Caution to providers

Yep. Everybody's BBing somebody. I don't know why people forget that fact.
Other people BBing should not be an issue as long as you are using protection yourself............ Plus not everything on reviews is always true.

Just watch out for yourself

And I second London Bridges...... I personally, will never ever offer BBFS to anyone in this hobby. But there are tons of girls who SAY THAT (and bash people who DO offer BB) and then I hear from hobbyists that they are the first to offer. So just protect yourself against EVERYONE.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... I personally, will never ever offer BBFS to anyone ...

... But there are tons of girls who SAY THAT ...

... and then I hear from hobbyists that they are the first to offer ... Originally Posted by CompanionSofia

Im starting to think bbfs is used on the sly more than most of us think. Some of the stuff guys are willing to go through just for one covered pussy??? Uh no. I don't think so. For bare pussy???? Now that makes a little more sense.

All you can ever do is protect yourself. In anything.