“If this happened to me, it can happen to you…” Trump

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Unless it isn’t truth.

One man’s truth is another man’s alternative facts.

Problem here is you’re letting opinion pieces serve as your facts, so you’re just mimicking the Fox spin on the Honig story, which actually has zilch to do with what Trump said, which was the basis for this thread.

If you want to talk bout Honig, start your own thread.

Maybe you can request a ruling from staff, but this is pretty clearly a hijack.
ICU 812's Avatar
A lot of wheel spinning here.

Tp paraphrase Hilley Clinton: What does it matter what any of us think about the verdict at this point? This drama sequence has not yet run its course.

we will all just have to (yet again) Waite and see who here on this thread has to eat crow.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Next thing you’ll do is equate “basket of deplorables” with “human scum.”

Your paraphrase lacks relevance or context
Michael8219's Avatar
If you want to talk bout Honig, start your own thread.

Maybe you can request a ruling from staff, but this is pretty clearly a hijack. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Uhhh, look at the title of the thread. Honig is a legal analyst discussing in detail what happened to Trump. Pretty basic stuff there YR.

Upset that there are multiple grounds for dismissal upon appeal?
txdot-guy's Avatar
Trump is not wrong. But this is not an issue of Democrat vs Republican. It’s an issue of law and not justice which aren’t always the same thing.

Take a for instance. One of Mrs Biden’s old students is attending Baylor University. She is a victim of date rape and becomes pregnant. She wants an abortion but her parents don’t believe in it. She contacts her old teacher and says she needs help. Mrs Biden buys her a plane ticket to New York for the purposes of obtaining an abortion.

At this time Mrs Biden has broken Texas abortion laws and can be prosecuted. Does anyone really think that Ken Paxton would pass up the opportunity.

Hundreds of millions of Americans would see this case as politically motivated and hundreds of millions would see it as totally justified. This is a basic problem with our system of justice. Different jurisdictions have different laws and different motivations. That’s both a strength and weakness of our republic.

Trump has the same rights as any one else which includes an appeal. I’m sure he will be using that right as soon as possible. However nothing Trump has said takes away from the fact that he did the things he was accused of. It simply means that he is incensed that someone is trying to hold him to account for his actions.
ICU 812's Avatar
The legal issues and final outcome of this trial will be addressed sooner or later at the state level and perhaps by the SCOTUS.

The ramifications of the final outcome are wider and more important in some ways than who is the next president. If the verdict is not reversed and the case itself not dismissed (with predujice), that will mean that any upstart. newbie politician poised to upset an established incumbent of either party in a primary or in he main election may become mired in questionable legal quicksand.

Anyone with long past legal skeletons in their closet may be charged for using some pretext for extending the relevant statute of limitations. On the national level, the actions of officials in state and federal jurisdictions may be coordinated at the highest levels of our government to ensure that a politically threatening candidate is prevented from effectively campaigning, convicted or not.

This could happen to you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yes it can happen to you. Just as long as we all acknowledge that it can happen to Trump.
VitaMan's Avatar
Mr. Trump is spinning fast. Now he wants the MAGAs to think he just "took one for the team."

The MAGAs will be better off asking themselves who ends up with the money.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Of course he is, and his MAGA mob Actually believed he did.
winn dixie's Avatar
Uhhh, look at the title of the thread. Honig is a legal analyst discussing in detail what happened to Trump. Pretty basic stuff there YR.

Upset that there are multiple grounds for dismissal upon appeal? Originally Posted by Michael8219

Let me remind everyone that anyone can find someone to dispute a fact or legal rulings. That's what lawyers do.

Heres a saying to digest

"It is the OPINION of this court" ......
VitaMan's Avatar
The problem with a cult is the members don't realize they are in one.

Mr. Trump preaching to the cult as their leader. "If it can happen to me (the anointed one), it can happen to you." And next: "Send in your money to protect all of us."
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The problem with a cult is the members don't realize they are in one.

the DEM." Originally Posted by VitaMan
LOL. The fuck your feelings crowd sure are an emotional wreck at the moment.

“We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial”... “It would grind government to a halt.”

Donald Dipshit Trump - Nov 5, 2016

[It would] “create an unprecedented constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government” ... “She has no right to be running.”

Donald Stupid-Fuck Trump - Nov 3, 2016.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Uhhh, look at the title of the thread. Honig is a legal analyst discussing in detail what happened to Trump. Pretty basic stuff there YR.

Upset that there are multiple grounds for dismissal upon appeal? Originally Posted by Michael8219
Not at all. You're trying to change the course of the discussion.

The thread wasn't about Honig, or appeals, or any of that shit.

He tried to get the verdict thrown out after it was rendered.

Gaming the system is his stock in trade. Why wouldn't he try to get it overturned?

Why do you think anybody expects otherwise?

So start your own thread, dude.

Michael8219's Avatar