
Once points are assessed they will always remain. Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
They don't expire? That is about piss ignorant! What kind of goat rodeo are you running here?
dearhunter's Avatar
If I state why I got my points, will I get more points?
They don't expire? That is about piss ignorant! What kind of goat rodeo are you running here? Originally Posted by Big Jake
Goat Rodeo….now that’s funny. I’m adding that saying to my repertoire.
ferdburf's Avatar
Points? I don't have ANY yet. Would anyone who has an overabundance of points be willing to sell some of theirs? After I buy some, I'm going to recommend that our sig lines display "Points," "Reviews," "Posts," kind of in order of importance and significance.
boardman's Avatar
May want to look into that Ike...I'm fairly sure they drop off after a year.

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus
I've got nearly 10 months to go and they were issued 14 mods ago.
Goat Rodeo….now that’s funny. I’m adding that saying to my repertoire. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I cleaned it up so I would not get anymore never expiring points. After all it goes on my permanent record. Get too many and you can never see anyone again. Either that or the big kids won't be nice to you.
dearhunter's Avatar
I've got nearly 10 months to go and they were issued 14 mods ago. Originally Posted by boardman
Just thinck what it will be like 8 months from now.

The group we have now do seem to be more of a live and let live bunch.......that could change.

I have always subscribed to the idea that when you walk up to a hornets nest and wack the fuck out of it, you take your hits like a man.

Take "manpussy" for example. We had a Mod who issued points for the use of the term.........quite silly, actually.
boardman's Avatar
Just thinck what it will be like 8 months from now.
Originally Posted by dearhunter

Not something I choose to thinck about. Hell, you may be a Mod by then.
notanewbie's Avatar
if points are issued on a SHMB and there is no one there to see them.....
texasjohn1965's Avatar
I got pointed for using the term hooktard, not about anyone, but about a thread. But does it really matter? No, it is still a SHMB.
simpleton's Avatar
I thought you got a free session for 25 points.
simpleton's Avatar
Goat Rodeo….now that’s funny. I’m adding that saying to my repertoire. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

who knew there really is a goat rodeo
I love you guys....I really do.

Points DO expire. In 6 months. In other words, if you can behave for 6'll have 0 points.

If you can't behave, your points will likely begin to add up. 25 is the magic number.

Now, if ya think about it, someone's gotta really be pressing the right buttons or pushing the envelope to rack up 25 points in a 6-month timeframe.

Well, yes it happens. What next? 3-month suspension.

3 months is a long time, my friends. It really is. We don't want any of you to be gone for 3 months. Would become a boring place around here. There's not a single one of you I would wish that on......I dig the dynamics of our Houston forums.

One other thing worthy of mention,......these point policies may be slightly different than what some of you had dealt with or become used to on ASPD.

On ASPD, points expired in 12 months and 25 points got you a year away from the board.

Not so on ECCIE. We initially set ours up similarly, but decided on a different structure for penalty and expiration. Why did we change?

Keyword: Membership participation. That's what we're about. We're NOT about member exclusion. That's just the way it is. That said, if there's a chronic problem child or someone that's a danger to others, we have other ways of handling them, it won't be with the point system........which is more of a corrective guidance tool for normal contributing members.....not a method to jack people up with points and throw them off the board. Just FYI.

St. C

PS. Farewell auknowho! Best of luck to ya, my friend.
I've got nearly 10 months to go and they were issued 14 mods ago. Originally Posted by boardman
Gotta give credit where credit is due. That was fuckin' hilarious as shit.
Thanks St. C