What's Your Fantasy?

oldman49's Avatar
How about mother and daughter tag team?
BB....how much did the fantasy lady leave on the nightstand?
Longermonger's Avatar
One word: Sisters. Originally Posted by Racerunner
Two words: twin sisters

Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 07-15-2010, 10:04 AM
I actually got to experience a mother-daughter session. It happened many years ago in Dallas. They both danced at a "gentleman's club." I got to know both of them pretty well....one thing led to another!! They didn't interact much at all....a little kissing.....but they both took real good care of me!!

One of my fantasies is to have sex in an airplane. I was given a HJ one time in a plane but I want to join the real mile-high club!
Been there done that - makes a red eye flight worth taking !!
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
I am with dirty give me the old bitch. Besides I don't think I can put my dreams on here ok just a hint naa no hint well maybe she don't gag & theres no gravity on yeah its more then 8 shes & well you can guess the rest.