Doesn't it scare you when a provider retires....

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I think what CB is referring to are the providers who "retire" several times a year, or who are in "just about to retire" status for months at a time. If you're quitting, just hang it up. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
ummm.. too bad no one seems to be concerned about the things that I am concerned about.......I am still waiting until someone reads my mind. (I am refering to the ones that retire for good) Originally Posted by Inhouston
Well, we're not psychic. If you're worried about STDs, good. You should be. Most of the rest of us are too. There's not much more you can do about it though than play safe and get checked out regularly. If you don't like the risks, then you're in the wrong hobby.
HIV or + STD status? Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
there ya go.....
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-02-2010, 04:07 PM
HIV or + STD status? Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
And then there's folks that have clearly tested SOB+ and won't leave no matter what.

simpleton's Avatar
there ya go..... Originally Posted by Inhouston

What makes you think they would retire?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-02-2010, 04:20 PM
Because, down deep, even if he's unaware of it, he's really an optimist.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
there ya go..... Originally Posted by Inhouston
Do I win a prize?
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Do I win a prize? Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Brooke - you ARE the prize!
It's like anyone who retires. Who cares? What difference does it make on your life? It seems that most who speculate about one's retirement or other personal things have no life beyond this silly board. Be happy that they are able to retire and move on to the things they most appreciate in life. Good day!
internet_inventor2's Avatar
How about the ones that "retire" but still see "regular clients". I call that the no need for newbies and no need to advertise.
I just wonder why some are so concerned with std's all the dang time yet still find themselves here assumingly trying to play? or just ask really can't be sure..

If a provider retires, that you see, by all means let that paranoia you seem to have eat you up..


Figure you got some while the gettin was good and your just as likely to get an STD from the provider that doesn't retire as you are the one that just did.. whatever the likelyhood of that up to your paranoia to determine..

it usually is what CB said.. a "going out of business" sale..only to be reverted on a few months later because the girl "just missed everyone" so much lol.. not that she fooled everyone and got while the gettin was good and just used 1 more marketing ploy to do so.. since the "i wanna trick all you guys into seeing me so i can make a much of money" just doesn't have the same ring to it
seanes's Avatar
Plagiarized and paraphrased to reflect my sentiments.
To me it's like anyone else who retires. I'm always happy that they are able to retire and move on to the things they most appreciate in life. It seems to me that those who are concerned and speculate about a provider's retirement shouldn't hobby. Originally Posted by nolaces
Then there are those that "retire" but still see "regular clients". No need to advertise for newbies. Originally Posted by internet_inventor2
txtraveler07's Avatar
ummm.. too bad no one seems to be concerned about the things that I am concerned about.......I am still waiting until someone reads my mind. (I am refering to the ones that retire for good) Originally Posted by Inhouston
I believe Inhouston just outed himself as a provider in disguise. Mods!
What makes you think they would retire? Originally Posted by simpleton
The psychological trauma would be first, and second one not to put others into any danger.......That is what always comes to my mind at first when someone retires.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Yas, I gets scared when some girls retire...scared I can't get that stuff no mo. Whatever will I do if they all quit? If I was one of those young dudes in my 50's I wouldn't worry about it, plenty of free-range strange running around, but my extreme age-related homeliness obliges me to rely upon the loving embrace of professionals to relieve evil jism buildup and calm my ass down.