The struggle continues.....A dilemma of being a whore monger on a budget.

Nicole Cox's Avatar
Work is SLOW as shit, but I've managed to scrounge up about $150 in cash. I had blown all of my "hobby" cash that I had saved up on a bunch of bargain hookers over the past month or so, but I've still got the urge to plow someone. I see that BBW Chick is back down the bayou and while I was only marginally attracted to her, her head game was top notch and her pussy wet. Also, most importantly, she's in the price range. I was thinking of calling her tonight.

The Problem: I FUCKING FORGOT ABOUT MOTHER'S DAY!!! SHIT!!! Do I use my hooker money on the wife? Same shit happened around Christmas where I had some "hobby" money and I blew the money on my wife. Almost as soon she got the presents, I regretted not using that cash on a hooker. Still, it is Mother's Day we're talking about. But, on the other hand, I'M FUCKING HORNY, DAMMIT!!!

Oh well, we'll see which head prevails. Originally Posted by albundy

Ahh. The struggle is real. And the laughs that I got from this have made my day. Congrats on the free date.
Albundy you are hilarious.... I am still laughing at your post... Better book the date Annie offered you... Isn't that so sweet of her?? Always looking out for others.
Monger means dealer as in Fish Monger being a seller of fish.
You are one lucky man Bundy. Have fun.
You wouldn't be asking if you didn't already know the right thing to do, and I am confident my friend, Al Bundy, will do the right thing. That old line about she's not YOUR mother is manpig talk. Regardless of how badly you talk about and refer to her here, the truth is she clearly means a lot to you, and has been an undeniably GOOD presence in your life. Honor her properly. As others have offered, you will survive the weekend, and you will feel better about yourself and your wife and relationship with her if you do the right thing.
albundy's Avatar
Monger means dealer as in Fish Monger being a seller of fish. Originally Posted by David-Louisiana

noun: whoremonger; plural noun: whoremongers
  1. a person who has dealings with prostitutes, especially a sexually promiscuous man.


This is what I am.
albundy's Avatar
Albundy you are hilarious.... I am still laughing at your post... Better book the date Annie offered you... Isn't that so sweet of her?? Always looking out for others.
M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
She's cool as shit. I talked to her on the phone for well over an hour last night. Man! Has she got some stories! She's great.

As for as who to pick, Any of those chicks would do, man. I went to Annie's website and my head was spinning looking at those girls. HOLY SHIT!!!

I'm REALLY trying to figure out a way to do this. I'll figure out something. I want to see "how the other half lives". It'll be nice to get a hooker that I actually WANT to go down on for a change. HA!!!

But anyway, thanks again Annie. I still can't believe it. WOW!!!
I will buy u your date....we girls are very interested in if black / white. Old or fat... cause u always use unabtaniab le info...including refs. So PLEASE CONTACT ME FOR YOUR NON 150 AN HOUR CHICK BOO!! HAPPY MOM'S DAY. .P.S I'LL GIVE U A WEEK... that fair for free date??? Xxoo Annie. P.S. guys stand Originally Posted by annie@christophers
Annie, you sound so very sincere, like you are not kidding. If you are being serious, I want to say you almost brought a tear to my eye - at least I THINK it would have been a tear, but I have such a build-up it might be something else, hahahaaaaa- I had just told Al it was time for one of his funny posts, and he did not disappoint. Laughter is indeed powerful stuff, and I am so touched and impressed that you are doing such a wonderful, generous, sweet, and beautiful thing for him. As a fellow human being, I want to thank you for being so wonderful. It's a bit mucked up because Sunday IS Mother's day, Al's wife is mother of his child/children, whatever, and Al is the beneficiary of your amazing and generous gesture. I am (almost) speechless, and especially sensitive and touched by your beautiful gesture because I lost my dear mother very, VERY recently. She was very, very sweet just like you seem to be, so, well I thank you for Al, and I hope he has the time of his life.
well, I'm late to the party, but a few suggestions, Al, if the generous offer does not work out:

1) find a gal you really don't like, go BBFS, get her pregnant - and BAM! Mother's day has meaning again! You MADE a MOTHER for Mother's day!!

2) Your wife is not in to you - maybe you could rent her out and use that $$ to get yourself a date AND have money for mother's day!

3) How old are your kids - shouldn't they have JOBS! Teach them "self reliance" - 'son your mother is going to be disappointed, how much did you save up? Nothing? You ungrateful little... well just for that your mom gets NOTHING! I hope you are happy". "Dear, I got you nothing for mother's day, but I have good reason - I'm teaching Jr a lesson about respecting women."
albundy's Avatar
well, I'm late to the party, but a few suggestions, Al, if the generous offer does not work out:

1) find a gal you really don't like, go BBFS, get her pregnant - and BAM! Mother's day has meaning again! You MADE a MOTHER for Mother's day!!

2) Your wife is not in to you - maybe you could rent her out and use that $$ to get yourself a date AND have money for mother's day!

3) How old are your kids - shouldn't they have JOBS! Teach them "self reliance" - 'son your mother is going to be disappointed, how much did you save up? Nothing? You ungrateful little... well just for that your mom gets NOTHING! I hope you are happy". "Dear, I got you nothing for mother's day, but I have good reason - I'm teaching Jr a lesson about respecting women." Originally Posted by Longdongstrong
Good suggestions, here's the problems though:

1.) I'm shooting blanks, man. Took care of THAT problem at least.
2.) The Bitch would just stop somewhere on her way back from the "date" and blow the cash on Starbucks, Raising Canes, and then a bunch of crap that she "needs".
3.) They are all Elementary school age, so jobs are out. Though next time the wife says "Don't get me anything for (insert holiday)", I'll maybe really NOT get her something. That would be nice and awkward as she's there all day waiting for something that isn't coming. Sort of like me waiting for pussy. You have that hope, but eventually you know it just isn't coming your way.
MaximusXL's Avatar
HAHAHAHAHHA holy fuck I pee'd a little.
Damn, I need to be funny.
AL, you are a F'ing riot, i often just log on to see your
latest post, then usually laugh my ass off. I feel your pain
times are tough in South La. but if this was a reality show
i don't think i would miss an episode. It's kind and generous of
Ms Annie to reward you with such a great gift, happy early
Fathers Day to you, can't wait for the review.

monkeyseeyou's Avatar
Al, you've certainly kept the NOLA ladies and gents entertained and Annie's offer is like Christmas for you. Enjoy your gifts and be sure to share the experience. I was lucky enough to be the winner of Annie's raffle back a few years back when I was visiting and the decision of whom to choose was hard as hell. The final decision was that it didn't matter - every single one of her girls will set your world on fire. You've brought a smile to lots of guys (and gals') faces. Have fun!!
annie@christophers's Avatar
I Lew of feeling is mom's weekend....AL I will extend if needed till following sat...I knew you were harnessed with funds. But after talk...dam...I UNDERSTAND if cant make this week. Don't sweat it boo...we ain't going NOWWHERE. Anytime soon....xxxooo annie.