Question regarding finishing sessions early

yoyowego69's Avatar
And where is the review warning the rest of us about her?

She doesn't really give a damn if YOU ever see her again, but when her business dries up because you warned your hobby brethren about her, that's a different story.

z Originally Posted by ztonk
I did a review in a different community. Wasn't sure at the time if this was the right place for it.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 07-16-2016, 11:37 AM
I did a review in a different community. Wasn't sure at the time if this was the right place for it. Originally Posted by yoyowego69
The normal review forums would probably not be a good fit for the review, but it would certainly be welcome in Another Realm.

The normal review forums would probably not be a good fit for the review, but it would certainly be welcome in Another Realm.

Originally Posted by ztonk
Why not!? Transsexuals are just grouped as a "fetish"?
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I don't usually count the money while the guy is there so the donation amount is their responsibility. However, if they book or pay for an hour, finish early and choose to leave, I have texted the guy after they left to offer a discount the next time. Or have asked if they meant to leave the higher rate.
I would have no problem offering to let them have part of the donation back if they were only here half an hour or less and had scheduled an hour.
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  • ztonk
  • 07-16-2016, 01:14 PM
Why not!? Transsexuals are just grouped as a "fetish"? Originally Posted by JadeRose
The readers in Another Realm are a lot more open-minded than the gentlemen in Austin. That should be obvious to even the casual reader of Coed threads here...

The readers in Another Realm are a lot more open-minded than the gentlemen in Austin. That should be obvious to even the casual reader of Coed threads here...

z Originally Posted by ztonk
Hmm, just seems like justification for passive prejudice. There's actually no logical backing for it at all. While that is quite obvious for many of the actual vocal posters here, there are probably many more progressive, open-minded individuals than you think who see all kinds of providers and benefit from the reviews here. The "general" consensus is often a lot more ambiguous than one might think, but you'd have to take your blinders off to notice. Just saying, they are independent providers and have just as much right to be reviewed locally and gain business and as other verified provider.

Not everyone would be able to handle it just like not everyone can handle seeing reviews of full figured or older women without having a coniption fit, but hey that's life. Maybe Austin eccie can adopt "safe space rooms" like they have at universities for the disillusioned folks to go and cool off and vent their confusion about all of this persistent eclecticism.

Back on topic, thanks for all the replies, any more opinions that might even be opposing are welcome.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-16-2016, 08:19 PM
Hmm, just seems like justification for passive prejudice. There's actually no logical backing for it at all. While that is quite obvious for many of the actual vocal posters here, there are probably many more progressive, open-minded individuals than you think who see all kinds of providers and benefit from the reviews here. The "general" consensus is often a lot more ambiguous than one might think (bullshit), but you'd have to take your blinders off to notice. Just saying, they are independent providers and have just as much right to be reviewed locally and gain business and as other verified provider. (there are no rights other than what the owners of eccie decide...end of discussion).

Not everyone would be able to handle it just like not everyone can handle seeing reviews of full figured or older women without having a coniption fit, but hey that's life. (nah, many of us would just not click on them...or simply log in less often). Maybe Austin eccie can adopt "safe space rooms" like they have at universities for the disillusioned folks to go and cool off and vent their confusion about all of this persistent eclecticism. OR maybe thats the purpose of the Other Rhelm...for oddballs to congregate...

Other than this point of contention, how ya been?

Back on topic, thanks for all the replies, any more opinions that might even be opposing are welcome. Originally Posted by JadeRose

Jade, your post is dripping with bias, which is the premise you propose to hate by definition of your post!

No one has a "right" to anything other than what the owners deem appropriate. This is not a public domain, and therefore not subject to any laws. In fact, what we engage in here is a VIOLATION of those laws.

I would contend that the majority of mongers disagree with your opinion, but neither you nor I have any valid data to support our feelings.

And groupling Trannys with Fat Hoogars is a stretch at best. I know its self serving (and also to incite some feedback), but its hardly the same. Very similar to lesbians trying to group themselves in with racial predjudice. It just ain't the same.

Jade, your post is dripping with bias, which is the premise you propose to hate by definition of your post!

No one has a "right" to anything other than what the owners deem appropriate. This is not a public domain, and therefore not subject to any laws. In fact, what we engage in here is a VIOLATION of those laws.

I would contend that the majority of mongers disagree with your opinion, but neither you nor I have any valid data to support our feelings.

And groupling Trannys with Fat Hoogars is a stretch at best. I know its self serving (and also to incite some feedback), but its hardly the same. Very similar to lesbians trying to group themselves in with racial predjudice. It just ain't the same.
Originally Posted by Toyz
You make some valid points, so do I. The issue is... this isn't a question of rights, laws, justification, vindication, etc... I truly have no need/interest in vindicating myself even if self-serving bias could apply. No need whatsoever, I live a certain reality and it is what is. I'm fine bro, please understand that.

