Coffee dates for meet and greet

Charlie_Bang_Bang69's Avatar
I miss the socials also.. how about some meet and greet with drinks at any Strip club? Less attention or worries there, right? Plus some drinks and dances make things more fun and comfortable. You can always just leave with no pressure if not feeling it. What think?
sophieleediax's Avatar
Definitely something I would consider.
I do them
guy fawkes's Avatar
OP..Interesting take....

As stated throughout the answers there are PROS and CONS. As for myself that is something I have proposed to a few women I have seen in PAT and PRESENT. My set up is I get to a coffee shop prior and often I am working on my future projects. I ask the woman to meet at min a hour after I have been at set shop. We possibly agree on a rate for the time of meet and greet. Some request a fee some just want as we always do the price of meal and tip covered (I have had a few lunch meet and greets..Again no harm in asking the woman you wish to meet and respect their answer and time. HAPPY TIMES
Charlie_Bang_Bang69's Avatar
PM me ladies, we can set something up... drinks and fun on me and then hopefully if chemistry good, then fun later.. MMM
I was chatting with a guy with a limited hobby budget, and he's looking for a few regulars after a long time away from the hobby. His strategy is to set up coffee dates as a one-on-one meet and greet. Maybe 20 or 30 minutes tops, and he always tips the gals maybe $40 to $60 for their time, proportionate to their advertised rates.

Any thoughts on this practice? Seems like a pretty good idea to find out if there is chemistry before booking a play date. Ladies, is this something you would consider? If so, what would you consider adequate compensation for your time?

I'm intrigued because it doesn't seem to be a common practice, near as I can tell. I guess everything has it's pros and cons, so I'm interested in what they might be before taking a page from his play book. Originally Posted by Dev Null
I think this is a great idea! I personally prefer to talk a bit since I think chemistry and commonality are super important. I would definitely consider this a most respectful offer in reality, this gives equal footing, security and an opportunity to discuss interests without cutting into a set timeframe. Thanks for this! I've always been open to something like this, I don't guess it's something many would automatically go to, on either side, speaking for myself of course.

And hello! I have been on a brief hiatus so I haven't been around here for a few! Let's catch up if you want to say hi!
(staff edit; contact info removed; z)
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I've met one guy for coffee, but it ended back at my place because we hit it off. But I wasn't that comfortable doing it that way. One way is to try a quick visit with the lady of his choosing after chatting with her to see if they click. That way he's not out paying for an hour or longer.