Rep. Rashida Tlaib: Islamophobia 'is still very present on both sides of the aisle' in Congress

themystic's Avatar
Try to imagine what would happen if a Catholic splinter group started wantonly killing Muslims in the name of the Catholic faith. The Pope would immediately ex-communicate them, and denounce them every day! He would fall all over himself apologizing to Muslims and making it clear to the world that the splinter group was an awful perversion of the Church's teachings and beliefs. Christians everywhere would rally and march and hold candlelight vigils for the Muslim victims.

Now compare that to the tiny, tiny, handful of Muslim leaders who have spoken out against al-Queda, ISIS and other terrorist groups. It's not just disappointing. It's jaw-dropping and unbelievable.

There are only two ways to interpret this vast and far-reaching silence - either most Muslims are afraid to speak out, or they secretly feel satisfaction watching their co-religionists inflict pain and suffering on the United States and other Western countries. Either way, they earn no respect from us. Originally Posted by lustylad
Totally agree

Your still a Pajama boy and a jerk. But you are right
The celebrations in the streets didn't happen America like Trump claimed. Originally Posted by themystic

funny thing is , I remember the reporting of muslims celebrating in New Jersey after 9-11

so did this new jersey police captain

there was an on-air ABC report of a few muslims celebrating in new jersey:

an on-air mention on ABC News related to celebrations in New Jersey came at 11:28 p.m. on Sept. 11, when former ABC News correspondent John Miller gave ABC News anchor Peter Jennings an update on reports of a van investigated for explosives. Miller explained the van was stopped after people reported seeing the men celebrating in Liberty Park, opposite the World Trade Center on the New Jersey side of the river, celebrating with joy after the explosion.”

here is an interesting article telling of various eyewitness accounts of celebrations in new jersey
themystic's Avatar
funny thing is , I remember the reporting of muslims celebrating in New Jersey after 9-11

so did this new jersey police captain

there was an on-air ABC report of a few muslims celebrating in new jersey:

an on-air mention on ABC News related to celebrations in New Jersey came at 11:28 p.m. on Sept. 11, when former ABC News correspondent John Miller gave ABC News anchor Peter Jennings an update on reports of a van investigated for explosives. Miller explained the van was stopped after people reported seeing the men celebrating in Liberty Park, opposite the World Trade Center on the New Jersey side of the river, celebrating with joy after the explosion.”

here is an interesting article telling of various eyewitness accounts of celebrations in new jersey Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Well researched and a good post. I dont doubt that there were plenty of Muslims in America celebrating 911. We all know that Donald Trump didn't see any celebrations. We also know that he couldn't identify even one of the "hundreds of friends killed" in the WTC. It was all a bunch of political bullshit for him. Had there been any so called celebrations of any significance there would have been video of it. To date there is none. Damn good post nevgiat
lustylad's Avatar
Had there been any so called celebrations of any significance there would have been video of it. To date there is none. Originally Posted by themystic
Smartphones with video cams weren't invented yet. I heard of sporadic celebrations from someone living in NJ. They happened. Trump fucks up by exaggerating everything. Then the MSM fucks up by denying everything.
Well researched and a good post. I dont doubt that there were plenty of Muslims in America celebrating 911. We all know that Donald Trump didn't see any celebrations. We also know that he couldn't identify even one of the "hundreds of friends killed" in the WTC. It was all a bunch of political bullshit for him. Had there been any so called celebrations of any significance there would have been video of it. To date there is none. Damn good post nevgiat Originally Posted by themystic
I think there's good basis for thinking there were celebrations

Donald probably heard the same reports I did and more as he lives in that area

he probably read reports as well

so why do you claim "we all know" these things you say we know

in regard to the celebrations what is "of significance" to you?

thousands in the streets? or are groups of 30 or 50 or whatever amount celebrating not enough to turn your stomach?

the Donald was correct, they did celebrate

you even say you have no doubt there were plenty of muslims celebrating 9-11 in America

but you continue to bash the Donald for saying it
lustylad's Avatar
in regard to the celebrations what is "of significance" to you?

thousands in the streets? or are groups of 30 or 50 or whatever amount celebrating not enough to turn your stomach?

the Donald was correct, they did celebrate Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The problem is Trump said thousands. Dozens, yes. Hundreds, maybe. Thousands, no... at least not in New Jersey.

