This is how you know higher education is failing.

The same can be said about the current argument that kids, especially White kids don't know the history of slavery. I find that hard to believe because not only was and is taught in school, who hasn't seen Roots, 12 years a Slave, Amistad and just recently Harriet, the life of Harriet Tubman?

But learning that it happened, the absolute horror of slavery and turning that into a modern day course being taught in school today the 1619 Project that America was built on slavery and therefore nothing America has done since can make up for something the whole world practiced including Blacks in Africa and even in America, is an abomination. There are books being written telling young White children not to believe their White parents on matters of race because their parents are in fact racist because, well, because their White.

I just watched a very interesting show on NetFlix about Social Media called "The Social Dilemma" which I highly recommend and one line in particular stood out ( actually, there are to many to list ) "if we can't agree on what is true, there is no hope of solving our problems". And as the show points out, there is a battle raging on Social Media platforms that make discovery of what is true and what isn't, damn near impossible and some suggest that is the point.

We are in deep shit in this country and I really don't see any way out of it. This could make the Fall of Rome look like a picnic before it's all over. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Damn right!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
which is why Gen Patton summoned Gen Eisenhower and Gen Bradley to Ohrdruf when it was liberated by Brigadier General Joseph Cutrona. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I watched so many Patton movies over and over as a damn kid that my young dumbass started believing that George C. Scott was actually him. My dad watched all of those types of history movies and documentaries nonstop when he had some downtime.

As a child, you want to hang out with your dad, so it was always just sports and history with him. The funny thing is that I liked the sports but hated the history. And when I hit my teens, I actually enjoyed the history.
  • oeb11
  • 09-19-2020, 10:18 AM
TWK - thank you for the history

and Lm, Grace , Hf, ff - we are all on the same page - Never forget - and Never again.

I would personally tattoo that on the foreheads of Omar and Tlaib - along with the Anti-Semitic racist progressives. !
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I watched so many Patton movies over and over as a damn kid that my young dumbass started believing that George C. Scott was actually him. My dad watched all of those types of history movies and documentaries nonstop when he had some downtime.

As a child, you want to hang out with your dad, so it was always just sports and history with him. The funny thing is that I liked the sports but hated the history. And when I hit my teens, I actually enjoyed the history. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Patton is a great movie. one of my favorites in the War and specifically WWI movie genre. John Wayne lobbied very hard for the role of Patton. not too hard to see that given Wayne's views. Sorry Duke, you weren't really the best choice for that role, not only did Wayne not resemble Patton at all where George C Scott did, Wayne was actually too big. Patton was about 6'1' so he wasn't short but not nearly as large as Wayne.

the movie was very accurate to the history. after all it had Omar Bradley as a consultant who knew Patton from their days at West Point and was his deputy commander in North Africa. of course Bradley was overall commander of US Army forces in Europe from just before D-Day till the war in Europe was over, meaning that Patton served under Bradley's command as commanding General of 3rd Army.

one thing that was overplayed for the dramatics of course was the slapping incident. certainly there was an uproar by politicians over it but Patton was never in any danger of being sent back to the US. Eisenhower, who was close friends with Patton and George Marshall would never have sent probably their best field commander back to the US with the invasion of Europe looming. and even if they did Roosevelt would ordered Patton reinstated anyway. it is true as the movie depicted that Patton was used as a decoy to make the Germans think the invasion would be at Calais and Hitler fell for it completely even after the real invasion began. Rommel for one was aghast at this but was ordered not to move a large German force from Calais to Normandy by the "Corporal Field Marshall". it's very possible Rommel could have stopped the invasion if he was allowed to act.

George C Scott as Patton

Gen George S Patton

Sorry Duke .. George C Scott was the better choice

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The only thing that matters is skin color.
The only thing that matters is skin color. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Wow George C. Scott and Gen Patton looked a good bit alike. George was the better choice.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Patton is a great movie. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It was a great movie. It came out way before I was born but my dad liked it so I was stuck watching it because he had it on VHS. I will say that I was 7 years old, and had a low attention span but for such a long movie, it actually kept my attention. I enjoyed watching it more as an adult when I actually understood what was going on in the movie. At 7 years old, I had no clue what the fuck they were even talking about for the most part but I was still entertained.

