More classified docs found at VP pence's home

Have the angry deranged gop requested a special council to go after VP PENCE yet?
GOP too occupied going after Biden. They should be careful what they wish for...if they impeach and remove him from office, they get Kamila as POTUS. That might be fun
Precious_b's Avatar
GOP too occupied going after Biden. They should be careful what they wish for...if they impeach and remove him from office, they get Kamila as POTUS. That might be fun Originally Posted by reddog1951
Ultimate goal?
As salt lick ask for, transparency. This might be it.
ICU 812's Avatar
All the above notwithstanding: I have always thought of Pense as an unwilling stooge. That classified inforation was in his possession is just another example of that..
Wtf!!! The fbi is searching a president's homes. This has never happened before. When will they go after pence? That's the double standard the gop is unhinged about???
ICU 812's Avatar
And now (2/1/23) the FBI is searching Biden's "vacation" home for classified documents . . .Biden yet again.
Precious_b's Avatar
Leave flyboy alone.
He's just the towheaded kid that was around that lot of theives.