How Much Would You Pay For This Hobby Experience?

grtrader's Avatar
In honesty. I wouldn't pay for an escort to come with me on a trip, unless it was someone I knew and liked as a friend a lot.

Primary reason is you can always find someone willing to go for free and will put out on trips like this. My ex wife 19 when we met I was 32 went to Germany for the second date for a week to go skiing.

I've also used places closer to home like Lake Tahoe, or even extended camping trips rock climbing...

Most women want some sort of excitement in their life and a trip away from home is a ticket to it in their eyes. Sky diving was the first date if you are wondering.
grtrader's Avatar
Actually there is a golf package--I just don't golf!


I was looking at the SCUBA one, and was blown away that it was about the same price I would expect to pay just to go on a dive trip alone.

There are a number of themed packages.

Like I said, I will list prices after the poll closes, and, unless it violates a board policy, list the two or three agencies that book these trips with links to the VIP page.

I am kind of curious if anyone has ever done one of these trips and are they even reputable or not. I am thinking about getting my own coin jar and saving up, if this is legit.

Bull149, you bring up a good point. I did venture far enough into their online brochure, and it sure reads just like a normal all inclusive resort trip, or live-a-board diving trip. I have booked plenty of those in the past, and the sales agreement seems the same. The general rule with these, is if you stay on the resort and only do what package activities and on site bars and restaurants are offered, the price is the price. As with cruises and regular resorts, sometimes your "open bar" for instance is not top shelf and there are always premium bookings etc. Beyond offering you an escort along with this, it seems to read just the same as other vacation packages with the usual caveat emptor, but I did not see many red flags and they are quite adamant in several places about tipping and upselling NEVER being permitted and the price is what the price is listed, unless you leave the resort and want to do other things.

I apologize for leaving the ECCIE option of the poll, but I sort of assumed if you are on here, you are already actively doing that. I didn't mean to short anyone an answer. Also, beyond the very tempting ladies teasing us above--gosh, now there is a vacation slide show I would not mind sitting through--I was hoping perhaps some ladies would offer input if this is something they would ever consider offering (yes, I know some do put this on their website, but it is never outlined in this detail, and very rarely at the price these folks are offering--sorry to tease, but your jaw is going to drop when you see the price tag).

I want to keep the thread fun, light, and on the fantasy side, but like others i keep wondering where the pitfall is.

I am sure a few possible cons are:

1) It is a complete rip-off or even worse, a group of pirates or terrorists looking to kidnap and ransom/blackmail you.

2) The escorts may be far different than the wonderful and talented ladies we are accustomed to, and may be VERY foreign, or even worse part of human trafficking, and not truly an independent that loves her work.

3) With a domestic ECCIE lady, let's face it we love to be with them for short periods of time and we both need the buffer of space and time. Being with a gal all week may end up not being as awesome as it first seems. 24/7 for a week, even if she is hot, could be arduous experience if there is no chemistry or conversation, or if there are other cultural barriers we have not even thought of--what if they don't even speak English?

4) STD anyone? As I am sure our more experienced players that have gone international could warn us of diseases we have never even heard of here in the states. How many condoms do you need to wear? Sure, this is packaged as a "high-roller" package, but is it really and how exclusive is it?

Sorry I did not want to be a downer. . .just wanted to point out that I am sure there is a downside. . .but, is anyone else with me? This does seem fun to at least think and wander about.

I for one hope our ladies and experienced members that may have done something like this will chime in with input. Originally Posted by ANONONE
You might try checking with the US consulate office in the area you are looking at going. Ask about scams rip offs and so on they got going on. You might find none of the women are regularly screened or it could be just a lure to get business men there to rip them off.

Originally Posted by ANONONE
It seems to me this is the wrong question.

I think the question should be: How much is it worth?

How much the package is worth is quite different than how much I would pay.

For instance, you can objectively price each element of the package. However, I may think that it is not worth that price, or I may not be interested, or I may not be attracted to the package at all, or I may not be able to afford it.