My dad also made me watch Gandhi that same year. Talk about child abuse. What fucking kid has the attention span to sit through that shit? I still hate Ben Kingsley because of the 3 plus hours of torture I endured that day watching that movie.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...As a child, you want to hang out with your dad, so it was always just sports and history with him... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Wonder if that is a similar experience in the vast majority of African American households, where the child spends time with Dad at home learning about things of the world. Wondering what is actually failing. Education outside the home or inside the home?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Wonder if that is a similar experience in the vast majority of African American households, where the child spends time with Dad at home learning about things of the world. Wondering what is actually failing. Education outside the home or inside the home? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I didn't post that to be a racial topic about black dads. Thanks for your feeble attempt at trying to change the narrative to race though to disparage black men... the many number of racist old simpletons in this forum are comical to me. I wonder if some of you clowns can even tie your shoes.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
George C Scott.. IDK. I thought he was miscast as patton.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
George C Scott.. IDK. I thought he was miscast as patton. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Wayne would have been worse. so who would you have cast at that time? besides, Scott had already played an over the top General in "Dr. Strangelove" so why not play a serious one?

Rod Steiger was offered it but turned it down.

George C. Scott as Major General George S. Patton. (Rod Steiger had first turned down the role, later admitting that it was the worst decision of his career.[5])

one movie role Steiger did take and was great in is "In the heat of the night" with Sidney Poitier. This is also a great movie

and the famous "Slapping Endicott" scene

the first time Tibbs and the Sheriff meet.
Yes, Steiger definitely played a great role in Heat of the Night and probably would have done a good Patton as well.

I also like Carol O'Conner in the Heat of the Night series. More watered down than the movie, but good entertainment at the time.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes, Steiger definitely played a great role in Heat of the Night and probably would have done a good Patton as well.

I also like Carol O'Conner in the Heat of the Night series. More watered down than the movie, but good entertainment at the time. Originally Posted by eccielover

that's pretty much why i didn't care for the TV series even with "Archie Bunker" as a more serious role there. it lost something by the repetitive nature of a series. had a long run though. O'Conner also played a General in a rather quirky war movie .. "Kelly's Heroes". he also played a General in a more serious tone in "The Devil's Brigade" starring William Holden. that mixed force of Canadian and American troops did exist in WWII but without the hollywood bullshit of the American's being a bunch of misfits like the "Dirty Dozen". in the real world both divisions of the brigade were in fact elite soldiers. and the "Golden Boy" himself Paul Hornung as a lumberjack of all things. lol.

it's Sci-Fi so it's not everyone's taste but if you want to watch a good movie with Steiger try "The Illustrated Man" based on the Ray Bradbury novel.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...the many number of racist old simpletons in this forum ... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Oh, so the US Census and CDC are lying about those numbers? You should consider going to skool to get an edumication sonny.

Census Bureau: Higher Percentage of Black Children Live with Single Mothers

Only 38.7 Percent of African-American Minors Live with Both Parents...

The Black Family Is Struggling, and It’s Not Because of Slavery

...In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families. Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families...

Maybe you can get lucky and find a skool that has in person classes. But I'm still not clear on why you think it is the fault of black men. It could be the women.
Little Monster's Avatar
You brought up a good point in another thread.
Without a reference for your claims, your post has no credility.
In other words, what proof do you have?
Since you have none, your post goes in the opinion bin.

"without a reference for the quote - your post has no credibility."
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
None of his posts ever do. All he does is lie and make stuff up like his hero Trump.

I don't have anything against the Jewish religion itself and I don't believe the Jewish community started the holocaust.

Today on the other hand is a different story. Israel is nothing more than an instigator in the middle east. They need to get taken out or else they will have a hand in creating WWIII.