Why Do Men Lie About Their Height?

Well I am a holy man and cannot tell a lie..

6'4" 218

But EW sometimes being this tall can be a curse..... Originally Posted by St.Mateo59

Amen..... 6' 3" 200lbs. I hit my head on everything, jeans are hard to find in my size. And i get made to do all the jobs most guys are too short for, which in my business is all the shit jobs. Not to mention i cant buy a small sports car, i cant fit into most fuel efficient vehicles..... they just dont make em for us tall dudes.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Well I am a holy man and cannot tell a lie..

6'4" 218

But EW sometimes being this tall can be a curse..... Originally Posted by St.Mateo59
So I've heard. So I've heard.

  • npita
  • 08-02-2010, 07:57 AM
Im not sure why guys lie to a provider about their height. With civilians and dating online, however, height often determines whether a woman will even meet a guy and being 2" taller is a lot more important than having a dick that 2" longer. Since 6' seems to be a magic number only because it's a round number, a guy who is 5'10" or 5'11" has a lot of incentive to say he's 6' tall. A woman is unlikey to know the difference between 5'11" and 6' or even 5'10" and 6' if she's only 5'4" (and there are a lot of short women who want to date guys over 6') or if she does, may not make a big deal out of it after meeting the guy. Similarly, guys who are 5'4" would definitely improve their chances by being 5'6", so they have a lot of incentive to lie. Guys my height, (5'9") don't have a LOT of incentive to lie, since there's no hope of passing for 6'.
seems like a saw a statistic once that said only one US president was under 6' tall...take it for what it's worth....

I'm 5'11" and change. When I had hair, it made up the difference to make me 6' tall. Yes, I list 6' on my DL.
Cousin Dupree's Avatar
Im not sure why guys lie to a provider about their ages. With civilians and dating online, however, height often determines whether a woman will even meet a guy and being 2" taller is a lot more important than having a dick that 2" longer. Since 6' seems to be a magic number only because it's a round number, a guy who is 5'10" or 5'11" has a lot of incentive to say he's 6' tall. Originally Posted by npita
Very true, very true. Browse the women-looking-for-men personals and you will see just how big a deal height is to a lot of women. So I can see adding an extra inch or so in the "real world".

But in the hobby world I see no reason to lie about height. I thought the whole point of the hobby was to bypass all the usual bullshit rituals that often make courting so difficult and frustrating. In fact I cannot think of a hobby situation where my height has even been a topic of conversation. Never been asked my height by a provider and never offered it to one.
I am so f++king average, 5'10" and "drum roll" for the first time since I returned from SEA this morning I stepped on the scale and weighed 196lb. Prefect woman for me Tall Busty Brunette that is taller than me waring heels.

The average American man is between 5' 9" and 5' 10", shown by the tallest bars in the middle of the graph. You can see that when you diverge up or down from the mean, the quantity within each range diminishes sharply.
I'm 6'3" and need to lose some weight, both are apparent so why lie about it? The woman is gonna figure it out when she looks thru the peephole.
I'm 6'3" and need to lose some weight, both are apparent so why lie about it? The woman is gonna figure it out when she looks thru the peephole. Originally Posted by txcwby6
Lying about height (or anything else) is absurd for two reasons. First of all, she is going to SEE you, so unless you're going to wear your shoes with lifts when doing the deed, you're going to be caught out... She might also notice that your torso is unusually short for such a tall guy when actually doing the deed with your shoes on...

But besides that, you're paying her to spend time with her. I have a feeling that you can be short, tall, ultra skinny, fat, whatever, she is still going to see you because of that envelope or stack of bills that you are carrying.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 08-02-2010, 02:26 PM
Found this nifty applet while looking for some stats.

You can enter your height and it will show you what percentage of men (or women) are taller and shorter than you.

And...you can also enter the minimum and max heights of one you'd consider for a date and see what percentage of the female (or male) population is in that range.

Fun way to kill a few minutes.

I'm 6'1/2" tall so not quite 6'1. My whole life people have thought I was taller than that. I finally realized they are used to thinking that guys that are 5'10-5-11 are 6 feet tall, cuz they have lied to them all their lives. Most women say I must be 6' 3 or 6' 4, its funny. So many napolean complexes out there. Why lie about 5'10, thats not considered short.