The Real Definition of Terrorism

Oh, you mean randomly killing innocent people? Torturing prisoners? Oh, that's right, that's exactly what the US is doing, along with bombing schools, roads and necessary infrastructure in undeclared wars with no definition of victory.

You're the stupid one, Timmy. You can't see that we are becoming what we hate. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
This doesn't say much about retirement or being permanently laid off by Wal Mart. StupidOldLyingFart camps out 24/7 on a friggin' hooker board and writes 15-20 Anti-American posts per day and starts at least 2-3 (worthless and meaningless) anti-American threads each and everyday. When another poster disagrees with him, he regularly responds by implying that they are the ones who are Anti-American, not him.

Timmy's right, StupidOldLyingFart is an obsessed, Anti-American Moron! We need to ship his sorry ass COD to Beautiful Downtown Damascus with a 2 month layover in Moscow where he can break bread with his fellow Commie Comrades.

Breaking it down to the least common denominator, SOLF is a worthless imbecile. Unfortunately for us all, that is one of his better qualities. It rapidly goes downhill after that.
JCM800's Avatar
I love America, which is why the direction we're heading bothers me. Our government no longer upholds the values on which this country was founded. We are becoming a police state. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
"The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement"

if we we're becoming a police state they would've shut this board down already
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I hate to break it to you COG but Afghanistan had no real infrastructure to bomb. Do you give credit for the schools that the US has built in that country? How about the roads? The medical facilites? How about some credit for tying to give women rights over there.

I will admit that any, ANY organization can get carried away or forget why they are there in the first place. The point of the spear can do some terrible things to the wrong people sometimes. I know a couple of guys who have returned from Afghanistan in the last two years. They are angry and they are frustrated that they can't do what they deemed necessary to preserve their lives and not so much the lives of innocent Afghans but the sucess of the mission which is to help the people of that country. It is very rare that a charge is made that someone kills, knowingly, innocent people for no other reason than some twisted satisfaction. Mistakes can be made, the incompetent can rise to a level that costs lives and sometimes shit happens in combat.

I supported the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. We discussed this in 1991. The war in Iraq is over but we're not doing so well with the peace. It has become evident that we are not trying to win the war, or have the mission succeed in Afghanistan. If we don't know why we are there and don't know what our goals are then it is time to come home.

On a personal note; I served this country. It doesn't give my opinion anymore credibility on most topics other than my own personal experience. It does say that I have put my life in a position to support what comes out of my mouth. Can you say the same? I was surprised several years ago when a member of my division who was known for saying some stupid, insulting things in the interest of free speech. He was a liberal. One day he was complaining about his work (he complained a lot) and he said "that the navy was just like communism" and "we should all be communists". The Chief Petty Officer moved very quickly and pinned him to the bulkhead by his neck. The idiot outweighed the chief by 50 lbs but I swear his feet were not on the deck anymore. We all started walking towards the door to give the Chief some privacy for his discussion when he caught himself and walked away. I know why the Chief did what he did now and I might do the same.
if we we're becoming a police state they would've shut this board down already Originally Posted by JCM800
StupidOldLyingFart would not know "a police state" if it jumped up and bit him on his lying, worthless Anti-American ass!
On a personal note; I served this country. It doesn't give my opinion anymore credibility on most topics other than my own personal experience. It does say that I have put my life in a position to support what comes out of my mouth. Can you say the same? I was surprised several years ago when a member of my division who was known for saying some stupid, insulting things in the interest of free speech. He was a liberal. One day he was complaining about his work (he complained a lot) and he said "that the navy was just like communism" and "we should all be communists". The Chief Petty Officer moved very quickly and pinned him to the bulkhead by his neck. The idiot outweighed the chief by 50 lbs but I swear his feet were not on the deck anymore. We all started walking towards the door to give the Chief some privacy for his discussion when he caught himself and walked away. I know why the Chief did what he did now and I might do the same. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
My sentiments exactly! I had a First Sergeant assigned to my unit at Fort Bragg that would have made mincemeat out of the imbecile! I would have turned my head and looked the other way. If asked, I would have testified that the clumsy, Anti-American bastard must have slipped on a bar of soap!

TOP wasn't political but he was a patriotic American, through and through. Nothing more, nothing less! May he RIP!

