Bush over Obama. Poll by CNN....

  • shanm
  • 06-04-2015, 09:57 AM
Bush had to fight the media. Obama mostly don't. I'm not saying Bush was always right, as he wasn't. Hillary won't have near the media pushback McCain had with comments of a Bush 3rd term etc... Fox News and talk radio are the only ones. And what the liberals refuse to acknowledge is that on Fox News they always have a D to rebuff the R argument. They certainly get their say. Originally Posted by derek303

You mean the D's that get shouted down every night. Who're you kidding, fox news is embarrassing.

To be fair Fox is also biased, but it doesn't seem as blatant as CNN, but that could be due to the fact that we were under Dem super majority for a while and still under a Dem president. It is funny that most liberals rag on Fox and think MSNBC and CNN are unbiased, they are comically biased. Originally Posted by Mike_Rach
"Fox is also biased".....as if there was ever any question.

The difference is that many liberals are smart enough to stay away from MSNBC and CNN. They don't worship them like Fox viewers.
Fox news is like the holy grail of the conservative side, which, if you look at how stupid it is, makes perfect sense.

I've posted this before. JS perfectly outlines the difference between Fox and the "liberal" networks.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK. If this makes more sense to you Idiot Jihadists, I don't BELIEVE in Fox News.
Bush had to fight the media. Obama mostly don't. I'm not saying Bush was always right, as he wasn't. Hillary won't have near the media pushback McCain had with comments of a Bush 3rd term etc... Fox News and talk radio are the only ones. And what the liberals refuse to acknowledge is that on Fox News they always have a D to rebuff the R argument. They certainly get their say. Originally Posted by derek303
Laughable and telling you rely on John Stewart to prove your point. Out of the box Stewart discredits himself with his claim that the New York Times isn't a liberal activist news organization that doesn't push an agenda.

Your own gullibility is splayed out.

You mean the D's that get shouted down every night. Who're you kidding, fox news is embarrassing.

"Fox is also biased".....as if there was ever any question.

The difference is that many liberals are smart enough to stay away from MSNBC and CNN. They don't worship them like Fox viewers.
Fox news is like the holy grail of the conservative side, which, if you look at how stupid it is, makes perfect sense.

I've posted this before. JS perfectly outlines the difference between Fox and the "liberal" networks.

Originally Posted by shanm
  • shanm
  • 06-04-2015, 10:43 AM
Laughable and telling you rely on John Stewart to prove your point. Out of the box Stewart discredits himself with his claim that the New York Times isn't a liberal activist news organization that doesn't push an agenda.

Your own gullibility is splayed out. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Your opinion, which hasn't ever been worth a dime, still isn't worth a dime.

The daily show, despite being a comedy show on comedy central, consistently attracts a more informed voter base than fox news, which actually ranks near the very bottom along with E news and network morning shows. Therefore your point is invalid.



As you can see, The Daily Show and the (discontinued) Colbert report consistently rank at the very top of media viewers that are informed on politics.

JS articulated exactly why he thinks outlets like NYtimes and CNN aren't liberal activists, that's a lot more than can be said about you. There's a difference between sensationalism and activism. The "liberal media" covers anything as long as it gets its viewers to watch. Jon even admits that MSNBC is trying to replicate Fox's business model.
Faux news watchers are the worst informed viewers out there. Truth.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
they're just killing time before the next episode of "Ow, my balls!"
flghtr65's Avatar
By the time our national nightmare is behind us; we will have wasted a decade and done irreparable harm to our future. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Bush43 did the irreparable harm to our future. Bush43 left the USA in the steepest recession since the great depression of 1929. He spent 2 trillion and had more of our citizens killed, than the attack on 9/11, looking for weapon systems that Iraq had purchased from the USA as far back as 1980.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-06-2015, 08:05 AM
To be fair Fox is also biased, but it doesn't seem as blatant as CNN, but that could be due to the fact that we were under Dem super majority for a while and still under a Dem president. It is funny that most liberals rag on Fox and think MSNBC and CNN are unbiased, they are comically biased. Originally Posted by Mike_Rach

More than likely due to the preconceived notion of "liberals" that they have the "correct" view of the world, which would "naturally mean" that MSNBC and CNN are just opining accurately when organize a panel of pundits to explain what Their King 'REALLY MEANT" to say when he was reading teleprompters. Originally Posted by LexusLover

We are all biased....some, like LL just don't believe that they are!
Bush had to fight the media. Obama mostly don't. I'm not saying Bush was always right, as he wasn't. Hillary won't have near the media pushback McCain had with comments of a Bush 3rd term etc... Originally Posted by derek303
Correct. The outcry about Bush's drone program was quickly silenced after Obama took over and escalated it.

But I'm starting to see CNN and MSNBC starting to unequivocally embrace Ma Clinton. After the server debacle there was pushback but since no viable Dem competitor has come forward it appears the media has decided to not bite the hand that doesn't even feed it (allow them to ask questions).

She likely realized she could take use Candidate Obama's playbook: even appear to challenge him by asking unapproved questions and the reporter doesn't get access.
LexusLover's Avatar
More than likely due to the preconceived notion of "liberals" that they have the "correct" view of the world, which would "naturally mean" that MSNBC and CNN are just opining accurately when organize a panel of pundits to explain what Their King 'REALLY MEANT" to say when he was reading teleprompters. Originally Posted by LexusLover
We are all biased....some, like LL just don't believe that they are! Originally Posted by WTF
See what I mean?

What a "dynamic duo" .... What-tha-fuck-do-I-know and BigTits.......

.... one with mind-reading skills and the other with 20-20 xray hindsight!!!

Those two could rule "the world" if they could ...

....crack the shell and get out in it.
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Socialism? Is that why he has presided over the longest consecutive streak of months with private-sector job growth?
Socialism? Is that why he has presided over the longest consecutive streak of months with private-sector job growth? Originally Posted by WombRaider
How 'bout them shovel ready jobs !! And how'd that Solyndra thing work out for you tree hugging peter-puffing liberals ? And in spite of odummer's EPA gestapo and their anti-petroleum rampage, we here in Texas added more jobs than any other state in the union, quite to the rage of odummer. And had more companies relocate to here to get away from the idiot states like Mexifornia and their confiscatory taxes. A lot more companies moved here because we are a right to work state and the unions haven't been able to emasculate the businesses here with their BS. But you want to give odummer credit for something that he has done everything in his power to stifle so as to keep "his people" dependent on Big Gub'mint. You are one clueless friggen liberal woomby / undercunt !!
How 'bout them shovel ready jobs !! And how'd that Solyndra thing work out for you tree hugging peter-puffing liberals ? And in spite of odummer's EPA gestapo and their anti-petroleum rampage, we here in Texas added more jobs than any other state in the union, quite to the rage of odummer. And had more companies relocate to here to get away from the idiot states like Mexifornia and their confiscatory taxes. A lot more companies moved here because we are a right to work state and the unions haven't been able to emasculate the businesses here with their BS. But you want to give odummer credit for something that he has done everything in his power to stifle so as to keep "his people" dependent on Big Gub'mint. You are one clueless friggen liberal woomby / undercunt !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Bullshit, you texas shitstomper. The low oil prices are wreaking havoc on the texas economy. You can have the whole fucking state. Nobody else wants that hot and dry piece of shit.

According to a comment from an executive in the fabricated metal manufacturing sector: "Our oil and gas customers have come to a complete stop. It looks like everyone in the industry is digging in for a long-term trough."



Texas, where they want to put Moses in a history book.
