Sick and bored....not a good combo!!

melannie_star's Avatar
I hope you feel better Zipster!

I think about sex often through out the day and often at the most weirdest times . Like this afternoon, I got done with my work out , was feeling the adrenaline still, started the shower , took my clothes off , and reached for my

The only problem was that my batteries where running low.. so it took a little longer to reach my destination. The good news was I got there. True Story!
I hope you feel better Zipster!

I think about sex often through out the day and often at the most weirdest times . Like this afternoon, I got done with my work out , was feeling the adrenaline still, started the shower , took my clothes off , and reached for my

The only problem was that my batteries where running low.. so it took a little longer to reach my destination. The good news was I got there. True Story! Originally Posted by melannie_star
Thanks Mel! Remind me to be there after your next workout!!! Lol!!
melannie_star's Avatar
Thanks Mel! Remind me to be there after your next workout!!! Lol!! Originally Posted by zipster

Will do Zipster.. It is one of my sexual peeks of the day. Usually I will hold off if I know I will be having company
In my youth my nickname was "Boner"
Dude I watched the first five seasons of the Office in one week!
Randall Creed's Avatar
When I'm sick (very rarely, but occasionally), I'm completely content with balling up in a blanket and sleeping off any ailing feelings. If I don't have to be anywhere or need supplies, I'll only get up to eat and use the restroom. Nothing else matters.

As far as sex thoughts goes, it depends. There are times when all I CAN think about is sex. It's not so much as 'number of times', but how long the thought is. Almost all the women I put eyes on, those that are reasonably hot at least, I've had mental sex with them. Even the ladies on Eccie. If I've EVER, at any time, looked at your showcase, somewhere in my cerebral database, there's a moment where we are doing the naked tango. Ladies, if out of nowhere you suddenly get a little tingly down there, feel free to think, "Dammit! Is Rambro mentally fucking me again!?! Bastard! I oughta charge his ass for this!"

Then again, there are times where I hardly ever think about it, particularly if I'm engaged in a task or something completely far out from sex, like washing dishes or housework. So, when I think about it, I REALLY think about it. When I don't, I'm nowhere close to thinking about it.

Then a big booty walks by...of course, meaning I have to mentally tap that ass. And so it begins
In my youth my nickname was "Boner"
Dude I watched the first five seasons of the Office in one week! Originally Posted by nicholas linnear
I've watched the entire season thru twice and so far today I'm about halfway thru season 3!! I still laugh like it's the first time I've seen it!! A great comedy!!
Check out Lilyhammer on Netflix. My new go-to show until S3 of House of Cards airs tomorrow.

Remember Silvo from Sopranos? aka Steven Van Sant from The E-Street Band? He plays a New York gangster who goes in the witness protection program and relocates to Lilyhammer, Norway. Have really enjoyed the first season. It's pretty funny.

Get well soon. Drink lots of water and finish your antibiotics!!!
Check out Lilyhammer on Netflix. My new go-to show until S3 of House of Cards airs tomorrow.

Remember Silvo from Sopranos? aka Steven Van Sant from The E-Street Band? He plays a New York gangster who goes in the witness protection program and relocates to Lilyhammer, Norway. Have really enjoyed the first season. It's pretty funny.

Get well soon. Drink lots of water and finish your antibiotics!!! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Thanks THN!! Looks like the same tomorrow....holding down the couch!! I'll check Lilyhammer out. And thanks for the info on the antibiotics(amoxicillin) and water, especially from a hot nurse like yourself!!! :-)

Enjoy your days off
sparrow1122's Avatar
I am stuck in traffic during the snow storm. So I am doing kegel exercises per the zipster tip.
I am stuck in traffic during the snow storm. So I am doing kegel exercises per the zipster tip. Originally Posted by sparrow1122
Lol! Squeeze and release, repeat!! No snow where I am....yet! I think it's coming my way. It doesn't matter though, I won't be going outside today! I'm still holding down the couch with this crud!!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I am stuck in traffic during the snow storm. So I am doing kegel exercises per the zipster tip. Originally Posted by sparrow1122
Im stuck also! Way in Arlington i had to pull over so here i am lol anyone want a car date? Jk but sheesh
Im stuck also! Way in Arlington i had to pull over so here i am lol anyone want a car date? Jk but sheesh Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Jules, you and Sparrow be careful out there. Channel 5 is saying something about a 40 car wreck in Collin County. You guys are getting hit hard!! Be safe!!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Yeah i think ill just sit here -_- i dont know what else to do lol
sparrow1122's Avatar
Now I am stuck at 20 and beltline. Rules, I am looking for you.
I am the guy making funny faces as I squeeze and release!

Lets have an emergency car date and stay warm!