It's also not an issue of agreeing, disagreeing... I simply laid some valid points down on matter-of-fact rights on this board. There IS no rule against it whatsoever, it's simply frowned upon by many of the mean-spirited, contentious posters on here which frankly is not a valid justification. That was my only point. It's not an issue of me caring what you think or you caring what I think - simply a statement of facts. Indeed, self-serving biases can be quite limiting to one's objective viewpoints. You have accused Jennslolli of the same, which I found kind of amusing given her solidly versatile & neutral nature. You also make a valid point about
Grouping, it's indeed NOT the same, but not extremely different in this case either..

I've been good man, busy as usual with life and all of its intricate going-ons, yourself...?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-17-2016, 08:51 AM
You make some valid points, so do I. The issue is... this isn't a question of rights, laws, justification, vindication, etc... I truly have no need/interest in vindicating myself even if self-serving bias could apply. No need whatsoever, I live a certain reality and it is what is. I'm fine bro, please understand that.

It's also not an issue of agreeing, disagreeing... I simply laid some valid points down on matter-of-fact rights on this board. There IS no rule against it whatsoever, it's simply frowned upon by many of the mean-spirited, contentious posters on here which frankly is not a valid justification. That was my only point. It's not an issue of me caring what you think or you caring what I think - simply a statement of facts. Indeed, self-serving biases can be quite limiting to one's objective viewpoints. You have accused Jennslolli of the same, which I found kind of amusing given her solidly versatile & neutral nature. You also make a valid point about
Grouping, it's indeed NOT the same, but not extremely different in this case either..

I've been good man, busy as usual with life and all of its intricate going-ons, yourself...? Originally Posted by JadeRose
Heres my challenge to the "equality" piece.

Being excommunicated from a society norm because of your skin color is wrong.

Paying for sex is not a society norm. Are we in agreement on that point?

Heteros seldom embrace homos. There are some, but again the majority don't

Homosexual sex is more dangerous. Its proven.

Many of us Heteros are concerned that hoogars are hitting trannys...then hitting us...its a collective pool. Six degrees of separation thing. I don't want to think the pretty pussy I'm salivating on, 2 hours ago had a feces incrusted dick pushing up against it.

Call me old fashioned...I'm good with that.

Separate pools for separate play...cause it IS separate play. If you start saying it is, then you open the door to non genus based sexual acts. And I doubt ANYONE wants to see that. I mean, we already had a Lioness from outside of our did that end?

So I don't know that we are JUST "mean spirited/contentious" pricks...maybe we are just concerned about our health? And I get into debates with a lot of people on here. Doesn't mean I don't like them, hate them, or am accusing them. I like the hell out of Lolli and we've argued and a greed a lot over the years. I just tend to chime in more when I have an alternate opinion.

And I've been good, fading the heat & waiting for Oldchella to come around in the my room, car, flight all set...just those damn tickets are going to HURT... going for around 1K apiece.
The ladies are running a business. If you rent an hour of their time you should pay for an hour. I have had some wonderful conversations with ladies if we finish 20 min early and just talk till time is up, I enjoy getting to know the person behind the Eccie handle and if you've just had sex with someone the ice is definitely broken. I try to stick with the top tier providers and have found them to be great girls. Many are dealing with very difficult life situations and traumatic histories. If I have the opportunity to see them a 2nd time, knowing a little about them makes the sex feel more intense.
That being said, fake pictures, false advertising, etc are just not acceptable.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar

A Provider should only give a refund if the Provider cuts the time short.
Clients are buying time, not services, so a Client's satisfaction is irrelevant.

Unless... If a Provider is guilty of false advertising - outdated photos, incorrect stats, etc. and a Client leaves because the Provider isn't what he expected - that's on the Provider and a refund is probably in order.
Same if a provider makes promises ahead of time that aren't honored during a session.

Clients should do enough research to be confident all will be as expected.

I've missed the opportunity to see some gals because I talk too much prior to booking.
But I'd rather miss seeing a great gal than book a session that doesn't go as I anticipate. Originally Posted by OralPassion
A Provider should only give a refund if the Provider cuts the time short.
Clients are buying time, not services, so a Client's satisfaction is irrelevant.

Unless... If a Provider is guilty of false advertising - outdated photos, incorrect stats, etc. and a Client leaves because the Provider isn't what he expected - that's on the Provider and a refund is probably in order.
Same if a provider makes promises ahead of time that aren't honored during a session.

Clients should do enough research to be confident all will be as expected.

I've missed the opportunity to see some gals because I talk too much prior to booking.
But I'd rather miss seeing a great gal than book a session that doesn't go as I anticipate. Originally Posted by OralPassion
Seems like this is the general consensus based on public and private replies I've gotten. Interesting and informative.