I recall there were also spontaneous street celebrations by Palestinians in the West Bank. Some were caught on video. Then the PLO realized it wasn't helpful to their cause for Americans to see them cheering an outrageous atrocity like 9/11. So they shut down the street celebrations and threatened to beat up news correspondents who videotaped them. Then the cockroaches all went home and partied in private.

"Here are the facts, all of which are matters of public record. On the afternoon of Sept. 11, 2001, thousands of jubilant Palestinians took to the streets, chanting 'God is great,' firing automatic weapons and handing out sweets to passers-by. The largest demonstration took place in Nablus in the West Bank, where some 3,000 marchers danced and cheered as guerrillas fired assault rifles and grenades into the air."

Here's a video that did get out on 9/11. Gee, maybe someone can ask Rep. Tlaib and Rep. Omar how they react watching it?

The problem is Trump said thousands. Dozens, yes. Hundreds, maybe. Thousands, no.

I recall there were also spontaneous street celebrations by Palestinians in the West Bank. They were caught on video. Then the PLO realized it wasn't helpful to their cause for Americans to see them cheering an outrageous atrocity like 9/11. So they shut down the street celebrations in a hurry. Then the cockroaches all went home and partied in private I guess. Originally Posted by lustylad

trump speaks like trump speaks

granted its in exaggerated style at times

but the essence of the events happening are correct

and yes he was 'wiretapped" by Obama
lustylad's Avatar
trump speaks like trump speaks

granted its in exaggerated style at times

but the essence of the events happening are correct

and yes he was 'wiretapped" by Obama Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Of course. Trumpy gets the big story right but often fucks up on the details. This drives the MSM mad as they try to discredit the whole story by fly-specking where he was wrong on some small aspect of it. Sometimes he exaggerates on purpose just to infuriate the left and the MSM and make them run around in circles looking hysterical.

CASE IN POINT - There is absolutely no doubt he was wiretapped by Obama. We're still learning the full dimensions of it. But look at how the media has been trying to dismiss the story ever since trumpy's March 2017 tweets. It wasn't Obama, it was the FBI who did it. They didn't wiretap trumpy, they just snooped on a few campaign people. They didn't put a physical wiretap in Trump Tower, they just scooped up some private phone and email conversations. Sorry, we can't tell you how it was done, but trust me everything was legal under FISA, etc. etc.

Now move along folks, nothing to see here!

Russia! Russia! Russia!

Collusion! Collusion! Collusion!

Of course. Trumpy gets the big story right but often fucks up on the details. This drives the MSM mad as they try to discredit the whole story by fly-specking where he was wrong on some small aspect of it. Sometimes he exaggerates on purpose just to infuriate the left and the MSM and make them run around in circles looking hysterical.

CASE IN POINT - There is absolutely no doubt he was wiretapped by Obama. We're still learning the full dimensions of it. But look at how the media has been trying to dismiss the story ever since trumpy's March 2017 tweets. It wasn't Obama, it was the FBI who did it. They didn't wiretap trumpy, they just snooped on a few campaign people. They didn't put a physical wiretap in Trump Tower, they just scooped up some private phone and email conversations. Sorry, we can't tell you how it was done, but trust me everything was legal under FISA, etc. etc.

Now move along folks, nothing to see here!

Russia! Russia! Russia!

Collusion! Collusion! Collusion!

