A Big Win for Biden, House of Reps passes Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Bille

Lucas McCain's Avatar
I think McDingdong is employed. He is educated. He said he was a TA (teaching assistant for General Chemistry) at his state university. If you get paid by W2 your taxes come out automatically (regardless of income level). You being a IVY leaguer knew that right? Originally Posted by adav8s28
I have no clue what Strokey does for a living. I've never asked, but all I know is that he has posted that he received the stimulus checks... yeah, I know about W-2's and 1099s. I'm a CPA who hates accounting and only works in finance.

I know the TA's at the universities I attended probably didn't even make $10K/yr. They usually just did it to put on their resumes to cash in later and to get a professor's highly positive recommendation letter for a high paying job after graduation. They definitely didn't do it for the TA salary.
bambino's Avatar
Roads and bridges? I’ve heard that one before. Remember all those “shovel ready” jobs that weren’t? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yeah, it’s not much of an “infrastructure” bill. It’s the other “bill” that’s the real problem. That’s the problem bill. Not the one they passed last nite. I don’t know why Ava’s doing cartwheels about it.
  • oeb11
  • 11-06-2021, 07:02 AM
'a' - the bill is jsut a democraticomunist Soylent Green new Deal, CRT , and social engineering /Voter Fraud welfare bill for Cemocrticommunist wet dream wish lists.

you are out of touch with Reality
As your very own nazi pelosi says "You have to vote for it, pass it, to find out what is in it"
Democraticommunists propose a nationwide imposition of marxist tyranny on Americans with these horrendous spending bills.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
adav8s28's Avatar
I don’t know why ...... Originally Posted by bambino
It's a legislative win for Sleepy Joe. The progressives in the house wanted both bills be passed at the same time. The second bill Senator Manchin of West Va does not like the price tag. So Nancy P is having the second spending bill scored by the Congressional Budget office before putting it up for a vote.

You may have broadband and mass transit where you are. There are plenty of areas in the USA that don't have either.

Thanks Sleepy Joe!
FatCity's Avatar

You mean to tell me we've had the US Interstate system for over 60 years and never once budgeted for its upkeep? That every state and municipality that you pay into has NO annual budget line item covering maintenance and upkeep of its roadways?
No one in the history of government planned for maintaining its infrastructure and it required a ONE-TIME $2,000,000,000,000.00 payout to make it happen?
1/4 of those covered in the bill are for 'studies' and NONE of it is itemized to WHERE that $2T is going.
If you think you're getting better bridges or roads from this, you need to log off of life

Remember when they miraculously saved us in Q2 of 2020 on the first stimulus bill for $3TRILLION?
Y'know, the one where if they paid EVERY tax paying citizen $10,000 each (but we only got $600), they'd still have $2.5T left to spend?

That bill that dolled out $15B of our money just to put in the pocket of art museums, $75M in humanitarian aide to Palestinians and $500M to Israel.....'member THAT one?
adav8s28's Avatar
'a' - the bill is jsut a democraticomunist Soylent Green new Deal, CRT , and social engineering /Voter Fraud welfare bill for Cemocrticommunist wet dream wish lists.

you are out of touch with Reality
As your very own nazi pelosi says "You have to vote for it, pass it, to find out what is in it"
Democraticommunists propose a nationwide imposition of marxist tyranny on Americans with these horrendous spending bills.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands! Originally Posted by oeb11
You Don't know what you are talking about. Republican Mitch McConnell has quite a bit of input into that bill that passed last night. Go back to the lab and work some project that you can publish in NEJM professor. You don't even know the basics.
FatCity's Avatar
  • Republican
  • Mitch McConnell
Originally Posted by adav8s28
this means nothing to anyone.

Both McConnell and Lindsey Graham are just puppet foils when it suits the machine. They are complicit in all this corruption as much as anyone else
adav8s28's Avatar
this means nothing to anyone.

Both McConnell and Lindsey Graham are just puppet foils when it suits the machine. They are complicit in all this corruption as much as anyone else Originally Posted by FatCity
It means a lot to the users on this site who identify as Republican. There are plenty of them. You didn't know that? LOL.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If they put mass transit out to the suburb I live in, and I suspect that of most others, everyone will still take their car. The whole point of suburban living is to not have to deal with throngs of people in democratic shithole cities.
adav8s28's Avatar
If they put mass transit out to the suburb I live in, and I suspect that of most others, everyone will still take their car. The whole point of suburban living is to not have to deal with throngs of people in democratic shithole cities. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
People who live in CT but work in New York city would rather take the train that drive their car. You can speak for yourself, not everyone else. Now there can be a high speed train from Chicago all the way up to Minneapolis, MN. Want to go see your home team play in another state, take the train instead of drive or fly.

Thanks Sleepy Joe.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Congratulations to Congress for getting ANYTHING done.

Sadly, too many of our colleagues in outer space see things upside down.

Now we can get back to the daily business of rage whining.

Bitching about an improved mass transit is typical. Only thing worse than that is the price of gasoline, eh?

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Except none of that will happen. They’ll throw billions at big donors for R&D and environmental impact studies (-10% for The Big Guy) and not a single rivet will ever get pounded. If you think you’ll soon be able to hop a train and zip downtown for a Cajun Ribeye at Morton’s, I’ve got some bad news for you.
FatCity's Avatar
wait a sec....
You people THINK
you're going to see ANY of what was proposed in this bill?


I can't blame politicians for treating the populace like rubes
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Can’t blame the politicians for creating so many willing rubes.

adav8s28's Avatar
wait a sec....
You people THINK
you're going to see ANY of what was proposed in this bill?


I can't blame politicians for treating the populace like rubes Originally Posted by FatCity
Did the levies in New Orleans get fixed by the government to withstand a hurricane that was stronger than Katrina?

When you get beat on one topic you just switch to some other BS