a very weak college degree it is, indeed, that gives one the understanding that a college degree is worth a million bucks! if the earnings difference for a lifetime between those with and without such degree is a million dollars
have not the proponents of such preposterousness ever heard of the time value of money or present value?
what about the cost of the college degree itself, paid in the earliest years, or paid over time with interest, while the biggest earnings difference is supposedly in the peak earnings years some 30 years or so distant and then there is the four or five or six upfront years of earnings for those who didn't go to college
some college degrees are even detrimental depending on the field, as those from a very leftist college. On the resume, went there, with that degree? no thanks
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The average starting salary for college graduates is just over $50,000. Obviously some degrees like EE will be higher. With a college degree, I earned well over $2 million dollars during my career. Cost of my college education -- around $12,000. My son graduated at a cost of about $80,000 (5 years). He will make well over $3 million during his career, assuming he stays on the path he is right now. His college degree was in Political Science which has absolutely NOTHING to do with the career he chose.
Yes, the college that one attends is a major factor in one's future career. The median graduate of Georgia Tech will earn $65,700 right out of college. Princeton $67,000. Stanford $70,000. Cal Tech $78,400. Compare those salaries to those of people entering the work force with just a HS diploma. Huffington Post research says that college graduates will earn on average $23,000 more than HS graduates their first year of work.
Yes, a college education is costly, but financial aid is very easily obtainable. And a person can be very financially successful without a college degree.