in price, etc.

2. such a decrease as allowed in computing the value of property for tax purposes. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You have defined both depletion and depreciation in a non-tax context. In a tax context, percentage depletion is the method used by oil and gas companies to "depreciate" -- that is, to write off over time -- the capital costs of an investment in an oil or gas property. The debate is over how fast you get to write off your investment. Percentage depletion is simply a more front-end loaded write-off schedule.

Essentially, guys, it's the same concept.
joe bloe's Avatar
Whos next Biden and Ryan. That will be interesting. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
The real question is whether or not Biden will even show up. He may try calling in sick. Ryan will destroy him. It's a complete mismatch.
I wasn't that impressed with either of them, but I felt that Romney did a much better job of presenting what he planned to do.

AND, he doesn't have four years of failed Presidential policies to explain away.

AND, his point about bipartisanship was spot-on.

By comparison, Obama's comments about 2001-2008 vs. 1993-2000 were seriously misleading. Obama did not ever admit that the Middle East wars might have had something to do with Bush's budget issues, and he did not admit that the Republicans took both houses of Congress in the 1994 mid-term election, meaning credit for "Clinton's" 1995-2000 successes actually belongs to the Republicans.

Romney did not do a good job of pointing out that getting more people working at the same tax rates means increased tax revenues. Obama never TOUCHED the concept of getting more people working as a way to increase tax revenues. Neither of them touched the annoying fact that almost half of the population pays NO Federal income tax. Romney's point about the net effect of taxes on small business was spot-on, and Obama had no on-point answer for that.

On balance, I score this one for Romney.
Can't argue with the fact that debates help undecided voter which direction to go. I think tonight many of those undecided folks may have possibly swayed very strongly towards Romney. I think Romney did quite well. Well enough to place him as the dominating candidate in the debate.
22-5 .....fuckers and 2 claim they would not vote for Oblongo. The Inbred and CondomDS...LOL
joe bloe's Avatar
Maybe you libs are starting to understand why we conservatives call him Odumbo. Without his teleprompter, Odumbo is an empty suit.
The real question is whether or not Biden will even show up. He may try calling in sick. Ryan will destroy him. It's a complete mismatch. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Why not, sick time is a union entitlement...IJS....fuckers
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-03-2012, 09:49 PM
I think the people here who believe Romney won on a KO are having some delusional wishful thinking. I do think Romney won, but not by an overwhelming amount. He probably had the biggest "performance above expectation" because he seemed more poised than many expected him to be, and he came across as more human than many perceived him to be going in. He got what he needed to get out of the debate.

Obama looked to be playing not to lose, and he seemed to getthrough without a lot of major slips. Not very attacking even where he had some opportunities. Seemed a bit tentative at times but improved as it went along.

The chalenger always has an advantage that he can point at real errors of the incumbant. The chalenger always has a disadvantage that it's a lot harder for him to provide specifics. Both the ad and dis were evident tonight.

I though both weasel-worded a number of their answers and played very lose with some facts--lies of omission in some cases. But then what's a good politician who can't tap dance with the best of them.