
B.Wayne's Avatar
Don't cross the boundary. If you dont think you can see her without only wanting more then you already know what you should do. Stop seeing her and find someone else completely different that you can only keep it business with. People are human. I get it, but just dont do it. Trust me.
MuffDiver817's Avatar
YES!! I always look at this as a business transaction with benefits!

If you feel you may be becoming emotional attached should you stop visiting a provider. What do you'll think? Originally Posted by franoo2oo6
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Not a good idea to be attached, neither for you nor the provider. See other providers, have some variety and get over the infatuation. You are not attached to the provider, you are attached to the character that she represents. You do not know her, for better or worse, she is probably very different than you imagine.

How you get over it is up to you, everyone is different.

Be a friend with benefits is OK.

(what am I saying , I'm in love with all my girls!)
roaringfork's Avatar
I've never had sex without paying good money for it--or without falling in love. Any other attitude seems a little unchivalrous, frankly.
  • RFPD
  • 02-06-2013, 07:17 AM
I believe it would be torture to know that the girl you were "attached" too was fucking countless gents the EXACT same way as she fucks you and the whole hobby community reads and discusses it. I can understand thinking you had feelings, but then coming back to reality would probably be more the wise. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina

Words of wisdom from a provider that probably has her shit together.
OP, you aren't the 1st guy to have this happen and you won't be the last, either. If you are married it makes it tougher. As genuine as her affections may seem towards you, keep in mind it's her job to act that way.

Are you jealous that she sees other guys?
Do you try to see her off the clock for regular dates?
Is she willing to give you her personal info like her real name, DL, where she lives, her boyfriend/husband?

This rarely... and I mean RARELY works out to a long term relationship here, according to past posts here and former boards. See more Providers, man.
bojulay's Avatar
I would suggest changing your diet to more alkaline foods
and less acidic.

Good advice in all circumstance or situations.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Bojulay..... no way I'm giving up wine
Just know the boundaries!
Bad idea…even if you make a genuine connection, the truth of how you met will no doubt surface time and time again to haunt you. In plain ugly English, the truth – for the men: SHE’S A WHORE, A REAL WHORE and for the ladies: HE’S A HOBBYIST, A REAL PERV WITH AN INSATIABLE APPETITE FOR TRASHY WOMEN.

Strictly for the benefit of the OP I will share two cautionary real life tales.

Tale 1 is about an actual couple that I know that met hobbying. I met the gal through an exercise forum and didn’t know at first anything about her life. In the course of our friendship she eventually laid out all the details of her life. I felt really bad for her. Lost all four of her kids to their respective fathers due to a false CPS claim a vindictive family member made, can you imagine? In one day, one call, you can lose your kids based on fictional tales? Poor gal. Naturally she started hooking. I mean who wouldn’t? She needed to hire the best attorney. She worked for 4+ years and made a lot of money (let her tell it) but somehow never found the right attorney. My first clue as to what sort of person she was.

She met a hobbyist who fell in love with her, I highly suspect the feeling was not mutual. By then she was tired of the life and needed him. He left his wife, divorce, left his kids, etc and in the process gained one HELL of a woman (pun intended.)

They’ve been together 3+ years and she does not work. She drives the nicer car around town all day shopping while he drives an early millennium model Honda to his job 5 days a week. Call her to work out at 8am and she doesn’t answer, why? BECAUSE SHE PREFERS TO SLEEP IN AND DOESN’T GET UP UNTIL 11, DUH!
Whenever I am around her she is always making decisions/purchases which benefit her and her only. She’ll put him on speaker and I’ll hear him say things like “Did you clean the house” – she’ll roll her eyes and lower her voice very manipulatively, as if she is an abused woman. After she hangs up, she’ll tell me all about how awful he is and how he throws things in her face. Her home is always dirty and they are always eating out yet the dishes are always stacked up in kitchen. She often asks me “who could take this from a man” – UM, Me? He’s a good guy, I feel bad…I’d take all that he dishes out with a smile on my face – shopping, leisurely days at home without worry or care AND even the polite inquiries in to the status of his dinner and laundry.

