The climate changes ALL THE TIME. ALWAYS HAS.
That's the point. Man has had no appreciable impact on the pace, or type of change.
We "deniers" only refuse to believe that a silly carbon tax or billions of dollars in regulatory costs added to businesses will make a dent in it. It's entirely vain to believe that we humans can make any difference for better or worse. If the earth finds us to be a nusience - it will shake us off like it did the dinosaurs and wolly mammoths. Even if we use CFL bulbs and have solar panels on our roof.
MAN-MADE climate change is what's up for debate, and what I, for one, will not blindly believe. Climate change is a fact that has been true since there has been a climate.
Originally Posted by stockguru
half a Billions tons of CO2 emissions/year have no effect?
Why wouldnt it have an effect?
its all inert?
remember post 9/11 in america, No planes were in the air, which means no white contrails for 3 days? they have been quite a few studies showing those little clouds affect weather temperatures.
now contrails are mostly water,what about 500,000,000,000 tons of CO2. why wouldnt that have any effect?