The Dumbocrats are Going Down Like Flies..LOL

EagleEye's Avatar
Just keep on going to Spas Eagle. JUST MAKE SURE YOU MASK UP..LOL
You don't have to worry about LE arresting you,
because they are nowhere to be found in Lostin.
Originally Posted by Rachelina

The AMPs and my SBs work for me... better than chasing bitter old providers that misrepresent themselves. In any event, perhaps Austin is just more efficient with our tax dollars/police funding, as our crime rate looks pretty good compared to yours.

2021 Compare Cities Crime:
Austin, TX vs Miami Beach, FL

Change Cities


Austin, TX Miami Beach, FL United States

Violent Crime 24.9 50.2 22.7
Property Crime 55 95.7 35.4

Crime is ranked on a scale of 1 (low crime) to 100 (high crime)
winn dixie's Avatar
The AMPs and my SBs work for me... better than chasing bitter old providers that misrepresent themselves. Originally Posted by EagleEye
How is she misrepresenting herself?
Rachelina's Avatar

EAGLE...Have a Miller Lite like your relatives in DC THAT'S YOUR VACCINE
Rachelina's Avatar
Hey Beagle;;;
AKA Dumbocrat
Your stats are up your you know what....
This is from YOUR local newspaper..yo-yo.

"Crime rate in Austin rising faster than population growth, data shows
We wondered if Austin's population growth explains some of the growth in crime. The KVUE Defenders compared population data to crime data".

Precious_b's Avatar
Hey Beagle;;;
AKA Dumbocrat
Your stats are up your you know what....
This is from YOUR local newspaper..yo-yo.

"Crime rate in Austin rising faster than population growth, data shows
We wondered if Austin's population growth explains some of the growth in crime. The KVUE Defenders compared population data to crime data".

... Originally Posted by Rachelina

Well, I gotta say it's VERY FUNNY that the OP decides to use a source from the liberal town she's bellyaching about
But checking out the first source I found, says TX and FL are about the same for crime.

But as stated above, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  • Mjay
  • 07-24-2021, 11:43 PM
Us Californians are taking over Texas & that's a very good thing.
If you want to remake Texas in the same shit hole that California is, maybe...

Still better than flori-duh though.
Rachelina's Avatar

"Crime rate in Austin rising faster than population growth, data shows"

You have to be a DEMO
Just look in the MIRROR or read the News,if you know how to.

Have fun in LOSITIN,Texas
InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 07-25-2021, 01:44 PM
I think someone needs some Dickin Cider.
Precious_b's Avatar
Again with an article from a liberal town paper.
Guess she's a closet liberal who can't vet an article.
winn dixie's Avatar
I love it when a girl gets the libs all stirred up!

Rachelina's Avatar
Typical of Sleepy Joe's Clan with no real responses.
Why THEY DEFUNDED THE POLCE and INVITE MORE CRIME. Still waiting for Selfies of the Covid DemOs smiling and drinking Miller Lites.
Little Monster's Avatar
Just you throw a tantrum at the Voting booth, or are you a Mail in Ballot?
If so MAKE sure ONLY one ballot unlike the cronies who get away with doubling down.
If voting in person,SHOW ID.

Yep, I do go to the booth and do my best to vote conservatives out. It's worked out well the last two elections now hasn't it. Who is doubling down? Do you have any solid proof of this or just Trump's word??? I always have my ID with me when voting never had an issue with it. Do your research that's not why the Dem's are protesting these new voter suppression laws

And no sir not a tantrum.
Just Dumbocratic Lostin which is a wild,wild West city showing how the Dumbocrats screwed you and everyone else with the rise in Crime.
Nice job Dumbos,Defunding.

Well Austin has been one of the fastest growing cities for over 20 years so we're obviously doing something right now aren't we? Do worry that's a rhetorical question you don't have to answer.

And silly you're off topic speaking of Red States I am referring to Lostin,a Blue city thanks to losers like you,btw whatever your signature is,is weird in itself. Never saw that, very,very childish.
In the future don't call 911..feel sorry if you do.
Have a Miller Lite for breakfast,like those Dumbocrats on their Covid vacation trip to DC...LOL
Originally Posted by Rachelina
Off topic? Um, your initial post was about the Texas legislatures getting covid was it not? You are the one who went off topic by switching it to talking about crime, as if anyone from Miami has any room to talk about crime.

As far as my sig line goes, why yes it is childish, obviously you're not a Cobra Kai fan. I'm a child of the 80's so yes I am a fan of all things Karate Kid. Except for that stupid ass remake.

And finally I'm a Newcastle guy, not a Miller Lite guy.
Precious_b's Avatar
I love it when a girl gets the libs all stirred up!

Originally Posted by winn dixie
Ain't it? She's the cheerleader for dem Dems.

Typical of Sleepy Joe's Clan with no real responses.
Why THEY DEFUNDED THE POLCE and INVITE MORE CRIME. Still waiting for Selfies of the Covid DemOs smiling and drinking Miller Lites.
Originally Posted by Rachelina
I know! You haven't posted a nice conservative link to support the cause. So, I might as well support you there