Complete strangers meeting for the 1st time and having sex within the first couple of seconds/minutes of encounter really makes for many times unforeseen hiccups.Working Title: When the Bitch Refuses to Discount for Ineptness
It's hard to iron out the wrinkles beforehand because most providers and clients are not comfortable detailing all the explicit things they do or would like to do during an appt. So a client is left with "winging it" with any info gained from reviews and commentary which often leaves a lot out.
There's a lot of things both parties might have different preferences on; and even though the client is paying he might not have final say plus he wants to acquiesce to the provider's preference because she's providing the service and it's good for her to be as comfortable as possible.
Both parties might be somewhat nervous even subconsciously and this really effects giving your best sexual performance, you're not as carefree and comfortable because it's unfamiliar territory.
Then if u have different preferences like room temperature, too hot/too cold, music on/off, TV on/off, lights on/off, one party doesn't like their face touched, neck touched, hair touched, no smiling, no laughing, no pleasurable sex noises, no talking, unknown rigid sex controls/demands, time constraints, etc. those kinds things really effect the experience and expectations.
Lots of potential for not getting the best bang if you prefer something different to the other party. This is more so a problem when the client is paying a sky high top end full rate/donation. There's not a lot of incentive to book again after naturally a first meeting has to have the kinks worked out. Originally Posted by galaxon00