Tale 2 is my own experience. One of my first clients that I grew attached to….actually because I’m telling the story, I’ll call him my ex-boyfriend J

He didn’t trust that I liked him because all the girls say the same things to him. I just pure didn’t trust him because he’s an arrogant pompous very attractive gentleman who happens to be a bachelor with no one to answer to. He loves women and women love him back.

Started nice, ended bad. I had a brief stay at the Heartbreak Hotel and on the day I checked out I decided to make a quick left in to Crazy Town. I had never known his Eccie handle but eventually after 3 months and during the course of a routine investigation, I found him. I had thought I found him countless times before – if a man referenced HWY 35 I’d think that was him. If a man mentioned having a beer, AHA HE LOVES BEER. If a man mentioned getting off of work, HE WORKS ON TUESDAYS, must be him! That went on to no avail but one day I really found his handle. The things I read sent me in to an uproar. He’s still my client, bad idea but it’s like there’s a magnet pulling us together. My only solace comes in knowing Whitney Houston is no longer with us and someone had to pick up where her and Bobby left off. For the sole benefit of the laws of the Universe, I martyr myself and my heart freely to ensure the rest of the world stays the same.

It’s now a sick game of one-upsmanship between us. Neither will budge on god knows what to settle it once and for all. Instead we sit in wait for the next move. He takes jabs to make me jealous and I take jabs to return the favor. At this very moment I am one up on him. I was the last to make him jealous but that can change with a blowing wind.

In fact, I’m going to open my mail – if anything stresses me out I’ll have no choice but to read his post again. If I find no recent activity to upset me, I’ll have to start from his join date and work my way up. I may or may not get the urge to call/text him to confront him. In my heart of heart, I would love nothing more than for him to apologize and ask for my hand in marriage. I’d love to say NO, hang up and move on with my life but I know that’s not what he’ll do. He’s an A&&!

He may bring up a valid point like…that was before I met you, which will no doubt cause me to burst in to tears. The nerve of him having a life before he met me, that hurts my feelings! Or he may say something like….are you about to start your period, which will no doubt cause me to burst in to tears. The nerve of him being so callous and reckless over my sensitivity, which btw is no fault of my own due to the hormonal changes, that hurts my feelings!

In short by the end of today he may have one up on me and then naturally we’ll have to start it all over again tomorrow. I don’t have time for this. I wish I never started it.

Another caution is that someone you are involved with can out you. At one point we were both scared of that happening. That was at the height of this madness. Luckily we both trust that won’t happen. He knows with certainty that if I have a score to settle I CAN AND WILL call him immediately at any given moment to settle it. However, he cannot with any certainty answer as to if I would throw an ice cold drink in his crotch!

Be careful.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I can't wait until i get a client who comes to see me 4 times a week!
Interesting stories, Misspriss. However, I never think of you lovely ladies as trashy whores. I wouldn't be here if I thought that.
daty/o's Avatar
However, I never think of you lovely ladies as trashy whores. I wouldn't be here if I thought that. Originally Posted by Prolongus
I agree and I also have to take issue with another statement. Miss Priss, just because one participates in the Hobby does not make him a "perv".

If it did, everyone could be a perv. It takes years of practice and unyielding patience.
Interesting stories, Misspriss. However, I never think of you lovely ladies as trashy whores. I wouldn't be here if I thought that. Originally Posted by Prolongus
I agree. I have never meet a lady lady on here and thought of her as a whore.
Interesting stories, Misspriss. However, I never think of you lovely ladies as trashy whores. I wouldn't be here if I thought that. Originally Posted by Prolongus
I'm not saying with fact that you actually believe that but date a provider and in a fight, that may slip out. Get your feelings hurt and you may find yourself unable to avoid "hitting below the belt" - I myself recognize this as a major fault. I'm a mature adult and just as importantly as someone conducts themselves when showing affection is the way they fight. Fighting fair shows character, in that - I'm flawed. I'm working on it, hard to do when guarded. My instinct is to come out swinging ...