Providers got their rant. Guys whats yours?

Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 05-05-2011, 07:05 PM
Post the REAL fucking pictures!
Not "really 5 years ago", and I don't want to hear the crap about "I need to take new ones", some guys bitch about the "facebook mirror pics", but at least it tells me what you really look like!

Also, blow those fuckers up in the showcase, it pisses me off to click a thumbnail and get a thumbnail in return

Forgot to add:
If you've been advertising in a local for 3 days that you want to come, but may not because you don't have much interest....
Send an e-mail to those that HAVE contacted you, just to be courteous!
Really sucks to be sending a lady info and requests to have them go ignored because 30 of your friends aren't also contacting her!
The same goes for the ladies that can't seem to get their visiting dates right, if you post on P411 under "times" that your available "Mon-Fri", and I send you a request on Weds, have the courtesy to send a reply back that that is not the Weds that you meant!
I will remember those that have already left and ignored me, at least when their ads were less than explicit!

Whew! And I thought I was having fun here, didn't know I had so many complaints!
tell the truth about your body, we don't expect perfect, but a spinner doesn't weigh 200 lbs.
someone asks me, i rate myself average. but i have wore the same 32 paint since high school 30 years, i work out, i treat it like a date, i prepare and very clean and smell good, EVERYWHERE????
I expect the same!!! if you are YMMV on some services, don't advertise them
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yeah, the [outdated] pictures thing is REEEEALLLLY starting to bug the shit out of me more and more these days. It's damn 2011, and some of these mofos are still using pics from 2008 and shit...and older. What the hell, man!! I don't even mind the cell phone mirror pics as long as they are well done. Hell, it isn't even hard to get someone to take a pic of you with your cell phone. I think about 99% of the population knows how to hit the snap button on ANY cell phone...or you could just show them (press HERE). Shit ain't hard. Then the burden's on the guy to be tactful when describing her in a review. Guilty of it myself at times, but I'm about to start taking the gloves off when it comes to descriptions. If I was a provider I'd be in the fucking gym as much as possible, trying to be as fine as I can be.

Ladies, I love y'all and shit, but DAMN. Come on, now.
junglemonkey's Avatar
Providers calling themselves Stallions.
spunky's Avatar
Hooktards starting a million threADS just because they are attention whores!

Just Sayin
Really, everyone is working for a living here...
Yeah, there may be a few trust fund babies on here...but generally we all work for a living.

So...Providers that:
1) feel so much that they are the center of the universe, they don't have to call, text or communicate if they have a problem making your arranged meeting.
They have the latest in cell phones, texting, email and Internet access, but can't find 30 seconds to send you a text saying my husband just came home...don't come by.

2) have little to no experience in their job, are so inarticulate that they can't give directions, their incall looks and smells like a college dorm after a weekend party...and still want to charge 5-6 times what the hobbiest makes in an hour.

3) are illiterate and unaware of current events and reality...Those born in 3rd world countries, recently arrived have an excuse...if you were born here...not so much.

As for other peeves.
Hobbiests who:

1) Write reviews to get free or reduced price services. You have no integrity or balls. Your fellow hobbiest depend on your objective review...we really don't care if you get freebies for the review...but at least stop trying to defend her when others see her and report that she ain't all that and is wishin for chips.

2) pay Nordstrom prices for Walmart level services. Here is a clue, it don't make your dick any bigger to pay more for pussy.

3) don't do a little more research before they go in...get burned...and write for sympathy...have you no shame..? You should be furious that you were ripped off.

4) post whores whose message is "Glad you liked it" or an equally useless click.

Hmmm....the espresso seems to be wearing off.....
Natasha you luvly lil bitch...can you do a cappuccino for me..?
internet_inventor2's Avatar
If I ask WHAT TIME are YOU available, I cant stand it when the response is What Time do you want ? I asked the question just give me a time or say I am not available. Most of the time I get the 'what time you want' response and I when I give one they say oh not that time how about this time, dayum I thought I asked that at first.

Ladies, I AM TRYING TO WORK MY SCHEDULE AROUND YOUR AVAILABLITY and also you dont have to tell me that you have an appointment at 12 and 1 but I can come at 2, just sayin......................... ....
If I ask WHAT TIME are YOU available, I cant stand it when the response is What Time do you want ? I asked the question just give me a time or say I am not available. Most of the time I get the 'what time you want' response and I when I give one they say oh not that time how about this time, dayum I thought I asked that at first.

Ladies, I AM TRYING TO WORK MY SCHEDULE AROUND YOUR AVAILABLITY and also you dont have to tell me that you have an appointment at 12 and 1 but I can come at 2, just sayin......................... .... Originally Posted by internet_inventor2

Totally guilty of this one. I'm fairly low volume. I can work my schedule around yours so I always ask what's best for my gentlemen friends. But your right. It kinda sounds like the typical female response: Husband asks, "What do you want to go for supper Baby?" Wife responds, "I don't know what do you want.:
LexusLover's Avatar
It kinda sounds like the typical female response: Husband asks, "What do you want to go for supper Baby?" Wife responds, "I don't know what do you want.: Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
"What do you want to go for supper..."

I don't recall ever asking that .... but I have heard ....

"I don't know what do you want."

Often followed with .....

...."I really don't want to go there"!....

after I mention her last "favorite" place to go.
LexusLover's Avatar
Not a rant, just a question ...

Do you ladies who start a lot of threads and post a lot of b.s. in others' threads generate a lot of positive acivity from your excessive posting?

I mean do you ask guys: Did you contact me, because I post so much?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Don't know how the ladies are going to respond but I do know that I personally have seen more than one provider based on her posting and posting style. I've also decided against seeing more than one provider based on their posts....
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 05-06-2011, 07:41 AM
Hell even McDonalds requires thier employees to be customer oriented. The DMV or the Post Office might be a better fit. Originally Posted by junglemonkey
Excellent point. You are correct. Either of those places would be a better fit.
Lincolnpark's Avatar
I've also decided against seeing more than one provider based on their posts.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
+1,2 and 3 !!!
LexusLover's Avatar
I've also decided against seeing more than one provider based on their posts.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
"A dog that brings a bone, will carry one."