Fuck Comrade StupidOldLyingFart and the Anti-American horse he rides on a daily basis! I have no use for him or the blind horse he is riding!
I don't think you served at all. Nobody who was in the military would ever say anything like "a member of my division".....that terminology tells me you've never served. We didn't refer to each other as "members"....ever. That is not a term anybody who was ever in the military would use. Secondly, your point of reference is wrong....a division? Maybe a company, maybe a platoon, more likely a squad. But, who in the military ever makes reference to a fellow soldier as a "member of my division?" Nobody, that's who. There are many thousands of soldiers or marines in a division. It's not a term that would be used.

Finally, there aren't any divisions in the navy, except in the Marine Corps. And, it's clear from the context of the conversation you've quoted that the "member of your division" was in the navy.

You're a liar.

I hate to break it to you COG but Afghanistan had no real infrastructure to bomb. Do you give credit for the schools that the US has built in that country? How about the roads? The medical facilites? How about some credit for tying to give women rights over there.

I will admit that any, ANY organization can get carried away or forget why they are there in the first place. The point of the spear can do some terrible things to the wrong people sometimes. I know a couple of guys who have returned from Afghanistan in the last two years. They are angry and they are frustrated that they can't do what they deemed necessary to preserve their lives and not so much the lives of innocent Afghans but the sucess of the mission which is to help the people of that country. It is very rare that a charge is made that someone kills, knowingly, innocent people for no other reason than some twisted satisfaction. Mistakes can be made, the incompetent can rise to a level that costs lives and sometimes shit happens in combat.

I supported the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. We discussed this in 1991. The war in Iraq is over but we're not doing so well with the peace. It has become evident that we are not trying to win the war, or have the mission succeed in Afghanistan. If we don't know why we are there and don't know what our goals are then it is time to come home.

On a personal note; I served this country. It doesn't give my opinion anymore credibility on most topics other than my own personal experience. It does say that I have put my life in a position to support what comes out of my mouth. Can you say the same? I was surprised several years ago when a member of my division who was known for saying some stupid, insulting things in the interest of free speech. He was a liberal. One day he was complaining about his work (he complained a lot) and he said "that the navy was just like communism" and "we should all be communists". The Chief Petty Officer moved very quickly and pinned him to the bulkhead by his neck. The idiot outweighed the chief by 50 lbs but I swear his feet were not on the deck anymore. We all started walking towards the door to give the Chief some privacy for his discussion when he caught himself and walked away. I know why the Chief did what he did now and I might do the same. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wow! Such a parade of phony patriotism, aka "nationalism" by idiots unable to think and see for themselves. 'Tis a pity. The truth is all around you, yet you choose to ignore it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey idiot what do you call the electric shop on a gator freighter? It is called E division and includes ICmen as well as electricians. The jerk in question (not your) was an ICmen and he was in E division which was next to M division and R division. Yep, I was a fresh air snipe. So you can take your opinion (for what its worth) and shove it up your ass. Since it's worth is so little it probably won't even hurt...for you.

I thought about it for few minutes and I am going to give this ignorant punk a lesson in Navy chain of command. The smallest unit on a navy ship is the sailor. Understand that? A man (in my days) who was trained and assigned duties. That sailor belonged to a Work Center which held specific ratings. My work center was EE01 and had electricians in it. That work center belonged to a Division which in this case was E Division. All of the engineering divisions (B, M, E, A, R) belonged the engineering Department. All of the departments made up the Command.

Now you can suck my cock, kiss my ass, go fuck off, or apologize to the people here for being such a pathetic, ignorant loser. The choice is yours Timmy.

Pic removed, image violation CC
Timmy and Lassie; a strange relationship
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
"It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its government. "

-- Thomas Paine
The truth is all around you, yet you choose to ignore it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Spoken like a bonafide Comrade, fukin' Commie!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I agree with him on this one point. Never confuse your country with your government. Two different things. Ask the Indians. Every change of president brought new policy towards them from extermination to recognizing them as sovereign nations.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-10-2013, 02:30 PM
I would not sweat it JD, that little piece of dog shit, isn't worth the sweat off anyones nuts. He is another of the always bitter libtards, probably did not get his ration of cock today. Not all libtards are bitter, like him, there are some good ones here, they are just delusional. Oh yea and this for you timmy the dick sucker.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Spoken like a bonafide Comrade, fukin' Commie! Originally Posted by bigtex
If I were a bona fide fucking Commie, I'd be supporting Obama.
If I were a bona fide fucking Commie, I'd be supporting Obama. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's because Comrade StupidOldLyingFart is a fukin' Commie, that he does not support the duly elected President of the United States.

Once a Comrade, always a Comrade. It's in Comrade StupidOldLyingFart's Anti-American, Commie blood!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! You don't even know how stupid you are.