That being said, I can't vote because I wouldn't pay anything for the package. It's way above my ability to provide from disposable income.
I have seen this ad and they do offer 3 day packages which are a little cheaper.There are other sites that offer similar vacations for reasonable rates.They even offer you a diferent girl for each day.
I thought about going until I started hobbying in earnest .I find for the price I would rather see 10 different providers here in Dallas for the same cost.P411 and others included for that cost.Tropical settings are great but I am just wary that I wouldn't get any of the girls pictured .
Overnighters are okay every once in a while but I prefer shorter sessions .
I've seen these packages before, but they never mention how many times the escort has to have sex with the gent a day, or how much time has to be devoted to BCD. Always wondered. What if you got an escort that only wanted to play maybe once a day, for 15 minutes or something lijke that? H
atlcomedy's Avatar
I've seen these packages before, but they never mention how many times the escort has to have sex with the gent a day, or how much time has to be devoted to BCD. Always wondered. What if you got an escort that only wanted to play maybe once a day, for 15 minutes or something lijke that? H Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
I too have seen many of these offered and some reviews/trip reports.

I have never heard of amount of BCD time being an issue. Quality/compatibility truly a YMMV area though. If there is a real issue with a girl, the operators will swap her out. Most of the brochures state that she will get several hours of private time a day. Frankly I don't think this would be a big problem...

Downsides I've heard are STDs at at least one of the major operators(again this is all hearsay, do your own Googling) - but that is kind of an inherent risk with anyone in this industry & language skills. English is often minimal at best (the fair-skinned ladies are usually imported from E. Europe) & there is a big difference between someone being able to excuse themselves to use the restroom in ENglish and be able to discuss world affairs, etc. If you are spending days with her, this becomes an issue.

I've seen these tours as low as $1500 in the DR (+ your airfare) for a weekend.

At the end of the day this is a different strokes for different folks kind of thing.

Personally I'd prefer to vacation at a wonderful resort & if I feel the need to indulge in carnal pleasures do it on an a la carte basis. [note: to those planning to do it a la carte, a few minutes of research on the internet can help you make sure your hotel/resort is "visitor friendly"]
ANONONE's Avatar
It's way above my ability to provide from disposable income. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
You might be surprised. Just glancing over at your avatar data, it looks like you have written 6 reviews since being on the site, not sure about the span of time of those, but at say an average rate of 300 each, you might be getting int he ballpark for the basic packages, unless you have other expensive hobbies like SCUBA or Golf etc.

Of course as you pointed out, and others noted, it is a question of whether you would even want to. Some would rather spread the activity around.

To be honest I can of lean that way myself.

Of course, the idea of living like a sultan for a short time has always fascinated me, just a little bit.

Geek that I am, I would love to have a Harry Mudd experience--minus the craky wife robot--I get that for free any day of the week!

atlcomedy's Avatar
Another practical consideration against, for many of us including the unmarried, is explaining where we are for the better part of a week.

Even if you "play" while on vacation you can still say you're at the Grand Hyatt Resort, have a legit reciept, can recieve messages, have normal touristy stories you can share etc.
grtrader's Avatar
Another practical consideration against, for many of us including the unmarried, is explaining where we are for the better part of a week.

Even if you "play" while on vacation you can still say you're at the Grand Hyatt Resort, have a legit reciept, can recieve messages, have normal touristy stories you can share etc. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Isn't there a company that helps with the excuses and stuff these days?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
HOT DAMN!!! I'm going to the islands with Tiffany!!!!! YOU BET I WOULD!!! 5K? Hell, I'd go with her for airfare!

It would appear that I MAY have to start with going to Oklahoma though, but that's okay too! Originally Posted by vnurse
Well, there you go!

Vnurse is a real sport about the opportunity!

TC will you video the event 4 us 2 enjoy?
tracer's Avatar
I've seen these packages before, but they never mention how many times the escort has to have sex with the gent a day, or how much time has to be devoted to BCD. Always wondered. What if you got an escort that only wanted to play maybe once a day, for 15 minutes or something lijke that? H Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
I have not taken one of these trips, but have played internationally in a couple of different parts of the world. For the most part MSOG is not a question. It is either 'short' or 'long' time. Long time usually being overnight and BCD activities are limited only by the guy...meaning how many times can you or do you want to. Particularly in second or third world destinations such as this. I have played the most in the Philippines and it is pretty rare to have less than an overnight. You can do it, but I never have. When you negotiate price it is assumed you are talking overnight which naturally includes one morning goodbye session in addition to however much you could get in during the night.
Fast Gunn, I'm not being a "good sport"! LOL! I'm being SERIOUS!!! As far as videos go...we'll have to think about THAT one!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Vnurse, Good Sport.

Being Serious.

That's about synonymous, isn't it?

So many ways to say it and so many ways to do it.
LOL! I suppose you are right...either way, I am THERE!
FG- I don't beleive you deserve to have any favors done for you.

I'm tired of perving on you from a distance, come to OK! I have a spare room!