Sidney Powell pleads guilty! Now she has to apologize (lol)

Apparently P01135809 now claims that Ms. Powell was never his lawyer. Ok, so there goes any attorney client privilege argument.
  • Tiny
  • 10-22-2023, 05:17 PM
Apparently P01135809 now claims that Ms. Powell was never his lawyer. Ok, so there goes any attorney client privilege argument. Originally Posted by reddog1951
I read she's also claiming she'd never been his lawyer.
Then any conversations she was informed of or was present for are unprotected. Even if Trump’s lawyers were present. Any conversations with Trump lawyers would be fair game as well.
bambino's Avatar
From a real Attorney in the Pgh forum;

From a lawyer’s perspective, Ms Powell would have been crazy not to take the prosecution’s deal. The ramifications to her are less than if she had stolen a car or something of that nature, and indicate the prosecution felt they had no chance of a guilty verdict. She’s responsible for a small fine, magnitudes less than legal costs to fight the charges, and testifying honestly which is already a requirement under penalty of law. This is a slap on the wrist with a wet noodle.

I’m certainly in agreement with her legal representation, especially given that there will be no change in public perception. Those who think she did nothing wrong will still feel that way, as will those who believe she committed a crime.
Rarely agree with Bambino, but agree with most of his above post except for a few salient points:

The prosecution had her by the balls or she wouldn't have chosen to be a potentially star witness against those accused with her.

She is also subject to a civil suit encompassing the same allegations and may have gotten some benefit for either or both cases by copping a plea.

I think judgement of public perception should be reserved until the outcome of the trial(s) is known.

As opinion, she is a lucky bitch to be offered this deal. Think about it, she's a lawyer, should definitely know better, her right to pursue her career on the line, Yada, Yada, Yada....Same goes for stupid Rudy, but I predict he won't be offered a deal....unless it seals a conviction against his most famous "client".
ICU 812's Avatar
So, she lied to everyone . . .including the president.

Csn he use that as any type of defense . . ."she lied to me and I believed her"?

That sort of worked for Alec Baldwin. He claimed innocence because he was told the gun was safe. "Course they have charged him with something else I think.
Did anyone doubt she was lying. I mean really. How stupid would one have to be to believe the crap she was spouting. Surely only the dumbest of the dumb would have taken anything she spouted as the truth. Only an idiot would believe those overly dumb and stupid tales of “vote stealing”, “massive vote fraud” etc.

You didn’t believe her did you ICU?
eyecu2's Avatar
And this just in,
"Jenna Ellis also pleads guilty in Georgia Election Subversion court case"

Trump was heard to say afterwards that "I believe she was a low level coffee person, and that he'd never met that person."
She also claimed to have relied on attorneys with more experience than her. lol. Guess that defense didn’t work for her either. And she will testify truthfully.

Interesting that according to Trump these weren’t his lawyers or he never met or heard of them. On whom did he rely? Barr? Nope he told him election fraud was bullshit (similarly to the folks with sense on this site). I’m seeing a pattern. A certain type and group of people still float the election fraud bullshit. Folks with sense know it’s bullshit.
Of humor is that she said “I should have checked to see if the facts were actually facts”. If there was a mass of evidence, as the likes of Salty claim, how could she have missed the facts and truth? Is it possible that there was no evidence of proof and they were just pushing lies? Why didn’t they just put the evidence out there for all to see that they in fact weren’t lying? How does it help at all to sit on evidence and proof as people are pleading guilty when everyone could walk away because they are innocent?

Some of us know the answers to these questions. Just curious how long before the other group starts to see the light.

Also for those that fail to understand what has been secured thus far are admissions that the 1) allegations and statements that there were fake and improper votes in GA (Ellis) and 2) there were fake electors and they knew those electors were fake as part of a scheme to change the results of the election (Chesebro). I’d have to go back and have a look at the allocution of crazy lady and the other guy see what information was secured there as well. It’s not just that those people plead guilty, but we know at least a part of the basis of their future testimony because they state it in their allocution in court and on the record.

Unless Giuliani is an idiot, he best run into the office and get his deal. Otherwise, he is soon to be in a lot of trouble. Powell, Ellis and Chesebro likely are sufficient to sink Giuliani for felonies enough to bankrupt him and send him away for nearly a life sentence considering his age and health.

Another thing to consider (likely Willis used this as a bargaining chip as well), there’s nothing Trump can do to help any of those folks in GA. Even if he became president, they would all go to jail. Further, GA is surprising red but they believe there was no election fraud so it’s very unlikely the Gov or voters in ATL would empathize with them at all and they will again, likely go to jail.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rudy will be the first of the big players to go down. Meadows next and then Trumpler. The offenses in this case are so egregious and performed so out in the open that they’ll all fall.

Fact Jack
... Hmmmm... surely loos like Fani is 0-3 with her
"RICO Conspiracy" charges... Another misdemeanour. ...
... Any of 'em lose their Law License yet?

#### Salty

(Hey Yssup - who's yer new avatar supposed to be? ... Astro Boy?)
#### Salty
4 convictions thus far. And each has to testify which supports the rico. You don’t seem to understand what’s happening.
4 convictions thus far. And each has to testify which supports the rico. You don’t seem to understand what’s happening. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... Blimey! ... With THESE "convictions" - I surely reckon
that Perry Mason fellow would o' left the legal profession
out of boredom and retired. ...

#### Salty
4 convictions thus far. And each has to testify which supports the rico. You don’t seem to understand what’s happening. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
