Marco (M!NT), Whispers, and Still Looking ... I'm calling you out

M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-26-2011, 04:07 PM
(Wavarry), these are a few of the chapters i thought I would share for now. -M
I'm too lazy for that ... Especially from a phone. Thanks for the valuable info tho.
  • Vyt
  • 10-26-2011, 04:59 PM
I asked SL for a list of his top 12 concerns and attempted to discuss [/COLOR](in detail) each allegation as a new COED thread but, it was forbidden by the eccie[COLOR=RoyalBlue] MODs (not sure why) Originally Posted by M!NT
No conspiracy involved. The same discussion does not need to be in 12 separate threads dominating the entire message board. If you would like to have an entire message board devoted solely to your posts, I recommend you start one.

I asked SL for a list of his top 12 concerns and attempted to discuss (in detail) each allegation as a new COED thread but, it was forbidden by the eccie MODs (not sure why) So instead, we ended up with our current train wreck. -M Originally Posted by M!NT
Please allow me to explain as we have no problem justifying our actions. When threads are going to be controversial and heated it is easier to Moderate one thread than twelve. It's really just that simple! We now have one "train wreck" instead of twelve "train wrecks".

Not wanting to speak for Vyt, but the other reason he limited it to one thread was that was the way HE wanted it and just as you put up and remove what you want on the RBB board, the Mods here do the same within the confines of the guidelines from our owners.

If you think about it from the Moderator side, his decision makes perfect sense. Or perhaps he just hasn't been M!nt conditioned, yet?????

  • Vyt
  • 10-26-2011, 05:10 PM
After this merry-go-round, I suspect I am off the list of people who will ever be M!NT CONDITIONED.
  • Vyt
  • 10-26-2011, 05:25 PM
On a more serious note (I'm not always all about the snark, just 99.4% of the time):

(Absolutley), I agree with you, after the release of "MINT Conditioned" on 02.14.2012
I'll be surprised to see any Agencies still around.
Originally Posted by M!NT
By that statement, did you mean to INCLUDE "Mint" as a soon to be "disappeared" agency? It would make sense. Originally Posted by nuglet
Yes (nuglet), ALL Agencies
Originally Posted by M!NT
This implies that you see agencies as inherently exploitative, which is certainly an interesting position for a person who, depending on whom you ask, recently ran or is currently running his own agency.

There are some benefits to agencies that I can see from this side of the fence:

* infrastructure - a provider doesn't have to worry about supplying an in call, scheduling appointments, or taking calls. All that is provided for her. Many providers have business management issues (to put it politely) and for them this is an asset.

* convenience - from a client's standpoint, the ability to call and say "I've got some free time in a couple of hours, what can you do?" Although some independent providers offer this level of response, most do not, since they have significant overhead in terms of organization (setting up an in call, scheduling enough appointments to justify it, etc.) and thus prefer at least a day's warning. For clients who prefer more spur-of-the-moment assignations the convenience agencies offer is an asset.

Bear in mind I speak purely from the standpoint of devil's advocacy - I don't patronize agencies, because I prefer the money given to the provider go to the provider. I am under no illusion that everyone who states they are independent are, or that there isn't ever a "booking agent" or "pimp" or "boyfriend" or whatever term you'd like to use hovering behind the scenes. However, part of being a consumer is making informed choices based on available information.

Putting information out there for providers to not be taken advantage of is certainly a worthy goal and I certainly don't discourage you from it (though yours won't be the first book on the subject, nor the last). However, I suspect it won't quite have the neutron blast effect you ascribe to it.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Will this be available on iTunes or Amazon Kindle?
M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-26-2011, 06:13 PM
(Rand Al'Thor) available on both iTunes and Amazon Kindle. MINT Conditioned is for the girls of our community although, the guys might learn a thing or two about being better gentlemen and keeping themselves off the list. -M

(Vyt) I have no beef with you or any of the MODS .. I know you are just doing your job, thanks in advance and yes, I see Agencies as inherently exploitative. If providers have business management issues, take a course and learn some TCB
skills -M

I agree on your stance, part of being a provider also involves making informed choices based on available information. -M
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Anyone got some duct tape for this fool???? Help him stop himself already....
I see this has turned into another Marco bashing thread. Ugh

Mods, can you please lock this thread?
I dont mean to get all up in the biz but ive had nothing but good experiences with marco!!! he is a great man and a wonderful guy to work for... why cant everyone mind their business. money is money and thats why were all here. fuck the bullshit.
sixxbach's Avatar
why cant everyone mind their business. Originally Posted by Mz.Capri
Hmmmmm this is an open forum.......

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 10-26-2011, 09:35 PM
Mods, can you please lock this thread? Originally Posted by WorknMan
As you wish...
