Is there any difference between Hobbying and helping a girlfriend

LazurusLong's Avatar
If girlfriends and wives would keep giving blowjobs, a huge part of the hobby would go away!
Bestman200600's Avatar
+1 on LazurusLong comment.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
If girlfriends and wives would keep giving blowjobs, a huge part of the hobby would go away! Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Let me speak (possibly out of turn) for most of the ladies here:

We truly sympathize with your plight, however, we LOVE and appreciate your gf's and wives. '-) Our number one reason for the source of our income is an SO who won't or is unable to please her man like she did at some point in their relationship. To all those ladies, I say Thank YOU!

I'm thinking of sending Thank You notes home with the gents I adore....LOL '-) (jk)