leaving early smh huge disappointment

Sorry that happened to you Shayla, how disappointing!
Savannah Moon's Avatar
You lost money because a provider canceled? Originally Posted by KatiforYou
You wonder where they come up with that shit...

I knew a few twisted tarts would add their tearful tales when I threw that out there.
Sorry it should have said providers cancel "a lot" as its hard to type on a smart phone. A client may have to take a day or half day of vacation, work around having a real life too, drive somewhere to see the provider, get a room,etc. Yes of course we could lose money on a no show and like was stated above we lose time.

I get it if a provider travels and guys no show I'm sure it SUCKS and I have never done that. As a client it sucks just as much imo. But if guys go on a rant about someone no showing that doesn't help his cause as its hard enough to get references from anyone so they suck it up and keep to themselves.

I've had 2 no shows once due to "car troubles" and once they simply didnt respond the day of the date. It's amazing to me how many unreliable cars providers have had from seeing comments from clients. I dont hobby that often so when I do it's not easy to get verified so if they cancel odds of a last minute date are slim. On top of that I look for certain things if I'm going to pay for it or I can do fine in the real world so a cancel and to find something similar is usually not possible.

So again shayla I think it SUCKS you had a wasted trip but providers aren't always 100% either. Especially with the new rules of the site etc. Happy hobbying!
I'm sorry you had such a rotten trip, but I'm glad I got to see you and I had a great time!
For the life of me...I dont get all the guys that complain about ncns's.

In 10 years I've never had a ncns...now I've had girls that had to cancel...and I've had to cancel...but never had a ncns...
And I too what money they lost...unless it was them paying for the hotel....
Fsn57's Avatar
  • Fsn57
  • 08-21-2018, 01:43 PM
For the life of me...I dont get all the guys that complain about ncns's.

In 10 years I've never had a ncns...now I've had girls that had to cancel...and I've had to cancel...but never had a ncns...
And I too what money they lost...unless it was them paying for the hotel.... Originally Posted by BigDeal
NCNS doesn't happen often, but when it does it sucks especially if you need to make particular arrangements for the meeting. I've had "upscale", "well reviewed" ladies NCNS. Like I said, doesn't happen often (maybe a handful of times in as many years), but it is not uncommon either.

So when it happens to the providers, I understand that it sucks. But hopefully, those that have had a NCNS happen to them are less likely to do it someone else. For that reason, I've never NCNS a provider.

Cancelling with adequate notice is something different though as life sometimes gets in the way of best laid plans.
mojoworkin's Avatar
The few ncns I have experienced are ones I probably shouldn't have called in the first place. If a provider is ok with standing you up, she probably is ok with giving half ass service.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
Damn Shayla, I'm sorry. It is hard when you are trying to take care of others. :-( I love to tour KC as the guys are soooooo nice, the ladies give references, and it's very profitable. I also canceled my last tour though as well. I am normally fully booked prior to my arrival, but it just didn't happen. KC is a very pricey city to tour if you choose to stay in a nice place. I did get several calls while I was supposed to be there, but it sounds like there would have been a lot of cancels. booooo Please accept my condolences for the loss of your uncle. That does not help your situation. You might consider coming to see us in Denver as touring ladies do quite well here. Best wishes... xo
CalvinHall's Avatar
Men trying to tell you what they will pay.. Things have gone NUTSO. Originally Posted by Savannah Moon

Yeah, but I'm really good.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Yeah, but I'm really good. Originally Posted by CalvinHall
Well, you better be if you're cumming to see me