LOL! Originally Posted by lustylad
Walter Emiliantsev: "I lived in NJ at the time on Demott Ave., Clifton! When I tried to go to Paterson to my brother in laws shop, I usually took Main Ave. There were so many people dancing on Main, I couldn't get through! I KNOW what I saw!"
themystic's Avatar
Smartphones with video cams weren't invented yet. I heard of sporadic celebrations from someone living in NJ. They happened. Trump fucks up by exaggerating everything. Then the MSM fucks up by denying everything. Originally Posted by lustylad
Thats plausible. But somewhere like NYC if there would have been celebrations of any significance there would have been either videos or some ass whippings or both. Maybe the people I run with arent as carefree as some, but if me and my peeps would have seen any one Celebrating the WTC it would not have seen an "oh well" moment
themystic's Avatar
I think there's good basis for thinking there were celebrations

Donald probably heard the same reports I did and more as he lives in that area

he probably read reports as well

so why do you claim "we all know" these things you say we know

in regard to the celebrations what is "of significance" to you?

thousands in the streets? or are groups of 30 or 50 or whatever amount celebrating not enough to turn your stomach?

the Donald was correct, they did celebrate

you even say you have no doubt there were plenty of muslims celebrating 9-11 in America

but you continue to bash the Donald for saying it Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Im sure there were celebrations but if there would have " thousands of Muslims celebrating" in the streets, that would have been a MAJOR story. Trump is a liar about this. And if he did see thousands celebrating and didn't do anything? I know you have a soft spot for him but hes lying about he saw, " thousands celebrating". People see UFOs and I believe them
.... If the 90% of Muslims who didn't believe all that radical bullshit would stand up and denounce the 10% that did, most Americans would change their views on Muslims.

....... Originally Posted by themystic
I've written about this before on eccie.

I worked with a white guy who converted to Islam to marry a Middle Eastern woman he met at UH. A few months after 9/11 he went to his imam and asked why there wasn't any outrage at the mosque or in the Muslim community because of the devastation it caused the country.

He was told it was very bad form to criticize other Muslims for acts against non-Muslims. The Imam wouldn't, Muslims in the mosque wouldn't do it and he shouldn't do it. That was here in Houston.

The "dirty non-secret" is many mosques members here in America are pro-Sharia over the Constitution. And many of the people who are going over to Syria and are "radicalized lone wolves" are being radicalized in the mosques and the internet.

Keep frosty.
lustylad's Avatar
He was told it was very bad form to criticize other Muslims for acts against non-Muslims. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Un-fucking-believable! As if it's not "bad form" to fly airplanes into buildings and slaughter thousands of our citizens???

Fuck the imam. This kind of stuff makes a Muslim ban seem utterly rational. People who think and preach that shit should not be allowed into the country. How do they pass the tests and get sworn in as naturalized citizens if they think like that?
  • oeb11
  • 03-18-2019, 05:45 PM
Islam has a concept "Taqiyah" - it is expected to lie to advance Islam, particularly to "unbelievers".
Islam is a Cult - bars any other religions in countries Islam holds as it is both Religion and government.

That Imam expressed that cult status perfectly in "Taqiyah"!
themystic's Avatar
Un-fucking-believable! As if it's not "bad form" to fly airplanes into buildings and slaughter thousands of our citizens???

Fuck the imam. This kind of stuff makes a Muslim ban seem utterly rational. People who think and preach that shit should not be allowed into the country. How do they pass the tests and get sworn in as naturalized citizens if they think like that? Originally Posted by lustylad
I agree with you Lusty and gnadfly. Fuck the Iman. I don't expect any outrage on here for saying fuck the Iman. Im sure there are some great Muslim people that read this forum that wouldn't dare condone the attack on the WTC but they also wouldn't dare say anything bad about Islam or Mohammad either. I say fuck them too for being hypocritical. Does that make me racist? Does it make me racist? I don't think it does. I also think the Catholics who defend priests crimes are hypocritical

The thing with these radical Muslims is that they do shit that the other religions haven't done in 500 years. They kill mother fuckers over religious beliefs. Yeah fuck the Iman