Encounter: Aubrey rides again... Not so much though.

Blaz36900's Avatar
Ok since we all make our own judgements of things and really have no idea what the fuck where talking about. If some one wants to speak on this matter please feel free to pm me and we can speak over the phone or whatever you'd like. But before I allow a bunch of ppl call me a liar and a fake I'll prove what I need to. And also its Syntax not Syntex at least learn the word if you going to use it. And and to be called a female because I'm educated (retired English professor) and articulated is uneducated redneck bullshit. But assume what you will but even the young man who put out " a truthful visit" will go on to point out her hygiene in the lower area was dreadful. And she indeed had substance issues which were edited out of my original post. But his judgement not to far off from mine. Sweet girl but a train wreck otherwise so no fake review.And yes it's not flattering but I did what I thought we were here to do and give an honest review. But also for some one to call for boycotting Savannah that's just childish. I would hate to think something I wrote about someone else costs her money so I say unless she does something directly to one of us no need to not see her what has she done wrong. If you have issues then have them with me but I ask why at all for telling a truth that maybe some Aubrey fans don't care for. Let's all grow up a bit.
Interesting how the retired English professor started multiple sentences with the word “and”. Even more interesting how he misused the word “to” vs “too”

Bravo Professor
Interesting how the retired English professor started multiple sentences with the word “and”. Even more interesting how he misused the word “to” vs “too”

Bravo Professor Originally Posted by ThickThighs_SaveLives
Horrible sentence structure throughout his post. Retired? Thank goodness.